good day


Jan 9, 2011
well. i've never bothered with "intro" sections on forums before...

i've been running minimalist/barefoot for 3 years now. mostly the former, and not enough of the latter. my job requires me to run frequently so i don't have the opportunity to shuck my shoes for good and re-learn running "the right way". so, after 3 years i can run indefinitely in my VFFs, but only a mile or so ACTUALLY barefoot before the blisters catch up w/ me. (i rotate my foot when i lift it up... i can feel it happening, but can't seem to prevent it. working on it).

anywho - hi. nice to meet y'all.

also. i bought a pair of EVOIIs, size 41. i need a size 40 but they don't sell them in the states (i will shortly be buying a women's 41). i've only worn them twice, they only have about 4 miles on them and maybe 20 clean and jerks... like new! someone buy them from me. =)
Welcome, Soturi!

Welcome, Soturi!
Soturi:Are you a soldier? 


Are you a soldier? There just aren't that many jobs that require people to run frequently other than that. If you can't do PT in VFFs or barefoot (and I understand that's the case for now), you can still learn to do a good midfoot strike even in shoes if you learn it well barefoot on your own time. It makes the transition easier, and it's a heck of a lot better for you. 25 years of Army heel-strike running has left me with no cartilege in my right hip, which is what drove me to BFR to begin with.

At any rate, welcome to the crew.

 Phil spot on - good guess.


spot on - good guess. i actually do PT in VFFs a large majority of the time - they've gotten me where i am now (able to run indefiniately with them on). my last few deficiencies are just going to require more ACTUAL barefoot time. the VFFs have taught me generally good form (midfoot/below center of gravity contact point), but for things like correcting minor foot rotation barefootin' is a requirement. i'll get there eventually, just not as fast as i'd prefer
You're right about true

You're right about true barefoot being the key to enlightenment, or at least good form. I transitioned too fast too soon to running 3-4 miles at a 7:30 pace in VFFs and earned myself a left forefoot stress fracture, after which I have just started to run again (9 weeks on the injured reserve bench). Barefoot will also help you get a true gauge of how much your feet are ready for, which the VFFs will mask and/or gloss over; for me, at least, they made me feel that I could go much farther and faster barefoot/minimal than the muscles and connecting tissues in my feet were ready for.

I'm looking at softer surfaces myself, which I understand there are a good number of trails through the woods at lovely Fort Bragg (I'm assuming from your chapter affiliation that that's where you are). I'm moving there this summer with my Booz Allen Hamilton job supporting FORSCOM. When I last visited the home of the Airborne and Special Operations (in 1992), I seem to remember running on some of those trails.

Firstly, I just love running through the woods. Secondly, I think that the wear and tear I've put on my feet over the years has produced some damage that may not ever come back to full strength, so a soft surface sounds especially good to me. But like the VFFs, a softer surface can hide poor form. I think it's critical to get the form right first, checking it every so often with a pure, hard-surface barefoot run to make sure I haven't gotten lazy or careless. Then I'm all for using the VFFs in the "shoes as tools" role. I also love to wear them hiking or just walking around.

I'd love to run with you once I get there (assuming I've got your location right), but be ready to run a little slower if you take up the challenge. I'm essentially starting from ground zero after this broken foot incident, as I had only gotten a month into transitioning from traditional, shod, heel-striking running. My FORSCOM work phone number is 404-464-6388.


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