Metabolic Triad Training, 2021: Cycle II

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of last cycle: A family health emergency made it hard to be consistent. Nonetheless, I made progress in the aerobic component of my Metabolic Triad Training (, a.k.a. walking our dog. And around mid-cycle I started orienting the walking routes to hit as many hills as possible in my hilly neighborhood. It actually feels like something of a workout this way, instead of just a stroll. After just 4-5 weeks of doing so, I can already feel the difference in my blood pressure. Time to start measuring it again I guess.

I also found that walking was something I could motivate for first thing in the morning, unlike strength training or intervals on the machines. And it was nice to find that my knees handled distances of 2-3 miles just fine. So now the walks kind of feel like the centerpiece of my routine, instead of lifting, and are something I will try to get in pretty much every day. It’s not as satisfying as running, but at least it gets me outside, even on the coldest days. And there’s the outside chance I may try running up some of the hills at some point.

The lifting didn’t progress because of so many interruptions later in the day, but I think the cycle should still be recoverable, since my programmed rate of progressive loading—one pound to the Squat 3RM per week—was very slow. I guess the lifting was successful insofar as my approach has been flexible enough that I don’t feel like I have to abandon my plans and start over. Allowance for interruption is sort of built into the slow rate of loading increases.

It seems the fundamental training rule, for me anyways, is that progress follows consistency follows flexibility. So the main goal will always be to find a routine that is flexible enough to maintain some sort of consistency, which in turn will allow for some progress.

Conditioning fared even worse than the lifting, but that’s not really something I’m looking to progress on in measurable terms. Just want it to contribute to overall fitness. And now that I’m building a decent aerobic base, I’ll have more confidence to just jump back on the conditioning bandwagon anytime without worrying too much about overtaxing my heart.

Goals for this cycle.
I will continue to try to train all three metabolic energy systems each day: Phosphagen, Glycolytic, and Aerobic/Oxidative. These translate into Strength Training, Conditioning, and Endurance, respectively, which I will label triadically as “Resistance,” “Intermittence,” and “Persistence,” also respectively.

I will probably do the aerobic component in the morning whenever possible, by walking our dog while trying to hit as many hills as possible.

Strength Training and Conditioning will most likely be either late morning or late afternoon. I might follow the lifting with a 10-20 minute conditioning session right after, using some combination of my Rowing and Airdyne machines. Or I could separate the two components into a late morning session and a late afternoon session. I may continue with low intensity rowing interspersed with medium to higher intensity Airdyne pedaling and flailing, or I could split them up so that rowing intervals follow the Pull Split for lifting, and Airdyne intervals follow the Push split.

This last option seems the most likely, as it’s hard to get in three separate sessions a day, and I’ll probably stick to the Push-Pull split for lifting, so it’ll probably be easiest to just do the Push or Pull conditioning component right after their corresponding Push or Pull lifting component. The conditioning intervals could be as simple as one minute higher intensity, one minute lower intensity, three to five times. There's also a chance I may do my Push-Pull split for two days, and then on the third day do conditioning on the machines and/or sled.

I will continue using the simple set-rep scheme of “Hard Triples," or 3 x 3 @ 90% of 1RM for my six bilateral, compound lifts:

Push = Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press;
Pull = Deadlift, Pendlay Row, Pulldown.

Some Changes this cycle:

I’m going to ditch the modified Iron Ratio of last cycle:

Deadlift = 1.147 x Squat
Squat = 1 x Squat
Bench Press = 0.82 x Squat
Pulldown = 0.82 x Squat
Pendlay Row = 0.91 x Bench Press (or 74.5% of Squat)
Overhead Press = 0.49 x Squat

which aimed to have the loads based on just 45- and 25-pound plate combinations by the end of August of 2021:

3 x 3 @ 315 for the Deadlift;
3 x 3 @ 275 for the Squat;
3 x 3 @ 225 for the Bench Press;
3 x 3 @ 225 for the Pulldown;
3 x 3 @ 205 for the Pendlay Row; and
3 x 3 @ 135 for the Overhead Press.

Instead, I will revert to the classic Iron Ratio of 5:4:3:2, which is a little easier on the shoulders:

Deadlift = 1.0
Squat = 0.8 x DL
Bench Press = 0.6 x DL
Pulldown = 0.6 x DL
Pendlay Row = 0.6 x DL
Overhead Press = 0.4 x DL

This would deload the Bench Press and Pulldowns a fair bit, and boost the Overhead press a little. I was somewhat influenced by this article: It also made me want to try a heavier Deadlift again. So I will start with the Deadlift at 1.25 of the Squat. If it starts to feel too heavy, I will come down to 1.2 or 1.15 of the Squat. But I like the idea of strength capacity being measured simply by how much you can lift off the ground or put over your head. Kind of parallels the way running capacity is simply how fast and/or how far you can run. So I will measure progress on the Overhead Press or Deadlift, rather than the Squat, at least for this cycle.

