Mileage reporting 35th week of 2013

Si Lee, estoy muy feliz con tu reporte de millas me gusta mucho:D.
I am also enjoying running just for the joy of running and not having to worry about pace nor distance.
But I do really need to push myself just a little bit more I am getting too comfortable maybe I should enter a race---NOT.:happy:
Around 2.5 miles this morning, bit sticky and warm, so not as enjoyable as yesterday.

Last night's sticky memory from a dream was the one where I was riding a lawn mower and being pursued by pirates who wanted to hijack it. I never got that moment of this-can't-be-real revelation.
Monday - Spinning bike in the afternoon for 60 minutes because the evening group ride got canceled since it is getting dark earlier now. I was bummed because I hadn't been able to go due to storms or recovery for a month and was really looking forward to it.

Strength training was carrying my iMac around the mall parking lot and in the mall to the Genius Bar because it is being quite glitchy. (am on my husbands's laptop now). Had to constantly switch arms, so the workout was symmetrical. Oh, and I did it all barefoot. My efforts to acclimate to warmer surfaces seems to have paid off. I was walking on black top on a 90°F day and not a bit uncomfortable. In fact, I think it was much easier to carry that thing around with the stability of my bare feet! Had to get some See' candy to keep my strength up....

Tuesday morning - I went on my first run in 2 weeks. I was nervous and excited to finally try running again. My knee has still been weird, but not overtly or regularly in pain, so I did it. I ran an easy pace for 3.19 miles on a lot of rough pavement. Is that close to that MAF thing? Anyway, I never felt out of breath, which was fun. My knee feels quite fine now, so I am very happy about that.

I did discover that 7:30 AM is not a good time to be on the roads, with all the work and school traffic. I was in constant fear of my life and jumped into the side gravel a number of times. The good news is that it wasn't so much of a shock on my feet as in bygone days. I'm not up for running in the dark. I hope to go swimming later today, too, but I'm awfully tempted to run again.

Since we have been talking about dreams, I wrote a blog post in my dreams this weekend. First time that has happened. Usually, I forget stuff that I'm thinking about while going to sleep, so keep getting up and writing it down. But this time, I just got up after my nap and wrote like gangbusters!
morning: swim, just shy of an hour

contemplating heading out in the midday humidity.
It's tough out there right now but enjoy:D
About 2.5 miles today, another run cut short by the heat. With the humidity it feels like the low 40's Celsius. When I was still outside during my cool-down walk, I went to stretch out against a light post, they are a nice deep green in color here. When I went to put my hands on the post to assist the stretch, I just about burned them, dang that light post was hot, left the hands a little tender for a while. Maybe this is another issue with why stretching is bad for you. :rolleyes:
13.2km/8.2mi very slow today, goal was to relax my legs, as I was feeling some strain in my calves. A few sections of very rough old bitumen had me cursing, but managed to get through without too much damage...Friday is interval day :)
i did 4x8' intervals at my race pace of avg 175hr. i didn't think i would make it because the first one was quite hard. i was going to stop at the 3rd but told myself to stop quitting when i get so close. i always like to finish races strong so i pushed this one today. just over an hour with 3' Rest Intervals. 6 miles and walked the dogs after for my cooldown for about 18'.

no lube. no chafe.

I read these interval things all the time, but I never tried to analyze exactly what it means...what the hell does 4 X 8' mean? Cuz I interpret it as running 8 feet, four times. I'm so confused... :rolleyes:
Great 5 mile run at 4:45 am., 79 deg., 74% rh... I was not sure how things would go on this run after the 1/2 Sunday. I was glad I went! Felt terrific after. Saw 1 rabbit that was it for wildlife, but the sky was great, not full but very bright moon, lots of stars and low moving clouds.

Love running barefoot!
Woohaa !! I'd be dead with that hr !! Let alone average !!! Mine is around 145, with peak at 152 or so

Mike is actually...a zombie!!! :eek: So, I guess he won't need a costume for our October race, Run Like Hell. ;)
Haven't run since the Spartan Sprint on the 17th, finally got out tonight and did 6 1/2 km. I'm also doing the Beachbody T25 focus workout. I did that earlier today. :)
Ran barefoot tonight, felt decent, other than a stone on the ball of my left foot.
Also passed two runners headed in the opposite direction, the closest one smiled, gave me the thumbs-up and said, "jammin' !" Nice reaction! :)

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