Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2020: Cycle III

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of last cycle: Had a weird bug that sapped me of energy but was otherwise mostly asymptomatic. Corona? In any case, I started to get better about getting in the aerobic portion in everyday, and my high blood pressure seems to be coming down. I also discovered that indoor aerobic work is more tolerable just before bed, in the dark, listening to music. It's very relaxing at the end of the day.

Goals for this cycle: More of the same. Push/Pull lifting split complemented by Airdyne/Rowing aerobic work, and hopefully, some sled work and at least one longish bike ride per week. We're also getting a puppy on Monday, to help distract my home-bound kids, so I'm thinking when the dog is old enough I'll take her on a one-mile walk first thing in the morning, if my knees can handle walking everyday.

Here's the projected microloading over the eight-week cycle:

Cycle II 2020.jpg

For the first three weeks or so I'll be play catch up and will microload with two-pound increments instead of one-pound ones, until I'm in the 245 range or so for the Squat 3RM.

Once again, I will try to be more flexible. Although I will aim for the ideal routine of an everyday (ED) AM:Aerobic/PM:Lifting-Conditioning Split, which is further divided into a every other day (EOD) Push/Pull Split, this can be reduced or changed in order to always get something in.

So, for example, if I miss the AM aerobic, I can tag it on in the afternoon, after the lifting. Also, I may sometimes insert a longish bike ride after a EOD Push-Pull split if the lifting is getting tiresome, rather than skip a workout altogether. Also, on days when I'm just not feeling it, I'll just do warmup-set loads, just to grease the groove.

---------------Week 1: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.04.19
Lifting: Push
BP: 3 x 5 @ 165
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 230
OP: 3 x 5 @ 105

Monday, 20.04.20

Tuesday, 20.04.21

Wednesday, 20.04.22
Putting in fence for new puppy.

Thursday, 20.04.23
Putting in fence for new puppy.

Friday, 20.04.24
30 mins Rowing

Saturday, 20.04.25
Lifting: Push
SQ: 3 @ 225/230/235

1 mile walking to store.

235 felt pretty doable. Maybe I'll try 240 on Monday and start microloading from there. Would be nice to start feeling a little progress. Seems like I've been stuck at my base forever.

---------------Week 2: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.04.26
1 mile walking to store.

Lifting: Pull
DL: 1/2/3 @ 275

Hands felt soft again, so just did Deadlift.

Nice to be barefoot walking again.

The puppy is already sleeping through the night, and helping me get back on an early morning schedule. When she's a bit bigger, I'll start taking her on walks first thing for some easy aerobic. Right now she just hangs out in our newly fenced-in front yard. The puppy is also forcing me to do some of Dan John's "grounding work."

30 mins Rowing

Monday, 20.04.27
Lifting: Push
BP: 3 x 5 @ 166
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 232
OP: 3 @ 95/100/105/110

I guess I've decided to start microloading at 230. I'll go up in two-pound increments until I get in the mid-240s. Still taking it a little easy on the Overhead Press, as I felt a little something around my right shoulder blade a few weeks ago. Don't want to pull anything and ruin all the other lifts as well.

Tuesday, 20.04.28
Lifting: Pull
DL: 1/2/3 @ 275
PD: 2 x 5 @ 160

Hands still feel a bit soft.

Wednesday, 20.04.29
Lifting: Push
BP: 3 x 5 @ 167
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 235
OP: 4 @ 95/100/105/110

Thursday, 20.04.30
Lifting: Pull
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
RW: 3 x 5 @ 155
PD: 3/4/5 @ 165

1 mi. walk to store

Friday, 20.05.01

Saturday, 20.05.02

---------------Week 3: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.03
Lifting: Push
BP: 3 x 5 @ 169
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 238
1 mi. walk to store, yardwork

Monday, 20.05.04
Lifting: Pull
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
RW: 3 x 5 @ 155
PD: 3 x 5 @ 170

Replacing plastic garden fence with wire garden fence after rabbits or something else chewed through the plastic one in a couple of spots.

15 mins Rowing

Tuesday, 20.05.05
1.5 mi. walk to store and park. The puppy is building up stamina.

Lifting: Push
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 240
OP: 2 x 3 @ 113

Was feeling a little hypoglycemic after getting a late start at 6pm, but was able to push through a bit anyway.

