have you all seen this 760+ miles barefoot.

Pretty cool! Sounds like he's

Pretty cool! Sounds like he's doing it for a great cause!
We've been in touch with this

We've been in touch with this guy for a couple of weeks or so, and when he is settled, will hopefully have an interview for you all.
I believe his joining is part

I believe his joining is part of our plan.
He got bit by a copperhead!

He got bit by a copperhead! Anyhow, shouldn't we also collect some money here towards his cause f folks can give a bit? If I knew where to send it, I would gladly support in the name of barefoot runners everywhere and the hallowed BRS.
That is terrible!  I wish him

That is terrible! I wish him all the best. If it takes two weeks to recover, and he plans to return to Boone County, I wonder if he will pick up where he left off or start all over. Anyway, Barefoot Terry has contacted him, so I hope we'll learn more soon. He was so close too. Poor guy. Brave guy.
"Last night around 11pm I was

"Last night around 11pm I was bit by a mystery snake that turned out to be a copperhead."
Well now, that just ruins a good night run! :O
An article I read mentioned

An article I read mentioned that the Staples family, the family who's house he visited after being bit, opened their home to him during his down time. There are still good people around.