How to determine exertion levels when running


May 13, 2010
Does anyone know if there are general cues to get a decent estimate of what percentage of your max you are running?

Such as if you can breathe through your noes you are running at 50%.

I don't want to worry about HR, pulse etc...

Can it be as simple as timing it, so if I can run a 6 minute mile then multiply it by 1.2 to be running at 80%?
Sounds like you are worrying

Sounds like you are worrying about it wayyyy more than just using a HR monitor. The beauty of the monitor is you "set it & forget it". Don't look at your watch or anything. If you hear a "beep", you just back off a bit, and go about your run.

If you've got to worry about your time, or looking for other indicators, you're thinking about it too much. Plus, percieved effort does not always align with HR in my experience.
In that case...I have a book

In that case...

I have a book on HR training (not Maffetone) that says your slow, low HR training pace should be about 2 minutes slower pace per mile than your harder runs.

I think the book is called "Heart Rate Monitor training for the complete idiot". I'll check it tonight when I get home to verify that the pace difference is 2min/mile, and see if he gives any more of an indication of what to look for. He did have a section on just getting started even though you don't have a HR monitor yet.
If you have a way to tell how

If you have a way to tell how fast you're going a calculator like this one could help: It's based off Jack Daniels' Running Formula and I've found that for me at least the Easy pace correlates well with what Maffetone says and also the kind of pace I can sustain while nose-breathing.

Basically, do a time trial and plug the values into that calculator and you'll be set.

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