Moderators Wanted

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
We are looking for two moderators to help Blind Boy and Stomper out. Here are the details:

Moderators: On a daily basis, read through all NEW posts looking for obscenities, foul language, sexual content, etc., remove such content, and warn posters of such content; resolve complaints, assist posters with problems they may encounter with the forums, such as removing double-posts, deleting posts, forwarding creation requests onto board members, etc.; and approve or deny new membership account requests.
You might have better luck if

You might have better luck if you get a different moderator for each forum. Looking through every post in every forum is a bit much for most to handle. On a lot of forums, mods don't neccesairy read every post since the forums get so busy also.

I could commit to doing 1 forum a day, but 7 is too many.
Thanks for the input, C-Dog. 

Thanks for the input, C-Dog. You are appreciated. I rarely see you on the site though.

If we get mega big, I will consider recruiting more mods and divvying up the forums, but for right now, since we are small potatoes, I would like to limit the number of Administrators we have. (Note to whomever may be thinking about roles: Creating the Moderator Role within Drupal basically gives admin rights to those in the Moderators group.)
Would like to step up and

Would like to step up and offer help. I'm going to be away from pretty much any computer starting tomorrow through January 10th or 11th, going to New Zealand for honeymoon, but if you still need when I get back then I'll throw my hat (can barefoot runners wear hats? Is bareheaded runners a different forum?) into the ring.

What is the normal daily time commitment?
Thanks for stepping up, DB. 

Thanks for stepping up, DB. We have found one person so far, so we're still looking for another one. If no one else comes forward before you come back, then welcome!

If the two to four mods were to separate the duties, one handles all account verifications the others handle all posting, then I'm thinking, half an hour for the account verifications and an hour for scanning posts.

In 2011, I hope to have some "specific" anti-spam software on the site, but it still is not 100% at catching bad guys, so we would still need some human intervention. Long story...
TJ, Throw my hat into the


Throw my hat into the ring, if you still need help on that front. I am glad to assist in anyway I can.
Thanks, Bob.  I responded to

Thanks, Bob. I responded to your PM. Please check it out.
The positions have been

The positions have been filled. Thanks all! -TJ