Wednesday, 20.05.06
1 mi. walking in regional park down by Mississippi River with family and pup.

Thursday, 20.05.07
Lifting: Pull
DL: 2/2/3/2 @ 279
RW: 2 x 5 @ 158
PD: 3 x 5 @ 171

1 mi. walk with kids and puppy.

Friday, 20.05.08
Lifting: Push
BP: 3 x 5 @ 172
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 241
OP: 2 x 3 @ 111

Overhead Press is still lagging, but I should catch up in a week or two.

2 mi. walk with daughter and puppy to meet one of daughter's friends, who also has a labradoodle.

Saturday, 20.05.09
In order to catch up with this cycle, and finish with a 3RM Squat of 260, I'm going to microload one pound to the 1RM Squat for the first two Push/Pull splits of the week, and then add two pounds on the third split:

Cycle III 2020.jpg

Lifting: Pull
DL: 3 x 3 @ 280
PD: 3 x 5 @ 172

17 mins Rowing

Good week. Got in six lifting days. Still need to bring the aerobic component up, but the walks are helping.

---------------Week 4: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.10
1.2 mi. walk with family & pup to store.

Monday, 20.05.11
1 mi. walk with pup.

Wanted to go a bit further, but pup was tiring out. I have a route about 1.5 miles that includes three hills. Only made it to two today, but the first one is fairly long and steep. Felt good. The sidewalks were nice and cool on my soles and the sun shown brilliantly as the birds sang. I could get used to this am routine.

Lifting: Push
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 242
OP: 3 x 3 @ 111

1/3 mi. walk around block with daughter and pup.

Tuesday, 20.05.12
.8 mi. walk with pup.

Lifting: Pull
DL: 3 x 3 @ 281
RW: 3 x 5 @ 159
PD: 3 x 5 @ 173

Wow, everything felt easy for the first time in a long time.

1 mi. walk with daughter and pup.

Wednesday, 20.05.13
.8 mi. walk with pup.

Lifting: Push
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 243
OP: 3 x 4 @ 111

I'll try to get the Overhead Press up to five reps @ 111 next time, then start microloading until it catches up by the end of the cycle.

Thursday, 20.05.14
1.4 mi. walk with pup.

Friday, 20.05.15
Lifting: Pull
DL: 3 x 3 @ 282
RW: 3 x 5 @ 160
PD: 3 x 5 @ 173

1 mi. walk with daughter, son, and pup.

Saturday, 20.05.16
1.4 mi. walk with daughter and pup.
10 mins rowing, moderate intensity.

---------------Week 5: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.17
1 mi. walk with daughter and pup.

Monday, 20.05.18
1.7 mi. walk with pup.

Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 2 x 3 @ 185
OP: 2 x 5 @ 95
DL: 2 x 3 @ 225
PD: 2 x 5 @ 120
RW: 2 x 5 @ 135
BP: 2 x 5 @ 135

My shoulders have been feeling a little cranky after two pretty consistent weeks on the Push/Pull split. And today I'm feeling a little sick again, so I decided to do a whole body workout with light loads. I may end up going back to the six lifts, three times a week routine. Funny, I thought it would be my knees that would have trouble with everyday lifting. We'll see . . .

Tuesday, 20.05.19
1.7 mi. walk with daughter, son, and pup. Some yard work.

Wednesday, 20.05.20
1 mi. walk with daughter, son, and pup. Some yard work. 10 mins Rowing, moderate intensity.

Thursday, 20.05.21
1.2 mi. walk with daughter, son, and pup.

Friday, 20.05.22
Lifting: Push
BP: 3 x 5 @ 165
SQ: 3 @ 225/230/230
OP: 2 x 3 @ 105

Well, I think I'm finally going to give up on the late afternoon slot. Just too many interruptions these days. I've got some time before lunch, so I'll try to reschedule lifting to 11-12. This morning I only did the Push lifts because I slept poorly, but I'll try to get in the Pull lifts either later today or tomorrow. Even somewhat sleep-deprived, my energy levels feel close to normal, and have for the last several days. I think Monday was the last day I felt a little lingering sickness, or allergies?

