More Kids Running


Sep 7, 2010
Near Valley Forge, PA
I've read several posts this evening that I could have appended this to, but wanted it out on it's own.

This morning I was driving through Princeton and saw what appeared to be a HS girls' XC team out for a group run. Of the dozen or so girls, at least 3 of them had on VFF's. I was so amazed that I nearly gave myself whiplash trying to get a better look as I drove past. (No, I'm not a letch!)

What's this generation coming to?! Maybe conventional shoe companies have more to worry about than I ever would have believed.
Good observation, in that

Good observation, in that yes, they better be worried. Get on the bandwagon or get kicked to the crub, right?

Funny you mention this. Yesterday, I was out on a run, and I saw a group of high school kids running in little separated groups, and I could hear their coach calling to them, "Go to the water tower, then turn back!" I noticed this one girl was running barefoot toward me. I skidded in my bare feet to a halt, did a U-turn, and asked her if she was running barefoot "on purpose." Then I noticed she was carrying her socks and shoes. She said she's with the cross-crountry team and had the wrong shoes. They were causing her feet to bleed, and until she took them off, she was in pain. I asked her how it felt to be running barefoot. She said no pain, no problems, she liked it. I told her she didn't need shoes anymore, and she had just proved that to herself, that I have been out there doing this for 3 years successfully, that the some of the best runners in the world start out barefoot, and that she should consider becoming a barefoot runner. She said she'd do that with a big smile on her face. It was cool! She was the fourth person I have seen running (well, one guy was mostly walking) barefoot in just over one week!
TJ, From never encountering


From never encountering another to four in a couple of weeks. What is this world coming to? I believe a happy ending in the long run.

Gracia y paz,

I wish I'd stumble upon more

I wish I'd stumble upon more barefoot runners here in Oklahoma. As far as I know, there are several minimalist runners here, but very few, if any other than myself, who run primarily barefoot. I do have a race coming up in October in which I plan on trying to convince the minimalist runners to start meeting up with me to run barefoot around the parks here. All of the roads here are TERRIBLE, but the parks...let's just say the cement around the parks is like BUTTER. Not that I've had my feet in butter, but I'd imagine it to feel the same haha.
Where are you, Puffin?

Where are you, Puffin?
Barefoot TJ wrote:Where are

Barefoot TJ said:
Where are you, Puffin?

Lawton Oklahoma. It's a military town, and the average temperature during the summer hovers around 108 degrees, and those temperatures remain that way until almost 8:30 at night. I figure the heat of the asphalt and chip seal around here is what truly keeps people from going barefoot. Hopefully I can make some converts as the weather begins to cool down.
Wow, that's miserable hot! 

Wow, that's miserable hot! And I bet the winters are just as miserable.

Please feel free to join the Oklahoma Chapter at . They have 28 members. Maybe you can meetup for runs with some, or offer to host a group run in your area. Just send a PM to the chapter president, Miker.