How far can we go... New BF ultra records

I think Abhjeet Baruah was the third guy I was talking about.

I would LOVE to have a detailed report (with pictures) for the front page of your training, experience, and your running of the 24-hour ultra setting the record. Please consider it, and if you do, please forward it to me at [email protected]. Thanks! And congrats again. That's remarkable!
5 years DNEChris, recent enough to remember how good the pubs were!

No trouble TJ, might take me a few days but very happy to share.


Good on you Rob ... That is both impressive distance and time. I admire your drive and zeal. It is even more amazing that you managed to do it within 9 months of starting barefoot.

As someone who has run only as far as 35km barefoot, 166+ seems unreachable. Thanks for showing all of us that it can be done.
Yes Jason, I am planning on trying to extend them every opportunity I get! I'm deciding my 2013 target races with a mate in a few weeks (we're coming into summer now so it's a bit of a rest period), but I'm hoping to include having a crack at breaking 100km barefoot in under 10 hours in February. There's an IAU certified race on a 1km asphalt velodrome in Canberra in Feb, with 100km or 12 hour options (starts at midnight). This would mean taking over an hour off my previous time, so a big ask but on the upside I wouldnt have to keep running for another 13 hours afterwards like last time. Other than that I will aim to break 180km barefoot in 24 hours this year at one of the two annual track 24 ultras held here in Australia.

My long-term aspirational goal is to try and qualify for the Australian 24hour team and be the first ever barefoot runner at the World 24hour Championships. This would however require achieving a qualifying distance of at least 210km in 24 hours, which I'm not even sure is humanly possible barefoot!

YOW thanks for your words of support. If you can do 35km barefoot then that's the hardest 35km of the 166km to get to grips with, so you're more than halfway there if you are hungry enough to go further...
Do you ever wear minshoes, DR? Do you ever go back and forth with footwear and barefoot? If so, when you run that many miles barefoot, does it feel weird when you put on shoes? I've tried that, and it really bothered me, not because of the Morton's Neuroma I deal with, that's a given, but because of the way my soles feel insides shoes. It's like the shoes make my feet feel vulnerable somehow. Does that make sense?
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No I don't wear minshoes TJ, but I do wear normal training shoes still (albeit I run in them now with more of a Barefoot style gait). I wear New Balance largely as i have wide feet and as a brand they seem to cater best for my foot shape (i also have Mortons Toe so i tend to get a size or two too big). I use them on trails and to cross train with (so up to about half of my running), mostly if I have any inflammation or i feel like I need to give certain muscles/tendons etc a break whilst keeping my training up. I also do Bikram yoga and PT both barefoot (I have an understanding PT instructor who lets me on all the equipment without shoes!) I particularly like skipping without shoes on, although boy does it get the heart rate up when you mistime and whack the hard plastic rope across your toes! Anyway I find it pretty natural to switch between them (its got to be easier than ladies switching between high heels and flats!) I look at shoes now as a "sometimes only" treat, like eating deep fried food or drinking alcohol - comforting in moderation but do it all the time and it will cost you.

I'm not sure what to think about minshoes, I mean I personally valued the discomfort (not to be confused with injurious pain) of having nothing on my feet to aid improving my form. In the same vane I found running longer distances earlier on in the transition to barefoot (as opposed to building up slowly) useful in amplifying deficiencies in my form. Of course big mileage (just like gnarly terrain) has the potential to cause injury if you don't get it right, but in my case i took some some precautions and it didnt. Rather, IMO it accelerated my transition. I kept a GPS log of every barefoot (and non barefoot) run I did from starting barefoot to running 166km so I can pull this into a spreadsheet if interested.

As for feeling exposed, I think I know what you mean. I don't personally get it in shoes but I do get it running barefoot on grass. It encourages you to land a bit too heavily and then... BAM! You step on something hurty... I prefer to run on hard stuff, at least you know where you are with it!

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