I'm going to keep things a little light until I adjust to the earlier schedule and the whole body workouts, build up my work capacity a bit. Hopefully, starting at a 230-pound 3RM Squat today, I'll microload to get up to a 239-pound 3RM Squat by the end of this cycle, and then continue microloading from there. Using somewhat lighter loads than I was using a week or two ago will also help me reduce time in between sets, and get in a little more conditioning for my heart and lungs. Then, even when the loads become more challenging, I should be able to get all six lifts done within an hour.

1.5 mi. walk with daughter, son, and pup.

Saturday, 20.05.23
1.4 mi. walk with pup first thing. Felt pretty good to go on a walk right after waking up, I think I could get used to this.

---------------Week 6: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.24
1.4 mi. walk with son and pup . . . Taking apart old beds and putting together new ones.

Monday, 20.05.25
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 @ 231

Felt a little strain in my right side quads, decided to shut it down.

1.6 mi. walk with daughter and pup.

Tuesday, 20.05.26
15 min. Rowing.

Wednesday, 20.05.27
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 232
OP: 5 @ 95/105/110
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
PD: 5 @ 120/140/160

Felt pretty good. Will try to work in the Bench and Row next time.

1.7 mi. walk with daughter and pup.

Thursday, 20.05.28
2 mi. walk with pup and daughter to birthday party, then to pick up son from BMX bicycle playdate on the way home. Some teenagers have built a track alongside the freeway walls that borders our neighborhood.

Friday, 20.05.29
Yard work and setting up above ground pool.

Saturday, 20.05.30

---------------Week 7: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.31

Monday, 20.06.01
Lifting: Priming
SQ: 3 @ 185

Wasn't feeling well, so just primed the squats for the next workout.

1 mi. walk with daughter and pup.

Tuesday, 20.06.02
Lifting: Push
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 235

235 felt good. Will try to do the other five lifts tomorrow or the next day, then get back on an EOD, M-W-F lifting schedule next week.

Wednesday, 20.06.03
1.5 mi. walk with family and pup.

Thursday, 20.06.04
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 2 x 3 @ 235
OP: 2 x 5 @ 110
DL: 2 x 3 @ 275
PD: 2 x 5 @ 160

Friday, 20.06.05
1.5 mi. walk with daughter and pup.

Saturday, 20.06.06

---------------Week 8: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.06.07
1.2 mi. walk with kids and puppy.

Monday, 20.06.08
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 237
OP: 3/4 @ 110
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
PD: 3 x 4 @ 170

Upper back felt a little tight on the OP, otherwise, everything felt good. I'll use this week to get everything up in proportion to a 239 3RM Squat, then start at 240 next cycle.

Tuesday, 20.06.09
1.5 mi. walk with pup.

Wednesday, 20.06.10
Lifting: Push & Pull
BP: 3 x 5 @ 170
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 238

1.5 mi. walk with pup and daughter and son. Ran into lots of neighbors. Feels like life is returning.

Thursday, 20.06.11

Friday, 20.06.12
1 mi. walk with kids and puppy.

Saturday, 20.06.13
1 mi. walk with puppy.

Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 @ 185
OP: 2/3/4/5 @ 95
DL: 3 @ 225
PD: 5 @ 120/140/160
RW: 5 @ 135
BP: 5 @ 135

Decided just to prime everything. That's it for this cycle!
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So this cycle will start out as a rehab cycle. Just upper body lifts and hopefully increasing cardio loads till I hit normal cycle quantities. Need to focus on mobility and core work.

Last cycle was ok, with a few interruptions, traveling and then back issues. Weight dropped but is holding at 195ish probably should focus on that more too.

---------------Week 1: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.04.19

Monday, 20.04.20

Tuesday, 20.04.21

Wednesday, 20.04.22

Thursday, 20.04.23

Friday, 20.04.24
Starting to get frustrated and still dealing with the back issue. Was able to get a short lift in. Upper body only.

Bench - 3x5@80
Pull downs - 3x10@60
Knee hangs - 3x20sec

Run - 3k

Saturday, 20.04.25

---------------Week 2: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.04.26
Run - 5k

Monday, 20.04.27

Bench - 3x5@80
Pull downs - 3x10@60
Horizontal rows - 3x10@bw
Knee hangs - 3x20sec

Run - 5k

Back is feeling a little better.

