It's been cancelled


Apr 27, 2011
I have been training for several months and can now run over 13 miles on road without pain or injury. I have booked flights and hotel and even managed the beaurocratic challenge of getting a travel visa. I was pleased with my time of 46min 38s for 10k in my only proper timed race I have ever run appart from the BF 5k with the UK chapter.

With 3 weeks to go, I got an e mail to say that the Mumbai BF half marathon has been cancelled due to 'VVIP closing the roads'

I am very dissapointed about the race but will travel to India as planned and explore Mumbai instead of running. I know of only one other person from UK who said they were going. I am not aware of too much interest from my fellow runners on the other side of the Atlantic which surprises me as this event was going to be quite spectacular and record breaking.

I just had to share my tears!
Oh, how sad.  We all had such

Oh, how sad. We all had such high hopes for this event this year. I didn't see any mention of a reschedule on their site. What is VVIP and why were they closing the roads?
Google suggests that VVIP is

Google suggests that VVIP is 'very very important person' unless anyone knows better!

The race organiser hopes to arrange a new date in the New Year but I think he is a bit to busy and upset to do that yet.

I hope to meet the other UK runner while out there. I understand that a couple of US runners were going to be guests of honor but I have had no contact with anyone else.
So VIP is no longer good

So VIP is no longer good enough? We have to go with VVIP? How about EVIP? Or EVVIP? Or how about...? Silly.
How about VIBFP (Very

How about VIBFP (Very Important Bare Footed Persons). I think they are underestimating the power of the 'bare foot'. ;-)
Barefooting Bob wrote:How

Barefooting Bob said:
How about VIBFP (Very Important Bare Footed Persons). I think they are underestimating the power of the 'bare foot'. ;-)

It would appear that 1000 VIBFP are still less important than an unknown number of VVIPs !
An updateI went to Mumbai

An update

I went to Mumbai and had a fantastic weekend exploring the city on my (bare) feet!

I met up with the other UK runner who had combined the intended run with a tour of the region. We had a short run together along the Marine Drive path which is marked with distance measurements and bare foot prints on the ground, so obviously encouraging barefoot running.

I had another run the next evening. The path is packed with local people in the cool of the evening. I had to run around the other people. There were several other runners but none of them barefoot.

I am not certain who the VVIP was but the local paper reported that George W Bush was visiting the City that day!
I guess Bush must have been

I guess Bush must have been the VVIP then. Glad you got to enjoy the trip though. I know that must have been disappointing to have the event canceled.

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