Hello from Nova Scotia!


Oct 13, 2010
I'm a 30-something Mom of one who loves her vibrams! I've been going between my Vibrams and going totally barefoot for about 3 months now. Whenever someone asks me about wearing my Vibrams my husband always speaks up and says" Oh she doesn't run in anything else now. Running shoes are bad for your feet you know." So at least we're both drinking the same kool aid :)

The whole minimalist/barefoot alternative is extremely new to Nova Scotia. I was the only person wearing vibrams in a race last weekend (the race had over 1500 people). Alot of runners are still of the mindset that no shoes = ruined knees, but I'm hoping that me and my bright vibrams (part of why I chose such a in-your-face color) can change a few minds-or at least open them a crack!

I look forward to chatting with all of you-especially those of you who are a part of The Fellowship of the Morton's Toe ;-)

All my best,

Welcome, Sarah!

Welcome, Sarah!
Welcome to the family of

Welcome to the family of "receivers of odd looks and snide comments." BFR works for me, which is why I do it. It's always nice to be different when you're onto something good. Enjoy, and keep your excellent, positive sense of humor around those who don't have one!