Tuesday, 20.04.28

Wednesday, 20.04.29

Thursday, 20.04.30

Friday, 20.05.01

Saturday, 20.05.02

---------------Week 3: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.03

Monday, 20.05.04

Bench - 3x8@80
Pull downs - 3x8@60
Weighted carries - 3x400m@24kgs

run 7k

Still struggling with the back issue. definitely getting better but its still a low level pain all the time and still keeps me up at night. lifting and exercising has been all over the place, with the lockdown i have just been being more active throughout the day and lifting has also take place one set an hour or something like that.

going to try to get on the bike today, took a short ride over the weekend and that almost immediately irritated my back.

am able to squat with no weight and actually the squat movement releases some of the back tension which is good. i cant wait till the chiros can finally open back up.

Tuesday, 20.05.05
Ran a barefoot 5k today, in 3 parts over the day

Wednesday, 20.05.06
Run - 8k

Thursday, 20.05.07

Bench - 3x5@90
Pull downs - 3x10 @60
Ab rollouts - 3x8
Field carries - 3x400m@24kgs - did a bunch of curls during the walks

Added back in goblet squats today in the morning did 4x15@12kg

Friday, 20.05.08

Saturday, 20.05.09

---------------Week 4: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.10

Monday, 20.05.11

Tuesday, 20.05.12
Run - 5k
Wednesday, 20.05.13

Thursday, 20.05.14

Squats! - 3x3@60
Horizantal rows - 3x10@BW

Throughout the day
Goblet squats - 4x10@24
KB SLDL - 4x10@24

Run - 8k

Back is feeling much better so i tried some light an easy squats. They went well so I added some goblet squats and DL throughout the day to keep it warmed up. Success and no pain... yet.

I will intermix this lift day with the upper and farmers lift day for a couple of weeks and see how the back pain handles it for now.

Still running a mile or two barefoot every day as a morning warmup.

Friday, 20.05.15

Saturday, 20.05.16

---------------Week 5: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.17

Monday, 20.05.18

Tuesday, 20.05.19

Wednesday, 20.05.20

Thursday, 20.05.21

Friday, 20.05.22

Saturday, 20.05.23

---------------Week 6: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.24
Run - 8k

Monday, 20.05.25

Tuesday, 20.05.26
Run - 8k

Wednesday, 20.05.27
Bike Commute - 22k

Thursday, 20.05.28
Run - 8k
Bike commute - 22k

Friday, 20.05.29

Farmers with curlz - 4 x 400m @ 24

Hoping to get a lifting session in later today.

Running is going pretty well. Think its time to up the mileage slowly and see how the ankles respond. Glad the lockdown is easing in time for summer too, getting the wanderlust to get outside more.

Saturday, 20.05.30

---------------Week 7: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.31

Monday, 20.06.01

Tuesday, 20.06.02

Wednesday, 20.06.03

Thursday, 20.06.04

Friday, 20.06.05

Saturday, 20.06.06

---------------Week 8: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.06.07

Monday, 20.06.08

Tuesday, 20.06.09

Wednesday, 20.06.10

Thursday, 20.06.11

Friday, 20.06.12

Saturday, 20.06.13
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Assessment of last cycle: Had a weird bug that sapped me of energy but was otherwise mostly asymptomatic. Corona? In any case, started to get better about getting in the aerobic portion in everyday, and my high blood pressure seems to be coming down. I also discovered that indoor aerobic work is more tolerable just before bed, in the dark, listening to music. It's very relaxing at the end of the day.

Goals for this cycle: more of the same. Push/Pull lifting split complemented by Airdyne/Rowing aerobic work, and hopefully, some sled work and at least one longish bike ride per week. We're also getting a puppy on Monday, to help distract my home-bound kids, so I'm thinking when the dog is old enough I'll take her on a one-mile walk first thing in the morning, if my knees can handle walking everyday.

Here's the projected microloading over the eight-week cycle:

View attachment 9583

For the first three weeks or so I'll be play catch up and will microload with two-pound increments instead of one-pound ones, until I'm in the 245 range or so for the Squat 3RM.

Once again, I will try to be more flexible. Although I will aim for the ideal routine of an everyday (ED) AM:Aerobic/PM:Lifting-Conditioning Split, which is further divided into a every other day (EOD) Push/Pull Split, this can be reduced or changed in order to always get something in.

So, for example, if I miss the AM aerobic, I can tag it on in the afternoon, after the lifting. Also, I may sometimes insert a longish bike ride after a EOD Push-Pull split if the lifting is getting tiresome, rather than skip a workout altogether. Also, on days when I'm just not feeling it, I'll just do warmup-set loads, just to grease the groove.

