First "Event"... Running with the Shod


Feb 27, 2012
So tonight sould be fun. Tonight will be my first "Group" run held by the local Running Room here in Moncton. I normally run alone due to my odd work hours, so I don't get out to the group runs often. However I'm a sucker for swag, and I'll disrupt my schedule to get free stuff... this time its a Beanie hat :)

Any guesses on reactions to my Bikilas? Moncton is a Small City (more of a big town) and there are probably less then 100 pairs of Vff's and NO barefoot runners in the whole place. Also the Group is put together by a Running shoe store that prides itself on Foot Diagnosing. Which to me is like a McDonalds employee thinking there a qualified to hold nutritional consultations. The process (seen first hand) requires the customer to take off their shoes and stand on one leg barefoot and the counter help tells you what is wrong with your feet and recommends what shoe your abomination feet need.

I should add they are really nice people there, and other then the sales pitch and minimum wagers pretending to be Podiatrists (which seems like a laws suit waiting to happen). The rest of the merchandise there is well priced (example: got my Gps watch for $85) and well stocked. they also at least once a month have a promotion giving away free swag for coming out to the group runs. Like the $40 entrance fee for the New years eve 5k run landed you a $90 Brooks Fit works Jacket. So other then the fact you can't get VFF's there or Merrels, its not a bad crowd.

So it should be interesting. I'll post back after the run.
The only thing i got was as we were splashing through the slushy puddles was, "man aren't your feet cold, you must have socks on?"

Very nice people to run with. really glad i went! Even a few beer drinkers! a McDonalds employee thinking there a qualified to hold nutritional consultations.

Perfect analogy!
I love running with the shod, until I do something stupid like tear open a blister and bleed all over the place. Most of my running at home (in the middle of no where) is done with my dogs (they look at me like "whats the big deal, I haven't had shoes on my whole life, condition those pads"), so I take every opportunity I can to run with people. Registering for races and doing group runs. The locally owned running store close to where I live holds all types of events, organizes group runs, sponsors races, and hosts clinics. This is why I try to purchase my family's shoes there even though they are a little more expensive. The store owner is very minimalist friendly and carries VFF's, NB minimus, and Altra shoes. I even went to a barefoot clinic there and met Michael Sandler. Michael's first words were "why is a running shoe store hosting a barefoot clinic?'
first - congrats on a successful group run! im not quite there myself - really have to get my mileage up.

I love running with the shod, until I do something stupid like tear open a blister and bleed all over the place. Most of my running at home (in the middle of no where) is done with my dogs (they look at me like "whats the big deal, I haven't had shoes on my whole life, condition those pads"), so I take every opportunity I can to run with people. Registering for races and doing group runs. The locally owned running store close to where I live holds all types of events, organizes group runs, sponsors races, and hosts clinics. This is why I try to purchase my family's shoes there even though they are a little more expensive. The store owner is very minimalist friendly and carries VFF's, NB minimus, and Altra shoes. I even went to a barefoot clinic there and met Michael Sandler. Michael's first words were "why is a running shoe store hosting a barefoot clinic?'

priceless! hahahaha

i got in a little trouble at my local running shoe store recently... i was standing in line with my new Merrels that i now wear to work everyday (Merrell Life Slant Glove) and the woman in front of me was returning a pair of Newton shoes. first off, i had never laid eyes on Newton shoes before. way back when i read an article that really turned me off from the company so i had never ever looked for or at them. She was complaining about a lot of pain and then the saleswoman walked away and started dealing with the line and the counter. so i asked what she didnt like about the shoes because i didnt know anything about them. and she said that "the bars" really hurt her feet. having no idea what she was talking about, and letting it show on my face she pulled out of the box and i almost laughed. my initial thoughts on this company couldnt have been more on. i think i said something like "thats the stupidest thing i have ever seen!" This is when the store manager, aka the woman who sold her these shoes and is now taking them back started to take offense to my comments. i then launched into a mini-sermon on how this was as far from minimal as you could be - she kept calling them minimal thinking that having a zero differential meant minimal. so i told her about ground feel, padding = bad, etc etc... told her to read Born to Run like 20 times. by the time i got up to the counter that store manager probably would have taken my shoes back had they not already been paid for. hahahaha. i did try and sell the lady some shoes that the store carried, e.g. NB Minimus Trails, Merrell Trail Gloves, etc... but i also talked a lot about VFFs and inov8 - so that didnt help my cause. all in all it was a pretty entertaining process for me. what i dont get, from a sales perspective, there is a TON OF MONEY to be made in the minimal arena and these people think that its ridiculous. why not embrace it - add four lines of product and be THE minimal store in the whole area. your sales would go through the roof!

ok, im ranting, ill stop now.
A good running store shouldn't care whats on your feet, just that your there.
Rick, we rarely blister after we get it right. Shod runners blister as well. The difference is they can hide their blisters in their shoes.

PD, I disagree. A "good" running store is one that cares about what is on their customer's feet, not just that you're there to spend money at their store. Those stores are only in it for themselves. That doesn't make them "good."

AA, oh I wish I could have been there to support you. Sounds like a good one!
I guess i should say a "good" running store doesn't discriminate
Oh, I see. Ha! Yes, let's not discriminate against footwear. Hee. Or, better yet, let's discriminate against bad footwear.