How's this for a fashion statement?


I blew out my Softstars a few weeks ago and am at a loss as to what to put on my feet for our wonderful Michigan weather in the interim. I picked these up last summer for something to quickly slip on and off when coming in and out of the cabin. They work surprisingly well for keeping the elements out until the weather starts to cooperate. My neighbors already think I am a nut! These have confirmed it in their eyes. I have around 160 miles on these with my longest run 16.

You would think with the camo I would blend right in up here. I think the camo must clash can be the only reason why I have been getting all the strange looks. I do not see many other runners around here period. Everyone tells me there are two reasons to run. If you are chasing something or if something is chasing you. If not you are just wasting energy. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Hi sole_foot, Please check

Hi sole_foot, Please check out the Site Help forum for placing pictures inside your posts. Basically, you have to have the image already hosted on a site out there, then you can just copy and paste it over here. I can see that you posted this from your email account? That won't work but placing it in PhotoBucket or some other photo sharing site will, or do what I do sometimes; I create a post on a thread over at "that other forum" and upload a picture there, then copy it over here, but I don't save the post. Works everytime! Ha! Loves it!
HA, not quite as nutty as me

HA, not quite as nutty as me wearing a full length fleecy tech shirt, tights with side panels to keep me warm and bare feet! I did run into a neighbor and she really does think I am completely out of my mind (I love it)

Found them

Like a water proof water shoe.

At 13oz a bit heavy but would be good on a slushy day.

Something I have not seen before.

It is funny how any thing goes with bare feet
Bare feet never go out of

Bare feet never go out of style! Hee!