Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2019: Cycle I

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of 2018.

Well, never got to some serious progressive overload via microloading in 2018, but at least I never fell completely off the exercise bandwagon either. By the end of the year, I got back to what I consider a base level of lifting, that is, a level that comes back relatively easily within two to four weeks of priming, after which I start to feel greater resistance, and need to start progressive microloading. For me, that’s roughly a Squat 1RM of 260-265 pounds.

Goals for 2019.

For lifting, I would like to meet these maxes some time in the second half of 2019:

Deadlift: 1RM = 405, 3RM = 365
Squat: 1RM = 350, 3RM = 315
Bench Press: 1RM = 265, 5RM = 225
Overhead Press: 1RM = 175, 5RM = 150
Pendlay Row: 1RM = 235, 5RM = 200
Pulldown/Chinup: 1RM = 265, 5RM = 225

These numbers are all based on my Iron Ratio and Rep Percentages.

The Iron Ratio is:

Squat = 1 unit
Deadlift = 1.16
Bench Press = 0.755
Overhead Press = 0.5
Row = 0.7
Pulldown/Chinup = 0.755

The Deadlift, Squat, Bench, and Press ratios are fairly conventional, taken from several different sources on ‘structural balance’ ( balance). The standard ratios are 5:4:3:2, respectively. I follow these pretty closely. I bring the Deadlift down a little just to make sure my Squats have properly prepped my hips and lower back for the strain of deadlifting. The exact determination of 1.16, instead of 1.15, as it was previously, is so that my 1RM goals for each comes out at a relatively even eight 45-pound plates for the Deadlift 1RM, six 45-pound and two 25-pound plates for the deadlift 3RM, and six 45-pound plates for the Squat 3RM. I may test the Deadlift 1RM of 405 when I get to it, but I think I will stick to a 3RM goal (315) for the Squat, for safety’s sake.

I also added a bit to the Bench ratio to make that come out even at 225 for my 5RM goal. I’m not sure if I will attempt a 1RM for the Bench either, as there is some injury risk involved with my aging shoulders.

The Row ratio is somewhat arbitrarily set, and I doubt I’ll be able to maintain the ratio as the weights increase and my leverage decreases. There will probably come a limit below body weight when it will become impossible to lift with good form, or likely to fall forward with good form. I think the upper limit is probably around 200 pounds.

The Pulldown/Chinup ratio is also somewhat arbitrary set, at equal to the Bench. At some point here as well, it will become impossible to do Pulldowns, after which I will begin to pull myself up off the floor. At that point I will switch to Chinups, or perhaps begin transitioning to Chinups a bit before I get to that point using bands. Alternatively, I could strap myself down for heavier Pulldowns, but I think I prefer the more natural motion of Chinups.

The Rep Percentages are also fairly conventional, averaged out from several different sources on the subject. They are:

1RM = 100%
2RM = 95% of 1RM
3RM = 90% of 1RM
5RM = 85% of 1RM
7RM = 80% of 1RM

For aerobic goals, this will be measured by my blood pressure. I hope to get back down into a normal range as soon as possible. Once there, I will simply seek to maintain it. Besides that, I don't have any specific conditioning or endurance goals, although it would be nice to get my bike ride speed up to a 15-16 mph average.

Goals for Cycle I.

I will continue with the Push/Pull split, and try to work in the aerobic and conditioning components as quickly as possible, now that I have achieved a base for microloading. There's a chance I will go back to a fullbody EOD workout plan, if I find it's too taxing mentally or physically to lift every day, or if I give up once and for all on the idea of going for a bike ride every morning. Or I could just switch between the two plans, depending on time and motivation.

Idealized Routine:

bike ride/commute

PM: Push
Lift: Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press.
Assistance: Dips, Pullovers
HIIT: 15/45 x 5 on Air Dyne
Sled: Push

PM: Pull
Lift: Deadlift, Pendlay Row, Pulldown/Chinup.
Assistance: One-hand Dumbbell Row, Back Extensions
HIIT: 15/45 x 5 on Rower
Sled: Pull

I doubt I will incorporate much in the way of assistance as long as I’m making steady progress on the main lifts.

For HIIT, I think I will start with 15 seconds of high-intensity, 45 seconds of recovery, for five minutes total, and adjust as my conditioning improves.

Here are the loads for the first three cycles, based on my Iron Ratio and Rep Percentages. I won't take the scheduling too seriously though. If I fall behind I'll simply make up the missed loads and lower the starting loads for the next week/cycle. Each lift has two columns, one for its 1RM, and one for its 3RM (lower body lifts) or 5RM (upper body lifts). This repeats three times for a week, and twelve times, or four weeks, across the page. Thus, two complete rows represent a cycle of eight weeks.