---------------Week 1: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.04.19

Monday, 20.04.20

Tuesday, 20.04.21

Wednesday, 20.04.22

Thursday, 20.04.23

Friday, 20.04.24

Saturday, 20.04.25

---------------Week 2: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.04.26

Monday, 20.04.27

Tuesday, 20.04.28

Wednesday, 20.04.29

Thursday, 20.04.30

Friday, 20.05.01

Saturday, 20.05.02

---------------Week 3: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.03

Monday, 20.05.04

Tuesday, 20.05.05

Wednesday, 20.05.06

Thursday, 20.05.07

Friday, 20.05.08

Saturday, 20.05.09

---------------Week 4: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.10

Monday, 20.05.11

Tuesday, 20.05.12

Wednesday, 20.05.13

Thursday, 20.05.14

Friday, 20.05.15

Saturday, 20.05.16

---------------Week 5: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.17

Monday, 20.05.18

Tuesday, 20.05.19

Wednesday, 20.05.20

Thursday, 20.05.21

Friday, 20.05.22

Saturday, 20.05.23

---------------Week 6: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.24

Monday, 20.05.25

Tuesday, 20.05.26

Wednesday, 20.05.27

Thursday, 20.05.28

Friday, 20.05.29

Saturday, 20.05.30

---------------Week 7: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.05.31

Monday, 20.06.01

Tuesday, 20.06.02

Wednesday, 20.06.03

Thursday, 20.06.04

Friday, 20.06.05

Saturday, 20.06.06

---------------Week 8: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 20.06.07

Monday, 20.06.08

Tuesday, 20.06.09

Wednesday, 20.06.10

Thursday, 20.06.11

Friday, 20.06.12

Saturday, 20.06.13

I'm guessing we all were basically infected with corona. I felt that way before our trip last cycle. Lost the sense of smell as well which seems to be a symptom as well.

Been listening to music a lot more lately and trying to walk run a few times a day to keep things moving. It's a nice break for the brain. Also a morning walk, funny we are adopting some of the same things? Seasonal?
I'm guessing we all were basically infected with corona. I felt that way before our trip last cycle. Lost the sense of smell as well which seems to be a symptom as well.

Been listening to music a lot more lately and trying to walk run a few times a day to keep things moving. It's a nice break for the brain. Also a morning walk, funny we are adopting some of the same things? Seasonal?
Yah, it will be interesting when we finally have widespread testing to see how many people have had it.

The walking started with the shelter-in-place order and cancellation of school. It's a good way to get the kids some exercise in addition to yard stuff like throwing a ball or the trampoline. But now with the puppy coming, I'm thinking about making it a regular part of my morning routine. Beats indoor aerobic, that's for sure. My older brother has also made simply walking a part of his exercise routine. And even if I can't run, I think it's good in general to locomote with the feet regularly. Maybe I'll start working in some hill sprints . . .

I do like your idea of a morning routine/ritual though, so this has all been motivation for it.
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Yah, it will be interesting when we finally have widespread testing to see how many people have had it.

The walking started with the shelter-in-place order and cancellation of school. It's a good way to get the kids some exercise in addition to yard stuff like throwing a ball or the trampoline. But now with the puppy coming, I'm thinking about making it a regular part of my morning routine. Beats indoor aerobic, that's for sure. My older brother has also made simply walking a part of his exercise routine. And even if I can't run, I think it's good in general to locomote with the feet regularly. Maybe I'll start working in some hill sprints . . .

I do like your idea of a morning routine/ritual though, so this has all been motivation for it.

yeah the morning ritual is probably one of the better changes I have made recently. i have added some reading to it and i really like the focus i can give to books in the am vs. pm when i normally read. now i would love to add the guitar to that, but i like playing and enjoying a beer in the evening. actually with the back issue i can't sit more than 5-10 minutes without having issues so the guitar has been hit or miss lately.

starting to do some barefoot running today out in the back field. its been a while but i really missed it.

you get your puppy yet?
yeah the morning ritual is probably one of the better changes I have made recently. i have added some reading to it and i really like the focus i can give to books in the am vs. pm when i normally read. now i would love to add the guitar to that, but i like playing and enjoying a beer in the evening. actually with the back issue i can't sit more than 5-10 minutes without having issues so the guitar has been hit or miss lately.

starting to do some barefoot running today out in the back field. its been a while but i really missed it.

you get your puppy yet?
The back issue must be very frustrating. I know from past experience it can take months with back issues. Hard to isolate the back from anything. I agree though, music is mostly a nighttime thing for me. My insomnia has mostly cleared up and my metabolic/high blood pressure are mostly under control, so I'm starting to push the weights a little bit. Already feels great to move beyond my base and stress the system a bit more. Hope you get back to 100% soon!

