Mileage Reporting 28th Week of 2013

Tuesday afternoon, rode home and then did Chest & Biceps strength training. Then I got on the bike again to pick-up my son at daycare, 6.24 miles.

Wednesday morning, slept in until 6am, no running, no st, and no bike commute.

I'll just get in a st session this afternoon and make this a running rest day, so that my raked big toe has a little more time to heal before tomorrow's run. It's still a little stiff and painful. I drove the car to work because I have to run some errands later.

The rest will do me some good. I feel very pleasantly sore from yesterday's multiple activities spread out through the day. Chaneling HBS and Scedastic I guess. I think this is much better than doing just one kind of exercise once a day.
Ok Lee, here you go. Now I do this as a circuit so to speak. So Monday would go the first chest exercise, first bicep, first tricep, and the abs. That is one set. Since weight lifting can burn a ton of fat but the breaks can offset this fat burn, I try to minimize my breaks which is why I do it as a circuit. I do three sets of each circuit. With my back I only do the abs workout with the first circuit and then the following circuits after that are only the three exercises (for example chest, biceps, triceps). Also keep in mind that the weights listed for the dumbbells are for a singular dumbbell and not the total for both being used.
Nick, it looks like a pretty good routine. My older brother does a lot of circuit training, and he's like 170 lbs. Pretty funny, he used to be seriously into lifting in body-building / power-lifting type gyms. I still like the big lifts though, as you noted.

One thing that seemed to be missing in your routine, and this may be because of your back issue, is something like hyper-extensions or pikes. These could be really great for your lower back if you can somehow work them in gradually. Maybe start with minimal flexing.

Kind of a coincidence you posted your revamped st schedule. Yesterday afternoon I redid mine too. If you have a sec, take a look. As you can see, I’ve cut up my three strength-training sessions into six. So instead of doing 60-80 minutes three times a week, I’d like to do 30-40 minute sessions six times a week. Might be a bit ambitious, and I’m a little worried about overtraining, but I work so much better when I’m working out well. With the dispersed strength training and added recovery runs and cycling, I’ll probably average 60-90 minutes of exercise a day. If my work time becomes 30-60 minutes per day more efficient, then the extra time is entirely justifiable, not to mention the health benefits.
Oh, and with the weight loss I have been using the myfitnesspal app on my phone so I can track the calories I eat and also the calories I burn. The weight lifting isn't counted on myfitnesspal so I have figured out the totals for each day on fitdays website (free) and then just add the calories burned for that day as a cardio exercise into the myfitnesspal. I had been trying to make sure I ate as many calories as the app was telling me, even with the app set at losing 1.5 pounds a week it was telling me to eat too much. I have in the last week and a half or so been just eating what I would eat and not what it told me to eat (caloriewise I mean) and magically the weight has started falling off fast. I'm seeing a lot of change in my whole body, especially in my shoulders, arms, and chest. I think if I could do more ab work without hurting my back I think I would see more definition there too (and I am seeing change, but not as drastic as the others mentioned). Sometimes it really is a simple change that spurs on the weightloss. Also, you lift quite a bit and do a lot of heavy work which adds on muscle versus the light work that I do for toning. Maybe you've added on a lot of muscle is why your not seeing weightloss like you would like to.
I've never counted calories, but it sounds like your method is getting great results for you. Usually I can tell how much I've consumed/burned off by how long it takes me to get hungry in between meals. If I wake up hungry or get hungry an hour or two before the next meal, I know I'm running a calorie deficit.

I agree with you about some of my weight probably being a transmutation from fat to muscle. I'm a bit bigger and more defined in my upper body now. Still, I got a scale for my office coming today. I want to get back to weighing myself first thing in the morning, after exercising but before eating, to get a sense of things.

Another benefit of breaking up the strength training is that I can really concentrate on the big lifts that begin each session, and then do the lesser exercises like you do, sort of a medium intensity interval training, but without the circuit, just taking each exercise one at a time. My three-workout-a-week routine had become too unwieldy. It was just too much to cram into a session.

OH, BTW, what I was calling a "barbell woodchopper" is in fact called a "landmine":
Here's a chattier version:
I went ahead and got a proper swivel platform for doing landmines and rows with my lat blaster. The end of my barbell was wearing a hole in my garage carpet:

Seems to work pretty well, but I've only used it once.


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Notice the nice paragraphs to follow! ;)

Got up at 4:30am this morning to run ladders with the local Grand Island Road Runners running club at 5:45am at a local HS track. Wanted to run it barefoot but decided to wear the VFF's. Wore the VFF's since it seems like while sprinting I tend to bend the left ankle more than it's used to making it sore where as with the VFF seem to change my form and prevent my ankles from over bending or flexing.

It was very humid with a temp around 70 degrees. We started with an 800 went down to a 200 then did another 200 on up to finish with a 800. The last 600 and 800 meters were a bit brutal but probably worth it in the end.

A total of 13 people attended which was a pretty descent turn out. Think they were going to post a group photo on their facebook page today of all of us. They are running friday morning again but this time is a 6-7 mile run. I inquired about the route they run and it happens to be on the local trails were I normally run so my plan is to join them and this time run BF. Should be a great time!

