Mileage Reporting Week 30 (July 25 - Aug 1)


Sep 15, 2011
Hot run today, 6.4 miles mid afternoon with clear skies and bright sun. Asphalt rail trail reading in the mid 130ºs on my thermo. No problem with my feet, they seem a bit tougher this year than past years, but the freshly paved road crossing were both noticeably hotter and just the few steps it took to cross them had me hopping quick!
Nice 5.5km this morning for me. -Felt very easy after a weeks break (certainly more so than I thought it would).
Good clear morning & quite a few other runners about today to exchange hello's with.
Managed to stub my toe on a piece of raised ground just before finishing though :mad: doh! -much blood from such a tiny wound!
That'll teach me to remember to lift my feet properly...
lots of walks and run/walks with the patient/rescue dog Boulder :happy:.
still hearing lots of owls and seeing lots of rabbits. I saw one opossum and some lightning bugs.
Clear skies with cool moon shots.
21+ miles so far this week, hope to get out some tomorrow.

Tedlet been there done that. some times I barely scrape one toe and it does not feel like much but I get home and it is laid open. other times I have hit it hard and it will barley be a scratch. (hope it heals quick).
Not sure if I'll be able to get a long run in this weekend as I'll have my son. Might try to get up early in the morning tomorrow and get a run in before he is up, but I can rarely get myself out of bed early when the time comes. So I ran a bit longer run yesterday at 9.5 miles, but still hope to get at least some shorter runs in over the weekend. Walked maybe a half mile of that 9.5 though, was so hot I needed to cool down for a minute.

skedaddle you're getting some good mileage in this week! I thought you were having some issues recently that were going to impact your running though I can't remember off hand what it was exactly? Seems your doing well though!

Tedlet ouch! I've stubbed my toe a few times but only when hiking - and even then I think only walking around camp. Luckily I don't seem to have ever stubbed my toe on a run. Maybe I lift my feet too far?
skedaddle you're getting some good mileage in this week! I thought you were having some issues recently that were going to impact your running though I can't remember off hand what it was exactly? Seems your doing well though!

Thanks Tristan. I've been hampered by a knee issue, but my doc seems to think it's ok to carry on running as long as I don't push things too hard. Todays longer run was more of a test than anything else, i'll see how I recover over the next few days, I really miss the long runs.

Hope your training is going well for the 18miler.
Tedlet been there done that. some times I barely scrape one toe and it does not feel like much but I get home and it is laid open. other times I have hit it hard and it will barley be a scratch. (hope it heals quick).
Tedlet ouch! I've stubbed my toe a few times but only when hiking - and even then I think only walking around camp. Luckily I don't seem to have ever stubbed my toe on a run. Maybe I lift my feet too far?
Thank you chaps. It seems to be healing up pretty well -just feels a bit bruised more than anything... So I'll give it another day and go again..:)
T -I'm sure your form is much better than mine!..
Did an easy 3 miles yesterday just out the door and down the road and back, then I was able to get a long run today after all. 15 mile out and back on the rail trail... walked the last .75 miles since it was so hot and I needed a cool down. Averaged around 8 and half min/mile, including my warmup and a little walking. Hot day again, around 85F when I ran in the afternoon. However we had scattered clouds so of and on shade. And by the time I hit my turn around it was around 6 pm and was actually getting extra shade from the trees instead of the sun being right overhead like usual.

Only one ride in this week... forgot to mention that back on Monday did a 48 mile ride before going in on my first nightshift. Next week will be my long week at work, and likely won't run the next three days (my dayshifts) but might try an easy ride after work a couple of those days.

That puts me at 36 miles on foot this week (~1.5 of that walking), and 48 miles on pedals.
Hello, again. I only ran almost 13 miles the week before, since we went sort-of camping that weekend. Didn't hike as much as expected, but did have some steep hills to do some huckleberry picking.

This week, I put in 33.3 miles, including a 14.7 miler on Friday and speed work on Wednesday. All barefoot, except a couple of sharply graveled sections on the long run. Can't do a lot of rough during my longest runs.

Will be posting on another thread about my book I'm writing.

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