The standard ratios between the Squat, Bench, and Press of 4:3:2 have always felt about right, but I've messed a bit with ratios between the upper body pulls and the upper body pushes. For this cycle I think I'll just make the Row, Pulldown, and Bench Press all the same and see how that feels. I was surprised last cycle at how quickly I could bring the Row's load up to close to those of the Pulldown and Bench. And searching on the internet, one doesn't find anything like a consensus for chin-up/Pulldowns and Rows' relation to other lifts, unlike the other four lifts which tend to adhere to the classic Iron Ratio, the only major deviance being the Deadlift-to-Squat ratio. Some put the latter down to 115%, as I had it, some put it as high as 140%, but the majority of the meathead sites and trainers still seem to think 125% is fine, including Rippetoe ( In any case, making the Row, Pulldown, and Bench Press loads all the same will make it easier to keep track of loads.

(2) I will ditch micro-loading in one-pound increments, and switch to simpler five-pound increments. I like the idea of making things as simple as possible, both physically and mentally, and thinking only in terms of five-pound increments would help with that. It’s just a question of how big of a jump my shoulder joints will tolerate. I might increase everything in five-pound increments except the Overhead Press, which could be done in 2.5- or 1-pound increments. Or, alternatively, if a jump did feel like a bit too much, I could reduce reps and then let those catch up, or do something like a 1-2-3 rep scheme over three sets. I could even pyramid up and down to the new load, like I used to do a long time ago.

I also like the idea of hitting the same loads repeatedly over several weeks before moving up. This simpler approach might further benefit me mentally, as I wouldn't feel like I'm falling behind if I have to take time off again. I would just return to the same loads (after priming for a session or two). And it’s also nice not to have to look at my chart every workout to see what the micro-load is.

These changes result in a streamlined chart in which (3) cycles no longer matter!

Iron Ratio 2-3-4-5.3RM.5-lb increments.PL Totals.21.02.jpg

Here the loads are determined by progressing in five-pound increments on the Deadlift. It starts with loads that are close to the plate loads (225/185/135/95) I normally use for priming after taking time off, as happened in Cycle I. So this cycle I will just start with priming, and then move up in 5-10 increments until I get to loads that feel challenging. Then I will just stay there until they start to feel easy, then move up another five pounds. If I have to take some time off, I could just dial it down a bit and then work my way back up. So this is a super simple and flexible approach.

Hey, wait a minute, that's how I used to lift! So I guess I may be coming full circle from ten years ago, with the only real changes being (1) my training is based on just the six bilateral, compound lifts, for maximum efficiency, with little or no assistance training or rinky-dink bodybuilder lifts like lateral raises or curls (2) my use of the Iron Ratio to determine loads on all the lifts, for structural balance, based either on the Squat or Deadlift, and then also (3) my System of Percentages, which is sort of the rounded up or down average of percentages used by a lot of trainers, to determine loads per reps (i.e. 1RM=100%, 2RM=95% of 1RM, 3RM=90% of 1RM, 5RM=85% of 1RM, 7RM=75% of 1RM, 10RM=70% of 1RM).

Funny, starting with the plate loads for priming, and going up in five-pound increments, a single Excel page has just enough room to end with the nearly impossible 3RM loads of 500-400-300-200 for the Deadlift, Squat, Bench, and Press, respectively.

I've also added the Powerlifting totals to the side. This is derived from adding up the last column's 1RMs for the Deadlift, Squat, and Bench Press. But they are just projections, as I don't intend to ever attempt a heavy One-repetition Maximum for any lift--not worth the risk of injury.

So there are no specific goals or concrete numbers for this cycle. Just want to improve somewhat in all three Metabolic modalities. I will continue with Abide’s idea of eight-week cycles however, as it seems like it’s always a good idea to step back once in a while and assess how things are going and how they might be improved, or simply changed to keep things interesting. And I just noticed that this cycle starts on a full moon, so for a while at least, one cycle will be measurable in terms of two full moons.

One prediction for this cycle is that the Overhead Press and/or the Deadlift will be the limiting factor. That is, these lifts will determine when it is time to move up an increment, because the Overhead Press has always been my weakest lift, my Bench Press has always been my strongest lift, and now with a heavier Deadlift, it will probably be easier for my Squat to keep pace to the Deadlift. So it will probably be either the Deadlift or Overhead press that is the last lift to start to feel easy in a given five-pound increment's period of training.