Oh yeah! Yesterday I signed up to take a ride at noon today in a WWII B-17 bomber aircraft that has been on display here 3 days counting today. I'm very excited! It is to be a 30 minute flight. The plane was restored through the Collings Foundation who has several vintage aircraft and offers rides in many of them. Have always enjoyed the B-17 and other WWII aircraft. They also have a B-24 Liberator and a 2 seater P-51 Mustang here on display that they offer rides in. Its a rare oppertunity to get to fly in any of these so I hopped on the chance.
Notice the nice paragraphs to follow! ;)


Your lovely paragraphs will make a crabby person here very happy-but I won't mention any names though.
Nice workout BTW.
well i don't know what crabby person you're talking about but it makes reading easier.

Carey, i would double like your post but it's not possible. i would to take a flight in any of those planes. i'm sure it will be quite loud and thrilling.
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Nick, it looks like a pretty good routine. My older brother does a lot of circuit training, and he's like 170 lbs. Pretty funny, he used to be seriously into lifting in body-building / power-lifting type gyms. I still like the big lifts though, as you noted.

One thing that seemed to be missing in your routine, and this may be because of your back issue, is something like hyper-extensions or pikes. These could be really great for your lower back if you can somehow work them in gradually. Maybe start with minimal flexing.
I guess I need to look up pikes now. Ok just tried to look them up, there are apparently quite a few different things labeled as pikes. If you have a link to a video I would be very appreciative. (I'm assuming it's this version that you're talking about,
) I am wanting to add some things like jumping jacks and jump rope and some other things like what you have in your floor exercises, so maybe when I do that in a few weeks I will add some pikes or something. I use what I have at my disposal for my workouts in my gym, which really isn't a whole lot. My hope is that once more of the weight comes off doing ab work and other things that put strain on the back will hopefully get easier too.

I used to be like you prior to my back surgeries and I really preferred the big lifts and did everything really high weight. I could bench 230-240 pretty easy for 7-8 reps, did shoulder shrugs of 550 for ten reps, things like that. Now a days I am less focused on building big muscles and more on toning the muscles. For me, I seem to notice I have more mobility/usability of my own body with lower weights, than back when I did everything high weight. Not sure if that makes sense or not.

Ya, the landmine is a totally different movement than the woodchoppers. It kind of reminds me in a weigh of using medicine balls, only without the second person and you have your arms out straight instead of closer in to your body.

I am curious, since you seem to be splitting your old workout in half basically so you can do these twice a week, are you also planning on adding weight to the exercises since you will have less that your doing on a given day? Even with my circuit style training I am still right at about an hour in the gym plus doing my cardio exercise of the day (1/2 hour to 1.5 hours). In fact some of my weights I could bump up in weight, but the dumbbells in my gym only go to 50lbs so I am trying to make do with the lighter dumbbells for as long as I can before I bump up.
I guess I need to look up pikes now. Ok just tried to look them up, there are apparently quite a few different things labeled as pikes. If you have a link to a video I would be very appreciative.

I like to do the pikes with my suspension strap:
Our friend Kai Wheeler does them with a stability ball too:

I like to do the hyperextensions with a stability ball, bracing my feet under my bench, although a lot of people brace them against the wall.
You can get a lot more leverage when the feet are braced under something.

Here's the brand of suspension straps I got. You could probably use them to work in a few more exercises at your bare bones gym:

I used to be like you prior to my back surgeries and I really preferred the big lifts and did everything really high weight. I could bench 230-240 pretty easy for 7-8 reps, did shoulder shrugs of 550 for ten reps, things like that. Now a days I am less focused on building big muscles and more on toning the muscles. For me, I seem to notice I have more mobility/usability of my own body with lower weights, than back when I did everything high weight. Not sure if that makes sense or not.

I like a mix of high weight, low rep big lifts and then lighter weight, higher rep smaller stuff to support the big lifts. Abide's term "assistance' exercises is pretty apt here. With the lower weights you can also do stuff with greater mobility.

So, for example, I start my shoulders routine with the military press using a barbell, sitting down, which maximizes the isolation of the targeted muscles. Then I follow that with dumbell presses, also seated, and then stand for shoulder raises, front and side, shoulder swings, and so on. These exercises work the same muscles, more or less, as the military press, but from different angles and with different grips.

Each approach reinforces the other, and the gains seem to come quicker on the big lifts when I do the small stuff too. Part of the idea of splitting things up and trying to exercise first thing in the morning is to make sure I spend more time on the lighter weights. The last few months I've often been rushed for time at the end of the afternoon and so only have time for the big lifts and maybe a few other things. I noticed that my overall conditioning was decreasing or at least had stopped progressing.

Before, like you, I mostly just did the big lifts. Typical young guy approach I guess. You wanna see how strong you can get, right? Now that I'm aging, I value joint mobility and flexibility just as much as strength. And the good news is we don't have to choose! I don't have any strength goals as such, but think there's still a lot of room for improvement just working out 30-40 minutes a day. Then add in 4-5 hours of running per week, and some bicycle commuting, and I hope to be about twice as fit as I am right now in about 1-2 years.