Cycle I, II, III 2018.jpg

---------------Week 1: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 18.12.30

Monday, 18.12.31
BP: 3 x 5 @ 170
SQ: 2/3/3 @ 240
OP: 2/4/4 @ 115

Didn't lift over the weekend, but glad I talked myself into lifting on the last day of the year, and made it up to a 240 3RM on the Squat. I had made 225 and then 235 my base load, but 240 feels like real resistance. I may stay at this load for a few workouts until everything feels a bit easier, or not. Maybe just repeat for the first split of the new year, and then begin microloading in earnest.

I still toy with the idea of doing full workouts EOD, but I'll give myself at least this cycle to see if I can successfully work in the aerobic component on the Push/Pull split. I'm pretty sure the latter would be the most beneficial, just don't know if it's feasible time or motivation-wise.

Tuesday, 19.01.01
DL: 3 x 3 @ 280
RW: 2 x 5 @ 160
PD: 3 x 5 @ 170

Felt a little lower back strain on the Pendlay Rows, so I quit after two sets.

Wednesday, 19.01.02
Hockey practice and basketball team photos for my son destroyed my workout time.

Thursday, 19.01.03
Family matters once again conspired against my workout. I still could've gotten one in by the time the dust settled at 7:30, but by then I was pretty hungry for dinner.

One thing that occurred to me though, is that on Wednesday I didn't really mind missing my lifting session, but Thursday I was more than ready. Getting up to decent loads/resistances seems to make everyday lifting a bit more draining for more than two days in a row, but also more addictive, so that skipping more than one day feels kinda unsatisfying; the muscles seem primed for more stimulation/stress.

So that reminded me of one protocol I haven't tried yet, and that's to do the Push/Pull split for two days, and then on the third day do just aerobic, or a bike ride in my case. It just doesn't seem realistic to get in a morning bike ride and an afternoon lifting session, as I've proposed for this cycle, nor do I really like the idea of going back to a EOD lifting/aerobic schedule and doing all six lifts in a session. I definitely like the ease of a three-lift session. So what I might try is a three-day alternation:

Day 1: Bike Commute; Push: Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press; HIIT on Airdyne; Sled Push.
Day 2: Bike Commute; Pull: Deadlift, Row, Pulldown/Chinup; HIIT on Rower; Sled Pull.
Day 3: Bike Commute & Ride

This three-day alternation could lead to a three-week mini-cycle of seven alternations, or, perhaps more realistically, a weekly schedule of two alternations with one rest day or makeup day for when I miss a workout:

Push | Pull | Ride | Push | Pull | Ride | Rest/Makeup

Friday, 19.01.04
BP: 3 x 5 @ 173
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 242
OP: 3/5/5 @ 115

Aerobic: Airdyne, 20 mins, low intensity.

Saturday, 19.01.05
DL: 3 x 3 @ 280
RW: 3 x 5 @ 160
PD: 3 x 5 @ 170

Aerobic: Rower, 20 mins, low intensity.

Listened to Podcast of History of Philosophy while rowing. They come in 22-minute installments, so perhaps that will be my aerobic routine.

Anyway, feels good to have gotten in some aerobic work, now that my lifting is up at a decent resistance level. I was thinking of hold the loads constant while I worked in the aerobic component, but now I think I'll try to push ahead on the microloading.

Contrary to what I wrote on Thursday, I guess I will proceed with the Push/Pull split outlined in the beginning of this post, but the Push/Pull/Ride protocol could still enter the mix as an alternative when I need a break from lifting. This morning (Sunday), however, I'm feeling raring to go on another lifting session. We'll see . . .

---------------Week 2: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.01.06

Monday, 19.01.07

Tuesday, 19.01.08
BP: 3 x 5 @ 173
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 243
OP: 3/5/5 @ 115

Loads are starting to feel easier. And I'm getting more used to doing proper Overhead Presses. While kneeling, it was easier to maintain a good, neutral spine. I've tried with my squat belt, but that doesn't really seem to help much.

Wednesday, 19.01.09
DL: 3 x 3 @ 282
RW: 3 x 5 @ 161
PD: 3 x 5 @ 172.5

Thursday, 19.01.10
BP: 3 x 5 @ 175
SQ: 2 x 3 @ 245
OP: 3 x 5 @ 115

Right knee felt a little pain, but I pushed on through to the second set then called it quits for the third. I'm tempted to sit at these oddly even loads for a while until it feels easier and I can do the workout with less time in between sets. We'll see . . .

Friday, 19.01.11
DL: 3 x 3 @ 285
RW: 3 x 5 @ 162
PD: 3 x 5 @ 175

I dunno, if I raise the row to 165, I could have oddly even loads for all six lifts, and just stay at this level until the cardio/conditioning catches up. Tempting, but it's also tempting to keep getting stronger . . .