So, in a way, the only goal for lifting is to get better at picking up heavy things and putting them over my head. Hmmn, maybe I should begin practicing the power clean . . .

---------------Week 1: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 21.02.28

Monday, 21.03.01
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog. A lot of treacherous ice hiding underneath a thin layer of fresh snow. Almost wiped out a few times.

OP: 3 @ 45, 65, 85, 95, 105, 105

Yep, I think Overhead Press or the Deadlift will be the limiting/guiding factor.

Tuesday, 21.03.02
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
PD: 3 x 3 @ 160
RW: 3 x 3 @ 155

Wednesday, 21.03.03
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog. A lot of treacherous ice still, but at least it's in plain view now.

OP: 3 x 3 @ 110
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 220
BP: 3 x 3 @ 165

Airdyne: 1 x 1 min @ MI (Medium Intensity)

Yah, it feels like my weakest lift is the Overhead Press, then the Deadlift, at least in terms of the classic Iron Ratio, then the Squat, then the Bench Press. So it was kind of silly to be basing loads on the Squat, and having to lower the ratio of the Deadlift and always feel like the Overhead Press had to catch up. So I'll try making the Overhead Press load the base unit:

Overhead Press = 1.0
Bench Press = 1.5 x OP
Pulldown = 1.5 x OP
Row = 1.5 x OP
Squat = 2.0 x OP
Deadlift = 2.5 x OP

I could still bring down the Deadlift though, if it can't keep pace with the Overhead Press while the other lifts can . . .

Thursday, 21.03.04
OK, if I'm going to make the Overhead Press the base unit, then some quick re-arranging renders this chart:

Iron Ratio 2-3-4-5.3RM.2.5-lb increments.21.03.jpg

I think I will deload to OP @ 95lbs and then stay there until I'm consistently hitting all the sets and reps and my shoulders feel fine afterwards. Today my shoulders feel a little bit cranky from yesterday's relatively moderate workout.

DL: 3 x 3 @ 235
PD: 3 x 3 @ 145
RW: 3 x 3 @ 145

OK, the deload is on.

Friday, 21.03.05
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog

Just remembered I've been chopping ice the last two days, so that explains the sore shoulders . . .

Saturday, 21.03.06
1 mi walk with kids and dog to store and back.

---------------Week 2: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 21.03.07
1.8 mi "Four Hills" walk with dog.

I cut out a hill, not sure why.

OP: 3 x 3 @ 95

Monday, 21.03.08
1.8 mi "Four Hills" walk with dog.

DL: 3 x 3 @ 245
PD: 3 x 3 @ 145
RW: 3 x 3 @ 145

Rowing: 2 x 1 min @ MI (Medium Intensity)

Tuesday, 21.03.09
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog.

Wednesday, 21.03.10
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/105/110/110

Yep, 110 might be a good base load. That gives me almost 225 for the Squat and 275 for the Deadlift. So I'll try to just sit on it till it feels easy, then 112.5 to catch up.

Thursday, 21.03.11
1.7 mi modified "Four Hills" walk with dog, after dropping off son at school.

DL: 1/2 @ 275
PD: 3 x 3 @ 165
RW: 3 x 3 @ 165

Rowing: 1 min @ MI (Medium Intensity)

Friday, 21.03.12
2.1 mi modified "Five Hills" walk with dog, after dropping off son at school.

OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/100/105/110/110

Saturday, 21.03.13

---------------Week 3: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 21.03.14
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog. 45F

Sidewalks are dry but often full of small stones. Good to be barefooting again nonetheless.

DL: 1/2 @ 275
PD: 3 x 3 @ 165
RW: 3 x 3 @ 165

Rowing: 1 min @ MI (Medium Intensity)

Monday, 21.03.15
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog. 28F

Tuesday, 21.03.16

Wednesday, 21.03.17
1.8 mi walk with kids and dog to park, store, and back. 42F

Thursday, 21.03.18

Friday, 21.03.19
1.7 mi "Three Hills" walk with dog after dropping off son at school. 29F

BP: 3 @ 135/155/165
OP: 1/2/2 @ 110
SQ: 3 @ 135

Just primed.

Airdyne: 1 x 1 min @ MI (Medium Intensity)

Saturday, 21.03.20
SLDL: 2 x 3 @ 225
PD: 3 x 3 @ 165

1.6 mi "Four Hills" walk with dog. 52F; 48WF

---------------Week 4: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 21.03.21
1.9 mi mostly flat walk with daughter and dog.

Monday, 21.03.22
1 mi walk with dog after dropping off son at school. 37F

BP: 2 x 3 @ 165
OP: 3 x 3 @ 110
SQ: 3 @ 185/195

Just about back to full sets and reps . . .

