Gravel bucket training


Sep 19, 2010
Just wondering if anyone else is using gravel bucket marching to maintain their feet over winter. We got a Wii from Santa. Playing video games in the bucket is a lot of fun and I forget that I am abusing my feet.

There was too much gravel so I removed most of it. I found that with just enough to cover the bottom of the bucket it actualy is harder on the feet and gives better conditioning.

Thanks for the tip. I've been

Thanks for the tip. I've been using it after most BF runs for about 5 min while cooling down or listening to music. If I've done runs with VFF's or my new ZEM's, I'll try to do 10 min. I'm still not sure what the best to do is.

Anyone else out there have a routine? I was going to try and build up to using it every day, but I wasn't sure that would work or just end up being anti-productive.
If the ground is dry just

If the ground is dry just suck it up and go outside and run a mile around the neighborhood, regardless of the temperatures. Do it maybe twice a week or so, depending on your tolerance. I alternate runs barefoot and in VFF for the winter. If its low mileage run like 4 or 5 miles, I will run it barefoot. I lose no conditioning during winter using this method. Much better being outside than inside dancing in a bucket.
I'd like to qualify Adam's

I'd like to qualify Adam's statement by saying, do the last mile barefoot. You'll be warmed up and it won't be so bad.

I'm in Massachusetts, so maybe it's not as bad as where you are, PB, but we do have a winter here. I had no difficulty with maintaining my conditioning last year, and no gravel bucket was involved. I checked the weather and if it got above freezing, I made damn sure that it was a barefoot running day. If it was below freezing and relatively dry, I'd get my last mile in bare. When spring came, I went back to 100% bare with no issues at all.

Also, it helps if it is mid-day because the sun warms the blacktop.
Thanks, this all sounds good.

Thanks, this all sounds good. I am going to keep graveling after VFF/ZEM runs because I am training for marathons on April 9th and May 15th. I know it's going to be tough in Jan/Feb to do more than 2 BF runs a week, 3 sometimes if I'm lucky. I'll let you know how it goes. My feet are in good condition since my last Marathon on Oct 31, but I took almost a month off because of work and lazyness. December was a cold month and my BF miles were few so I am hoping the Gravel will keep me tip top.
I have been getting out when

I have been getting out when the roads are dry. Yesterday did 21k half barefoot. Still using the gravels as who knows how the rest of winter will be like. If the conditions continue I may put the bucket away and suck it up,
but I think I am starting to like the bucket massage.
It worked for Todd Ragsdale

It worked for Todd Ragsdale for a 102.65 mile run. ;-)
Good to hear that with little

Good to hear that with little bare footing I should be able to maintain my feet.

I will try to watch the weather forecast closely.

Thanks pb
 I installed a 15 X 30 gravel

I installed a 15 X 30 gravel training pad in my front yard and convinced my wife it was a patio by putting 2 adirondack chairs on it :)
txtenderfoot wrote:I

txtenderfoot said:
I installed a 15 X 30 gravel training pad in my front yard and convinced my wife it was a patio by putting 2 adirondack chairs on it :)
Very clever.
TJ, it actually doesn't say

TJ, it actually doesn't say how long he used the gravel bucket in that article on Todd Ragsdale. Just said he did it for "hours". I would imagine it's somewhat of a linear relationship just like in barefoot running. The more you do it, the better your hurt layer will be.
He said something like 3

He said something like 3 months was all.
Variety is the spice of life.

Variety is the spice of life. Gravel, ice, concrete, grass, asphalt, all change the way I run. This week with a fellow bfr we ran (in straight lines) on outdoor ice rink this will force you to have no torque on landing or takeoff. I am still trying to figure out exactly what dancing in a bucket of gravel does but I do know my feet are tougher. Pb