Been doing a fair amount of barefoot walking, as you can see in the logs. I would like to walk a mile every morning. I think my knees should be able to tolerate that pretty well, and may even help them keep the fluids pumping inside.

Yah, got the pup two weeks ago today. The pup is doing really well, mostly potty-trained, very docile. Our daughter is doing a great job as a mom, but it's a little annoying she doesn't want any advice based on my past experience with dogs. One month to go before she's a full-fledged, know-it-all teenager!
The back issue must be very frustrating. I know from past experience it can take months with back issues. Hard to isolate the back from anything. I agree though, music is mostly a nighttime thing for me. My insomnia has mostly cleared up and my metabolic/high blood pressure are mostly under control, so I'm starting to push the weights a little bit. Already feels great to move beyond my base and stress the system a bit more. Hope you get back to 100% soon!

Been doing a fair amount of barefoot walking, as you can see in the logs. I would like to walk a mile every morning. I think my knees should be able to tolerate that pretty well, and may even help them keep the fluids pumping inside.

Yah, got the pup two weeks ago today. The pup is doing really well, mostly potty-trained, very docile. Our daughter is doing a great job as a mom, but it's a little annoying she doesn't want any advice based on my past experience with dogs. One month to go before she's a full-fledged, know-it-all teenager!

I finally think its licked for now. The kids were sick last week and I wonder if I had a lighter case of the illness hence why the back issues came back? It seems that when I get sick, even mildly, the achiness in the back picks up. I usually can tell when I am sick as my resting heart rate will strangely increase for a week then just drop to normal ranges and it coincides with the back pain leaving as well. One of the benefits of the fitbit. Also need to keep the stretching up, especially the hamstrings. They are practically impossible to loosen up.

Really glad to hear about the HBP, its seriously great news that you are able to keep it in check. Also the insomnia, those two are probably more intertwined than we think. Also I'm a bit tempted to try to slowly up the goblet squats weight and see what happens.

Funny about your daughter, and she sounds like my oldest, technically speaking are we any different? Glad the pup is doing well and able to take a decent walk already! They are great encouragement to exercise.
I finally think its licked for now. The kids were sick last week and I wonder if I had a lighter case of the illness hence why the back issues came back? It seems that when I get sick, even mildly, the achiness in the back picks up. I usually can tell when I am sick as my resting heart rate will strangely increase for a week then just drop to normal ranges and it coincides with the back pain leaving as well. One of the benefits of the fitbit. Also need to keep the stretching up, especially the hamstrings. They are practically impossible to loosen up.

Really glad to hear about the HBP, its seriously great news that you are able to keep it in check. Also the insomnia, those two are probably more intertwined than we think. Also I'm a bit tempted to try to slowly up the goblet squats weight and see what happens.

Funny about your daughter, and she sounds like my oldest, technically speaking are we any different? Glad the pup is doing well and able to take a decent walk already! They are great encouragement to exercise.
Cool to hear the back issue is clearing up. I would still take it easy for a month or two, make sure it's fully healed before you stress it much.

My hammies don't need much stretching these days now that I don't run. I do minimal stretching when I workout, but I would like more mobility for its own sake. Still, the basic barebell lifts, especially the squat, do accomplish a fair bit of 'active' stretching.

Yah, life is good now without the lightheadedness, or the feeling that my heart is about to pop out of my chest, and feels great to wake up after sleeping through the night. The meds help, but I think it's mostly just achieving a modicum of fitness. Now I need to capitalize and push towards a medium-level of fitness. I don't know if I have it in me to become really fit again, but moderate fitness is probably enough. Also not sure how far I'll go with the loads, but it would still be nice to get up to that 405 deadlift, or a squat in the mid-300s. My microloading chart projects that to happen in the middle of Cycle VI, if I can maintain some consistency going forward.

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