Tuesday, 21.03.23
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog. 48F

Rowing: 4 min @ LI (Low Intensity) before lifting; 1 min @ MI (Medium intensity) after lifting.


DL: 1/2/3 @ 275
PD: 3 x 3 @ 165

Wednesday, 21.03.24

Thursday, 21.03.25
1 mi walk with dog after dropping off son at school. 29F

A bit cold for my bare feet as the moisture from the previous days' rains hadn't completely evaporated.

BP: 3 x 3 @ 165
OP: 3 x 3 @ 110
SQ: 3 x 2 @ 225

1 mi walk with dog and daughter. 48F

Friday, 21.03.26
DL: 1/2/3 @ 275
PD: 3 x 3 @ 165
RW: 3 x 3 @ 165

Deadlift starting to feel a bit lighter.

1/2 mi walk with dog and daughter. 42F

Saturday, 21.03.27

---------------Week 5: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 21.03.28
1 mi walk with dog and son. 45F

Monday, 21.03.29
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog. 54F

0.8 mi walk to pick up son from school.

OP: 2 x 2 @ 110
SQ: 2 x 2 @ 225

Felt a bit off. I think maybe I need to taking warming up on the machines more seriously.

Tuesday, 21.03.30
1 mi walk with dog, son, and daughter. 35F; 20s WC

Wednesday, 21.03.31
0.8 mi walk with dog to drop off son at school. 25 F; 11WC

PD: 3 x 3 @ 165
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
RW: 3 x 3 @ 165

Rowing: 2 x [1 min @ MI (Medium Intensity)/1 min @ LI (Low Intensity)

1.2 mi walk with dog and kids. 30 F

Thursday, 21.04.01
BP: 3 x 3 @ 165
OP: 1/2/3/3 @ 110
SQ: 2 x 2 @ 225

Friday, 21.04.02
2.5 mi walk with dog.

Saturday, 21.04.03

---------------Week 6: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 21.04.04

Monday, 21.04.05
1.7 mi "Four Hills" walk with dog.

Tuesday, 21.04.06
1.6 mi "Two Hills" walk with dog.

Wednesday, 21.04.07

Thursday, 21.04.08

Friday, 21.04.09

Saturday, 21.04.10
2.3 mi walk with dog to drop of son and run an errand.

---------------Week 7: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 21.04.11
2 mi walk with dog and kids.

Monday, 21.04.12
2 mi "Five Hills" walk with dog.

OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95

Tuesday, 21.04.13
2.2 mi "Three Hills & Two Slopes" walk with dog.

PD: 3 @ 120/135/145/155

Wednesday, 21.04.14
1.6 mi "Two Hills & One Slope" walk with dog.

Thursday, 21.04.15
2 mi walk with dog through farm campus and fields. A change of scenery and new smells for the pooch.

BP: 3 @ 135/145/155
OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95/100/105

Friday, 21.04.16
PD: 3 @ 135/145/155
DL: 3 @ 225/245/265

Priming, but thinking of making it a ramping protocol next cycle. Testing it out in the days left in this one. My shoulders in particular seem to like it, but it also seems easier mentally.

Saturday, 21.04.17

---------------Week 8: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 21.04.18
2.5 mi walk with dog and kids through little woods, farm campus, and fields.

Monday, 21.04.19
3 mi walk with dog through little woods, farm campus, and fields. I'll call this my "Woods & Fields" walk. It's mostly flat, but has a wide variety of barefoot textures, including gravel for a deep-tissue massage of the soles. It starts several blocks past where I drop my daughter off for school. Man, is it good having both kids back in class.

Tuesday, 21.04.20
-Early Morning-
1.5 "Three Hills" walk with dog.

-Late Morning-
BP: 3 @ 135/145/155; 1 @ 165
OP: 3 @ 45/65/95/100/105
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/185

Enjoying ramping, it's helping me motivate, especially as I try moving the lifting session to the morning when it's harder for my schedule to be disrupted.

Wednesday, 21.04.21
-Early Morning-
1 mi "Two Hills" walk with dog. I then put off the lifting a bit, and never got back to it when stuff came up. A good lesson to make immediate lifting in the morning non-negotiable.

Thursday, 21.04.22
2.5 mi "Woods, Campus, & Fields" walk with dog.

PD: 3 @ 140/150/155/160
DL: 3 @ 235/245/255

Friday, 21.04.23
Second dose of Pfizer given Thursday kicking in with some body aches.

Saturday, 21.04.24
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/95/100/105

Body aches are pretty gone, but I took it easy and just did the Overhead Press.

And that's a wrap for this cycle.
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