Living Barefoot website

Alejandro 10

Jul 13, 2011
So yesterday I listened to the newest Ultrarunnerpodcast and decided this morning that I would enjoy listening to barefoot/minimalist related podcast. With that I went to listen to the latest Living Barefoot Show, and found the site ( is no more. While the podcasts themselves are still out there to be found and listened to, I find the loss of the site saddening, a small pockmark on my day.
Shocking and sad is right. I know that Tina has her own thing going with VivoBarefoot as a trainer. I'll write to her and Al about this and let you all know.

EDIT: I found this link, but they haven't had a show since February.
Tina replied that they had a crash and Al is working hard to rebuild it, but it is going to take some time. They will be back online.
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Thanks for the update. I don't even want to imagine the time that is going to take Al, but it is a decent resource and good to have available. So, I am looking forward to it being back up.
Tina wrote to me tonight to say Al has the site Living Barefoot back up. Yeah! Living barefoot is a podcast for those who don't know. Be sure to check them out, you guys!