Saturday, 19.01.12

---------------Week 3: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.01.13

Monday, 19.01.14

Tuesday, 19.01.15

Wednesday, 19.01.16

Thursday, 19.01.17
I got a mild flu bug, body aches, some congestion, cloudy head, but no fever. Slept most of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Starting to feel better today. May try some light weights or cardio or both . . .

Friday, 19.01.18
Returned to full energy levels but spent the workout time talking to my brother instead. Oh well.

Saturday, 19.01.19
SQ: 3 x 2 @ 245

Legs felt OK despite a week off, but I only had time for Squats, and only did two-rep sets, just to be safe.

---------------Week 4: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.01.20

Monday, 19.01.21
DL: 2/3/3 @ 288

Decided to push on to this week's projected loads, despite having missed a week. But my mild flu bug is still lingering a bit, so just did the essential deadlifts, to conserve energy. This was a mistake, as I woke up in the middle of the night--wasn't tired enough to sleep through the night.

Tuesday, 19.01.22
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 248

Load felt solid, almost easy. Time to return to full workouts I guess.

Wednesday, 19.01.23
DL: 2/3/3 @ 288

Got a late start, so a quick session of Deadlifts. I also figured out a way to use my pulldown cable for assisted chinups.

Thursday, 19.01.24
SQ: 3 X 3 @ 250
BP: 3 x 5 @ 178

Friday, 19.01.25
Hmmn, I felt like my energy levels had returned to normal, but still feeling a bit flu-ish from time to time, a little stomach upset.

Saturday, 19.01.26
DL: 3 x 3 @ 290

---------------Week 5: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.01.27

Monday, 19.01.28
SQ: 3 X 3 @ 250

Tuesday, 19.01.29
DL: 3 @ 290

Felt nauseous on my warmup sets and my first workset, so I shut it down. It got worse through the evening, then I puked around midnight. Stomach flu.

Wednesday, 19.01.30
Just rested, and barely ate, but felt better as the day progressed.

Thursday, 19.01.31
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 120

Still felt a little weak, so I just did light upper body pulls in order to 'grease the groove' before too much more time had passed.

I also tried my new Chinup assist apparatus. It's basically just a swing anchored to my cabled weight stack. I rest my knees on the swing. Still needs one more tweak, then it should work pretty well. Then I'll try to finally get around to taking pics of the new home gym and its different modalities.

Funny how different Chinups and Pulldowns feel.

Friday, 19.02.01

Saturday, 19.02.02
SQ: 3 X 3 @ 185

I still feel bloated and mildly nauseous after eating, so I just greased the groove again. It's too bad, because the rest of me was really up for a good workout.

---------------Week 6: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.02.03
DL: 2/3 @ 295
RW: 3 x 5 @ 165
PD: 3 x 3 @ 180

First time I've felt normal in about two weeks.Left knee felt a little cranky so I shut down the deadlifts after the second workset. Funny how wrong the orthos were who told me squats and deadlifts were bad for my degenerative knees. They tend to get cranky when I don't work out consistently.

Monday, 19.02.04
BP: 5 @ 155/165/175
SQ: 3 @ 225/235/245

Laddered up a bit to make sure everything was in order. I think I will try to stick to the original goal loads for this cycle (Squat 3RM = 260), despite being sick/low energy for a few weeks, so I'll try to catch up this week and next.

I had to pick up my son by 6pm so I didn't have time for the Overhead Press. Too bad, I definitely had the energy for it.

Tuesday, 19.02.05
DL: 1/3/3 @ 295
PD: 3 x 5 @ 180

Tried my chinup assist, but the knees tend to swing too far forward.

Then later, while shoveling the driveway, I slipped on a patch of ice (it rained Sunday night just before freezing Monday morning), and fell on top of the shovel's handle, bruising my ribs. Crap. I'm going to see a doctor Thursday morning, but it doesn't feel too serious. I'll have to take some time off from lifting though. It hurts to move and cough, but breathing is OK.

Wednesday, 19.02.06

Thursday, 19.02.07
Radiologist says there's a small deformity on the seventh rib indicating a fracture. Doctor doesn't see anything. I'm pretty sure it's just a bruise. It's hard to find more than one position to sleep in.

Friday, 19.02.08

Saturday, 19.02.09

---------------Week 7: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.02.10
Rib started to feel better Saturday afternoon. Today it feels quite manageable. I may even try lifting this week, but I should probably wait until next week. As the doctor said, this could be a good excuse to focus on cardio for a week or two.

Nonetheless, on the last workout or two before the injury, I was starting to enjoy lifting again. I had passed the 'getting back into shape' threshold from (a) initially having to force myself to start a workout, to (b) my body sort of craving a workout, and feeling a bit letdown if I missed one. So I'm anxious to start lifting again and push on into the 300+pound ranges for the deadlift and squat.

