First Naked Run


Oct 17, 2010
I did it. I took off my shoes and went all caveman on it. And the verdict kinda feels like sharp ouchie.

This is not a condemnation of barefoot running. When the road was clear(er) of little rocks and other sharpness running barefoot felt great. I figured it would be a short step (get it?) from my Vibrams to naked and form-wise that felt completely true. In fact, after the ten minutes of barefooting I planned on I put on my VFFs and did another 20 minutes to complete my run and my form felt great.

I am, however, working on a very nice blister on the tip of one toe and my tootsies feel pretty tender right now. I have not made up my mind one way or another on whether or not barefooting is for me or if minimalist-shod is more my speed. As the Mythbusters taught me, one is not a sample size. I figure I'll give it five or ten barefoot runs of about ten minutes before I make up my mind one way or another.
Stick with it!  The blisters

Stick with it! The blisters indicate that your form might not be 100% and, who knows - you might just get into it! Good for you for trying, though.
It's actually a huge step. 

It's actually a huge step. But just have patience, and it will come to you. The payoff in the end is huge and well worth the lessons learned.
Good to hear of your

Good to hear of your adventure!

Don't worry about it...the skin does incredible things when given a chance to grow. Also, you'll find you get a great instant reaction time as your feet learn to avoid rocks / shift their weight distribution when landing on something hard or sharp. It''s amazing. Mother nature gave us some sweet feets.

Lol, Mythbusters....reminds me of the episode where Adam tries to RUN across hot coals and burns himself. He would've never hurt himself if he'd only Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed. Hahahaha. I love that show.
I'm not sure I could get away

I'm not sure I could get away with a real naked run. Might have been even more fun though!

I liked it. I'm wondering how long I should wait between barefooting. I feel like I should let the blister heal before I go again, right? Or just be sure the band-aid is on there nice and secure and go for it?
They used to have a naked

They used to have a naked mile where I lived, in Ann Arbor, near UofM. They shut it down though. People were recording the chicks and putting them up on youtube.

I would've totally run that race!
Barefoot Mary wrote: They

Barefoot Mary said:
They used to have a naked mile where I lived, in Ann Arbor, near UofM. They shut it down though. People were recording the chicks and putting them up on youtube. I would've totally run that race!

When did it get shut down? I thought they still did that.
Nah. They cancelled it last

Nah. They cancelled it last year, maybe two years ago? ...Really recently. Police crackdown. It was specifically an internet-porn-esque problem. Ahh modern technology. And, college students. A bad combinaton I guess :(
Hash Bash is gone too.Shakey

Hash Bash is gone too.

Shakey Jake died a few years ago,

and the Wolverines are on life support.

A Squared ain't what it used to be,

but I will always remember it as the town that freed my feet.
There's a local run called

There's a local run called the"Bare Buns", a 3 or 4 miler. It's held on private property, a clothing opional park, with a staffed gate, and is an entirely free form run with about half the runners wearing only shoes and air. I didn't make it last year, but plan on it this coming year, wearing just the air.

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