Hello from Guadalajara Mexico!

Octavio Magana

Dec 19, 2013
Hello All,

I am really interested in Barefoot running. I started to to navigate through many sites and found this one. I bought Jason Robillard book and also bought a pair of Xero Shoes.

As there is a myriad of information out there, anyone recommending a plan from the start that has worked for you? I am looking a weekly plan from nothing to Marathon (I know it will take time). Anyway I will start reading all the forums here.

Thanks, Octavio!
Welcome, Octavio! We have a Chapter in Mexico. Please feel free to join via the Chapters link above. It's not as active as we would like, but perhaps that can change with a little talking.
Hola, bienvenido! I recommend trying barefoot running right from the start. Go slow, listen to your feet, and maybe start out on smooth pavement. Alternate walking/running if you have to. Once you get comfortable, use your Xeros if your feet feel raw. Also, use Xeros for just walking around in Real Life.
Welcome, Octavio. I'll try to give a little more detail on top of St. John's excellent advice. Start off with 1/4 to 1/2 mile three times per week (for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday to allow at least one rest day between BF runs). Every few weeks as you get more comfortable with BF running and you are not abrading skin off of your soles, add a little distance. Once you get to 2-3 miles 3 times per week, you can probably mix in some sort of minimal shoe safely on occasional runs. Minimal shoes are definitely good to walk in as much as you're comfortable with from the start. Enjoy!

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Welcome, Octavio. From a newb who's experienced numerous pauses from TMTS, slow and steady, err on conservative. Sante!
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Hola Octavio!

Qué gusto ver a alguien más de México por acá, la verdad que como dice TJ, en nuestro chapter no hay mucho movimiento. Pocos miembros y creo también que poco interés, pero espero poco a poco vaya cambiando y nos vayamos haciendo cada vez más y más activos.

Yo vivo en Hermosillo, pero el año pasado me tocó ir algunas veces a GDL e incluso corrí descalzo en un par de ocasiones por allá, de la Minerva hacia el centro. La verdad me encantó el área y el hecho de que se cerraran la calle la mañana del domingo para uso de ciclistas y peatones.

Espero hayas seguido en tu plan de entrarle a esto, casualmente de un tiempo a acá yo dejé de correr completamente descalzo y ahora corro con unos Xero Shoes, me he sentido muy bien con ellos. De seguro acá encontrarás mucha información y sobre todo muchísima experiencia colectiva. Además la gran mayoría de los miembros son muy cordiales y bastante amigables.

Espero volvamos a coincidir en alguno de los foros o mejor aún en algún thread de nuestro chapter. Saludos!
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