Mileage Reporting Week 51 (Dec 19 - Dec 25)


Aug 25, 2014
Nice 9.2km through the village and round the lake this morning.
Fairly steady pace again out with my shod running partner. It was dark from start to finish today as we get nearer the shortest day here and I need to run reasonably early to get done ahead of the working day.

Not much wildlife to speak of (probably because it was dark!) although I think we did wake the geese up as we ran past:)...
Legs, feet, etc...all still feeling pretty good right now..
Tuesday... Planned on doing an Olympic brick but Zwift offered an entry to a free bike draw for a really nice bike if i rode 31.2 miles so did that instead of the planned 25 miles and then only did 4.8 miles on the treadmill instead of the 6.2 miles as my legs started to burn out (and i've got a very busy day ahead as i'm going away for 4 days so didn't want to push it too far). But still, an extra 25% on the bike and 20% less on the run so works out good enough to qualify for my Olympic brick in my head.

But i'm really happy to be back up to this level after my IT band issues this year. No IT band issues since i sorted out my mechanics and form. :D

Other thing, while riding on Zwift i noticed one person running around the roads. I presume this was a live test from Zwift HQ who are releasing a running version soon. So for all you treadmill pounders out there, you'll be able to run in a really nice virtual world soon and join friends from anywhere in the world for runs together on the same platform as long as you have a foot pod. Could be fun to have a big meet up of BRS on Zwift at some point in the future.
Boulder and I had a 4 mile run Wednesday.
Boulder is doing great, I never really considered having a running partner but I really enjoy his company.
We also ran a 6 mile run today it was 46 deg. f. and 61%Rh.
We heard one screech owl (nice).
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So it's Christmas Eve and I thought I'd finish the week by doing my first parkrun! So 5km for me today.
That was fun -first run surrounded by 100+ other runners. Got the odd funny look as expected, but the only comments I had were all positive -things like:
'why are you running barefoot?' -answer 'because that's the only way I can run, my knees are shot';
'fair play to you'
'watch out for dog poo!'
'barefoot -well done!' -that came from quite a speedy lady as she ran past in her minimalist sandals. I hadn't noticed her at the start, but it did suddenly feel quite nice that I wasn't the only one (even if she was way faster than me!).

Feet and legs all good, so looking forward to doing that one again now.

Merry Christmas to everyone -peace & goodwill:)...
Took a slightly shorter route from Brooklyn to Manhattan. So Wednesday it was an 11.4-mile run, with 11 miles barefoot. I wore my sweatshirt; it was a bit nippy. Saturday night was first night of Hanukkah & Christmas Eve, so after I lit candles and went to visit Mom, I did the 11.4-mile run home all barefoot. It was 30's F here, mostly upper 30's, so for the heck of it, I boasted to a buddy that I'd run in a tank top, with a back-pack and sweat pants. So, naturally, the cops did trail me for a block or two, near Prospect Park, without completely making me stop (I answered in good Brooklynese "You talkin'-ta-me?"), to ask if I always run barefoot. Toes slightly chilled and losing some feeling. I did put my hands in my pants pockets many times, as I was losing some fine muscle control due to cold. So that's 22.4 miles barefoot for this week.
This was my week off. I really wanted to get some good mileage these last couple weeks but I already blew through my main goal for 2016 to finally break 1,000 miles but my previous two weeks were very low mileage and last 4 days I didn't run at all so I had to ease into running a bit. Just easy 2 mile runs Monday and Wednesday with Tuesday doing my normal 6.4 mile route (but still easy pace). These were all shod runs in 20's and 30's, snow/ice/slush persisted on the trail since it was below freezing somedays and nights and some daytime temps went into the 30's. But it was warming up slowly and decided to try barefoot Thursday when I ran a new stretch of the rail trail they opened recently, 5 miles. It was mid to upper 30's but with wind chill still slightly below freezing. Took a while to warmup but eventually the feet were ok. Some stretches in more shade where still snow covered and I figured I ran around 1/2 mile on snow, first barefoot snow mileage of the year. Since that went well I went for 7.5 miles on Friday, barefoot again and just below freezing with wind chill. We had our Christmas celebration a day early, on Saturday, and I took it off from running. Today went out a little longer and got 8.3 miles in, barefoot, right about 32F. So for the week I recorded about 31 miles.

Merry Christmas everyone :happy:
I've never been big on ham and avoid it lately due to salt, so this time I'm making Christmas chili :p

Other thing, while riding on Zwift i noticed one person running around the roads. I presume this was a live test from Zwift HQ who are releasing a running version soon. So for all you treadmill pounders out there, you'll be able to run in a really nice virtual world soon and join friends from anywhere in the world for runs together on the same platform as long as you have a foot pod. Could be fun to have a big meet up of BRS on Zwift at some point in the future.
Sounds neat... used to do the treadmill thing a bit when it was too cold for barefoot. But when my ex moved out 2 years ago I let her have it even though I figured she'd probably never use it. Haven't pulled the trigger on one since, last year was able to run barefoot almost the whole winter, and so far this winter the few times I've tried running in shoes I haven't had the problems I did in the past. But I still like some indoor options for when the weather is miserable anyhow, just sticking with a set of rollers and a road bike this winter indoors. Though I haven't even set it up yet, was thinking about doing so this week. I'd like to put them in the living room to watch tv but I still need something to catch myself with if I loose balance, so was going to build a stand (for lack of better word). Maybe soon. Or maybe I'll just set em up in the hallway again where I have walls to lean on, and keep watching tv on my little phone when I ride.
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