Mileage Reporting 22nd Week of 2013

5.26 miles today in my luna pacers. I. Love. Them. With. The. Traditional. Ribbon. Today I was able to run without my son so I ran down to the park and was enjoying flooded stuff when I saw a game trail going off through the brush to my left. I have seen this numerous times and have wanted to go run it but I always have my son with me (stroller) so I can't just go off exploring. I was wanting to test out my pacers with the traditional ribbon in some pretty muddy situations and had been running and slogging just off the paved path in every little muddy spot I saw, so this game trail was the perfect test. I took off and immediately ran through knee deep mud and was surprised to find that the sandals stayed on and didn't cause any problems what so ever. Shocked me. Love the traditional ribbon laces.

Shortly after that I had to hop over a couple of streams where both banks were very muddy and the pacers kept me steady without slippage. I busted through brush and got quite a few scrapes and scratches from a bunch of thorny bushes but I was having a blast. Did I mention it was really raining pretty good at this time? Man I was in heaven. After hitting a couple sections where the trail split off in y's I started to get a bit nervous that I would get lost in there so I turned around and headed back out the way I came. I stopped and took a few pictures and when I get them downloaded I will add them on here. It was just a minute after taking these pictures that I pulled a Mike and busted my butt in the mud. My arm went down up to the elbow in the mud as I tried to catch myself. No problem, I had my water bottle so just sprayed down my arm and took back off. Anyhow, I can now confidently say that I will be wearing my pacers with the traditional laces to the warrior dash later this year. They held up splendidly with the mud and I had no complaints. They held up very well in the flooded sections that I ran as well that was almost waist deep. Great run today. Got thinking about my buddy Sgt Ryan Green that passed on a few years back in Iraq. Thanks to all my brothers and sisters in arms that have served or are currently serving.
Firstly since it's Memorial day I'd just like to remind most of us here to honor and respect our fellow Americans who have gave their lives for us throughout our countries history in the armed forces of the U.S.A. If your not up to date on your family history and genealogy than I'd recommend you do so...its very matters.

Had a nice pleasant 7 mile trail run at the nearby Ft Yargo state park...the park had the most people there I'd ever seen...mostly around the swimming area. I parked at the mountain bike parking lot...ran the inner loop around the lake. This had never been an official park trail before but sometime since the last time I'd been here the park made it official. Before this time it was a bunch of dis-connected trails that us locals pieced together to make a nice 6 mile loop around the lake. The new official trail is pretty good...about 90% of what I used to run. They detoured a couple small sections and added a bit plus a new gravel parking lot with some gravel road to make it all work out. It runs thru the campground and all the picnic area's...the smell of cooking hot dogs/hamburgers was wonderful!

Saw and passed lots of hikers walking their dogs...the serious mountain bikers were not there comment of the day was from a novice mountain biker...I passed him and his 2 buddies on a short stretch of gravel...he said to his buddies " i'm feeling kind of girlie now" I would end up playing leap frog with them several times over the next 2 miles...they were kinda lost...I'd tried to help them to the right path but they took off in the wrong direction anyways...made me feel like the weird old barefoot trail runner guy.
sunday: swim, in the water a long time(like 2 hrs+), but took a ton of breaks and worked with the kids on a few drills for the first half hour or so. at the nice water park.
on the way back, up 282 stairs to the top of a lakeshore tall dune, then down on the sand, and around a road back to the car. half bf, half in sandals. about 30 min?

monday: 10 mi bikeride first thing in am before rain started. made a deal w everyone that if they would wait for breakfast so i could ride, they would get buckwheat pancakes. the pancakes were yummy, btw.
a few abs
1.5 min shod. kids rode bikes, i trotted behind them. dreary weather making me melancholy. cure: red wine tonight, weights in am.
So, I think the holiday through me off. Accidentally posted this on last week's thread:

Did my first "brick" workout today, and that after a few hours of lunges, squats, and upper body exercises weeding, digging, and planting. :)
I kept the bike to 20 minutes on the spinning bike, then was going to just run 3 miles, but a last minute course decision made it just shy of 4 miles. It included some very rough pavement and several hills, so I was relieved when I started to loosen up after the first mile. Oh, and it was generously sprinkling. Passed a fellow in a lawn mowing crew sitting in his truck, that I didn't see until he yelled out the window, "You're crazy!" I just said, "Nah, I've been doing this for 3 years." Doesn't make all that much sense maybe, but he seemed to find it explanation enough and responded with an understanding nod that seemed to release me from crazy status.
5.9km barefoot on the beach early this morning. Still pushing the distance up, and I finished the run feeling like I could have gone further which is always good. A little faster than expected too - Strava tells me I did my third best 5km stretch, which was a pleasant surprise. I wasn't consciously trying to run fast, but I spent the whole time thinking about stuff other than running and that's usually a good sign.

I finished up with matching tiny blisters on both big toes, so I guess that's a good sign that I'm not favouring anything. :)

Early in the run I passed a woman in the dark, and I wasn't sure if it was the done thing to say hello on the way past. She was about 15m to the side, running the same way along the wide sandy beach. I felt like saying hello, but I'm not sure if the rules are different when it's dark and you're a strange man running barefoot.
No run yesterday, took a break I guess. Went for an early AM barefoot walk in the neighborhood just before work to toughen the soles so I can maybe run on the rough asphalt in the mornings or evenings. Temps were perfect with no wind. Walked 2.6 miles and even ran about .5 miles of that just because. I love walking/running barefoot in the early morning hours! Planning on a run tonight after work. Need to mow the lawn today too.
Yesterday I had a very bussy day.
6.5 mi run followed by 1.5 hrs lower body ST, folowed by two hrs shopping, followed by a few hrs of gardening and cooking and cleaning after that.
On my last three/four runs I have noticed that my left leg feels nice and light I can actually feel my leg when running as before it always felt numb and heavy and the slapping of my left foot has stopped:)and this happened after the PT treatments. I am really happy about that:D.
I can acutually feel like I am able to control my leg/foot :happy:
Nick, that means you were laughing at yourself the whole time of the fall. falling, on the ground, getting up, and continuing. if that didn't happen then you just pulled a regular lame a$$ fall.

jen, brineshrimp, paragenek, and i kind of banditted a race on the trails. PG did probably 8 miles as he went with the racers and me i showed up on Mike time, late. we did 5.5m together where, i fell twice, just standing there! all i did was turn to get going and whoosh. down. it was pouring down like in the movies so the trail was wonderfully muddy. my dog was not too happy this time. maybe his hair was too long for him to enjoy it because he was soaked and muddy.
Nick, that means you were laughing at yourself the whole time of the fall. falling, on the ground, getting up, and continuing. if that didn't happen then you just pulled a regular lame a$$ fall.
Ya, I was laughing the whole time. You know how it is running in the rain here, for some reason it just makes you happy. Then slipping and going up to my elbow in mud, ya it was pretty amusing and had me laughing.
I can't imagine running without feeling my legs! Glad yours are improving -

I am glad too. I have being running for so long with a numb leg now that I feel like something is wrong. Crazy.
7km in shoes on the beach this morning. I don't know why, but I seemed to be a bit of a dog magnet today. Three different dogs came up and tried to play with me, one of them did an incredible skid stop right in front of my feet and I had to stop running to avoid tripping over. Fun stuff. I like playing with other peoples dogs. The only thing I can think of that was different to usual was that I wore bright red shorts that I bought for a silly outfit a while back. Maybe dogs are like bulls when it comes to red?
Spent Monday mostly working in the garden - got it all done finally! The big garden is about 20'x65', I had two smaller beds I don't think I'll get to this year. My lower back and glutes and hamstrings pretty sore from bending over for hours!

Today got a 7 mile run in, from the house and hit up the close by trail for a couple 1.4mi loops. Not nearly as adventurous as Nicks trail!

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