Joe's Run - Fort Worth, TX


Feb 18, 2011
I've said it before (last year) and I'll say it again:

This is one of the best barefoot races in the country. Smooth roads (for the most part) with a mixture of 20% street concrete, 75% asphalt and 5% other (brick and chip-n-seal).

They have both 5K and 10K races and the two split 200 yards into the race and meet back up at mile 4ish. Last year they started the 5K 30 minutes after the 10K and the final 2.2 miles was a Charlie Foxtrot due to all the fatties clogging up the race (and, let's not forget those pushing strollers :mad:).

This year, however, was MUCH better as they started both races at the same time getting all but the fattest fatties through much of the course although I did hit a few of them 1/2 mile or so from the end. Although, all the good "goodies" were gone due to the fatties hitting the free food before most of the 10K runners. Truly the only bummer for the day.

If you're within a couple of hours of Fort Worth or just want a vacation to North Texas, this is a very worthy run to hit and it's great for the bare footers.

I ran into only one other barefooter and she was running the 5K. (my wife...).
Once we get the Course Reviews back online, maybe you can add one for it here, PR?
Ah, I was wondering what happened to the course review section. I thought it was just a casualty of the change to the new site.

Anyway, glad you got to run Pilot and I'm impressed you managed to convince your wife to join the cult. My wife is still staunchly opposed to running without shoes...although she does run in zero drop Merrells. Congrats.
Charlie Foxtrot? Is that short for SNAFU, sort of?

Cluster "Fork"....except don't use fork...make it rhyme with something witty like duck, or pluck.
the final 2.2 miles was a Charlie Foxtrot due to all the fatties clogging up the race

When is or was this race? I can't be bothered to drive over to Ft Worth, that is like on the other side of the metroplex!

It WAS on Saturday March 24th. Again, it's an awesome barefoot course.

Poff, the CF was last year. This year wasn't so bad since they started both races at the same time. The only drawback to that was the fatties ate all the goodies before the 10K folks even started showing up.

Still, an awesome race.
Never been on the ground in North Texas, transferred through DFW airport once, that convinced me - never again.

I hope the food is as healthy as at my local 10k, you get 3 or 4 choices of cakes. The real bonus is the bottle of local beer for every finisher, much better than a crappy piece of tin on a ribbon.