I am curious, since you seem to be splitting your old workout in half basically so you can do these twice a week, are you also planning on adding weight to the exercises since you will have less that your doing on a given day? Even with my circuit style training I am still right at about an hour in the gym plus doing my cardio exercise of the day (1/2 hour to 1.5 hours). In fact some of my weights I could bump up in weight, but the dumbbells in my gym only go to 50lbs so I am trying to make do with the lighter dumbbells for as long as I can before I bump up.

Actually, I'm only doing each exercise once per week. My 'top' or upper body routine has been split into "chest and biceps" and "shoulders and triceps' routines, similar to what I had before. Then my mid-body routine has been split into exercises primarily using cables and those based on rows. For my lower-body, I now do the deadlifts and squats on different days, and then divided up everything else based on their compatibility with those and also on the schedule of the runs. I didn't want the squats and plyo stuff to come before a regular running day.
I have videos to post. I can't figure out how. I have these kick-butt exercises I wanted to show you guys and now I can't figure out how! ARGH! I HATE TECHNOLOGY!!!
Actually, I'm only doing each exercise once per week. My 'top' or upper body routine has been split into "chest and biceps" and "shoulders and triceps' routines, similar to what I had before. Then my mid-body routine has been split into exercises primarily using cables and those based on rows. For my lower-body, I now do the lifts and squats on different days, and then divided up everything else based on their compatibility with those and also on the schedule of the runs. I didn't want the squats to come before a regular running day.
Ya that's what I meant, I just must not have worded myself clearly. I can see why you would like the pikes with the suspension straps, I think I would too. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to hook up straps in the gym as it is a vaulted finished ceiling and I can't just do stuff like that because of the HOA. We had an offer on our condo last week but they ended up backing out because we don't have a garage, but hopefully soon we can get this place sold and then we can get into a place that I can build a home gym in. I don't know if I will ever really be able to do much of the hyperextensions.
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Um...okay. I'm sure that will also irritate me, since I've never done it before. But, why not try. I'm already irritated, so what's a little more irritation.
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Ya that's what I meant, I just must not have worded myself clearly. I can see why you would like the pikes with the suspension straps, I think I would too. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to hook up straps in the gym as it is a vaulted finished ceiling and I can't just do stuff like that because of the HOA. We had an offer on our condo last week but they ended up backing out because we don't have a garage, but hopefully soon we can get this place sold and then we can get into a place that I can build a home gym in. I don't know if I will ever really be able to do much of the hyperextensions.
Good luck on the sale. The suspension straps come with a few accessories so that you can hook them up to trees and different stuff.
Um...okay. I'm sure that will also irritate me, since I've never done it before. But, why not try. I'm already irritated, so what's a little more irritation.
Make sure you set them as public, otherwise we will not be able to see them. I am so not tech friendly either Jen. I have only uploaded on youtube once and I didn't have the settings right and no one could see my videos.
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Good luck on the sale. The suspension straps come with a few accessories so that you can hook them up to trees and different stuff.
Thanks Lee. I think we've finally hit bottom for the condo market here and we will be losing a ton of money on the condo (short sale) but our family has grown too big for this place. My 15 yr old daughter is sleeping on the couch and does not have her own space. We also have the baby on the way and it is about to get much worse... I think the condo's value right now is about 45% what it was at the top of the market when my wife bought. Oh well, at least it's only her credit that is getting hurt and mine will still be intact because she bought while we were dating before we got married so only her name is on it. The biggest hurdle right now is the bank and getting them to play ball. So far they are not being to great.
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I think I'm done whining now. I hate to admit that it was easy... Sorry that you all have to be traumatized and/or excited by seeing an older woman's half-naked body, but when I'm dying of heat stroke, that's what happens!!! :D

This is my "training" for Race the Reaper. This is a Bosu ball I am wielding about at the gym! Soon, it will become a tire (or two). :) Since I have a leg length discrepancy, I am putting about 70% of my weight on one leg at a time, so as to keep my hips happy! Notice my movement is nice and CONTROLLED and my center of gravity is super-low.

I am certain I will be able to do a full circle, one day. Yes, that shimmy was on purpose. And, you're welcome for that view. :rolleyes:

I do this a lot slower. I do counter-clockwise/clockwise and far-leg-near-leg on both legs. This is a deceptively easy-looking exercise. That is a 16 pound weight. It strengthens my pelvic/hip muscles A LOT!!!

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This is a deceptively easy-looking exercise. That is a 16 pound weight. It strengthens my pelvic/hip muscles A LOT!!!
Reminds me of what I've been doing to help hubby with his physical therapy daily. It's just an "arm" right? And even one that has lost muscle mass due to lack of use since December, but try moving it around above your head for a while. Good thing he's not significantly taller than me.
I am certain I will be able to do a full circle, one day. Yes, that shimmy was on purpose.
My back tries to spasm with those sorts of bends. EVen if someone hugs me somewhat tightly, it will start to do that. Maybe trigger point therapy?

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