Hello from West Yorks


Jul 30, 2013
I am in my early sixties, and am rather less overweight than I was, but hope to be able to get to at least minimalist running fairly soon.

I ran for a few years, but ended up injured. My injuries are behaving themselves, and I am running again, but need above all o avoid injury - and this seems a good place to start.

My plan, such as it is is to begin to add in a bit of front of foot running in the gym until I have built up a little strength before trying shorter runs with a local club.

I shall start with old style gym pumps . .

Any advice on whereto from there?
There's an interesting name though I see you are about 10 years younger than the fiddle player I know of by the same monicker!

Welcome - the most common advice is not to do too much too soon. Have very low expectations and don't try to exceed them! Take it easy and expect a period of adjustment - even at our advanced age the body can change for the better!

Your old-school gym pumps will be fine to start with - thin-soled and no heel drop, skin to ground is even better but start off within your comfort zone. A couple of hundred yards may well e plenty for your first few outings.

Keep smiling!
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Welcome and try outdoor running it's much better/enjoyable than indoors.
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Welcome! :barefoot:

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