How to I get faster on pavement?

You might also try varying your running. Try fartleks, or hill repeats, to go along with your long, steady run. I did this last spring/early summer, and knocked off 1 minute per mile in just a couple of months. Then I got caught up in distance, but I will be returning to this variety soon. I think it speeds up the progress. Just like in weights: it's good to mix up really heavy, deliberate stuff with lighter, higher rep circuit training once in a while. Spice is the variety of food.
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When you progress a little more, you might want to try a 5k race. There are lots of people who race at 15mm and slower. It's a good way to measure your speed, then take note of people who finish a little ahead of you, get to know them. In future races try to pick off those people. You may find that you can gradually work your way up. Competition can be a good motivator.
One other thing I would not try to limit breathing to nose only. Oxygen is good for you, don't be afraid to open your mouth. Restricting your breathing only adds stress.

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The 5k is an intriguing idea and one I had not considered.
You are also the first to actually recommend breathing through my mouth. But, I don't have aerobic issues right now. I've always breathed through my mouth, and only recently have I been able to run just breathing comfortably through my nose. When I need more oxygen, I don't have a problem switching back and forth.
I feel like I'm in a woody allen sci fi movie. Next they're gonna tell me that hot dogs and donuts are the perfect running foods.

I wouldn't recommend it, but my best 5K race was after a night of heavy alcohol and tobacco use. So you never know. HAHAHA. Probably not good in the long run and I felt like crap that morning, but ran a heck of a lot faster than I expected or even wanted to run.
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When you progress a little more, you might want to try a 5k race. There are lots of people who race at 15mm and slower. It's a good way to measure your speed, then take note of people who finish a little ahead of you, get to know them. In future races try to pick off those people. You may find that you can gradually work your way up. Competition can be a good motivator.
One other thing I would not try to limit breathing to nose only. Oxygen is good for you, don't be afraid to open your mouth. Restricting your breathing only adds stress.
I ran to work this morning. With stoplights and such, my first two miles were totally slow: 17:36 and 16:19.
Then I decided to try out the mouth breathing and kick up the pace. Coincidentally, some high school running team came by and started passing me, so I picked up my pace even more. Third mile was 12:24. Then I took a different turn and my pace dropped back down to 14:32. Looks like I needs me some competition. ;)

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