Fame at last!

Is this picture posted on that site, Chris? I can't find it. Great photo though. One to print out for your desk.
Is this picture posted on that site, Chris? I can't find it. Great photo though. One to print out for your desk.
Scroll down the first page until you see "See more recent" (just above April) at the moment it's one of the top few stories. It's a PITA that I can't post a direct link!
that's pretty cool. Its great you have people talking. Not everyone gets it, but with time and exposure your really helping the movement! thanks :)
597 likes, 35 shares, and 76 comments. Not bad. The comments are pretty positive. Only a few DAs. Love that a couple of them actually have seen you out running barefoot before. Nice going, Chris!
Considering how many miles you've run on the city streets over the last few years I'm suprised EVERYONE hasn't seen you, and often. You're an institution! And an institution with the most appreciated calves, no less.