Monday, 19.02.11
Shoveled the snow. It was too painful to do my lifting, so I just pushed the snow off the driveway onto the street. This led to a good hour of lite aerobic exercise!

Tuesday, 19.02.12

Wednesday, 19.02.13

Thursday, 19.02.14

Friday, 19.02.15

Saturday, 19.02.16
Bought 4'x6' stall mats at Fleet Farm. I've been meaning to do this for a long time. The interlocking squares I bought on Amazon are just too soft, and I really started to notice it when the loads started getting heavier a few weeks ago. I've been placing a half-inch-thick board under my feet for greater stability, but the best thing to do is just replace the Amazon mats with proper stall mats. But man, those things are heavy--almost 100 pounds each, and very awkward to lift/grip. I think I'll need my nephew to help me get them up from the garage to the second floor workout space.

---------------Week 8: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.02.17

Monday, 19.02.18
Rib feels OK. I've slept two nights through. It has been hard getting a decent night's sleep as there is only one position that is comfortable, but that's changing. Now I barely notice the rib when sleeping on my left side, and during the day I can do most motions pain-free. Still hurts to cough or burp though.

Late afternoon/early evening I began dissembling my home gym so that I can put in the new mats. It then also occurred to me that if I shifted the squat rack 90 degrees, I might be able to make my 8'x12' space more efficient. I tried lifting one of the mats out of the garage, but the size is just too awkward. I would have to roll it up somehow then tie it, which is just about impossible for one person to do. So I'll have to get my nephew or brother to help.

The good news is that moving all the plates around, my rib felt fine, so I think I'm definitely ready to start lifting again.

Tuesday, 19.02.19
Worked a bit on the home gym.

Wednesday, 19.02.20
Finished the remodeling of the home gym. Turned out pretty good. Should be a slightly more spacious and pleasant area for workouts.

Thursday, 19.02.21
2 mi walk commute.

Friday, 19.02.22
2 mi walk commute.

Saturday, 19.02.23
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Had some great successes last year, the primary one being a new focus on family and the second one health from a more rounded perspective. They have led to some great positive changes at home, but also
in my physical and mental health.

For a quick summary, I established more positive habits especially surrounding a rigid morning routine. This involves keeping a basic journal, doing a short yoga routine then meditating for at least 10 minutes, then running a 5k most days (or walk if I need a break), then heavy lifting, then riding to work. During the work day I will also do another yoga/meditation routine most days. Finally my wife and I typically take an after dinner walk together to catch up on the day. I also have been experimenting with intermittent fasting with an eating window from 11am-7pm, although I have been missing the 7pm one the last few days. But overall establishing a little discipline the in the morning with eating seems to lead to more discipline later in the day.

Anyway, I have been at my target weight for 2 weeks now, which is the range from 180-185. This year will be to focus on maintaining that range.

Earlier in the year I injured my back which kind of forced these changes upon me. It's very humbling to go from running/biking long distances to being able to sit up for half a week.

However these changes have also made me rethink doing ultra races. I think I will continue doing longer multi-day distances during the days and at my own schedule and not signing up for a specific ultra event. This seems to be my preferable way of traveling that keeps the stress levels low.

Lifting - I will keep doing what I am doing, and following the log and keep adding a little wight or an additional rep or two from the week before. Sets of 3-5 primarily.

Endurance - Keep doing the 5k a day and daily biking for at least the next few months.

---------------Week 1: Cycle I---------------
Monday, 18.12.31

Run - 5k

CGBP - 5 x 10@60
Pull-ups/Wide Pull downs/Reverse grip PD - 5 x 5 each @50

Needed a break from heavy. Squat day tomorrow.

Tuesday, 19.01.01
Squats - 5@60, 5@70, 5@80, 5@90, 2@100, 1@105
Low rows - 5x10@75
Rollouts - 3x10

Wednesday, 19.01.02
Run - 5k

Bench - 10@60, 5@70, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 3@100, 1@105, 1@110
Pull ups - 9, 8, 5, 6, 5, 5, 7

Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 19.01.03
Run - 5k

TBDL - 5@70, 5@90, 5@110, 5@120, 5@130
Wide Low Row - 8x5@70

Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 19.01.04
Run - 5k

Farmers - 3x160m@90
Press - 5@40, 5@45, 5@50,[email protected], 5@55, 4@60

Bike commute - 35k

Saturday, 19.01.05
Run - 5k

Sunday, 19.01.06
Run - 5k

Squat - 5@60, 5@70, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 5@95, 5@100
Low rows - 10@70, 5x10@80

---------------Week 2: Cycle I---------------
Monday, 19.01.07

Run - 5k

Bench - 10@60, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 4@95, 3@100, 10@60
Pull ups - 10, 6, 6, 7, 6, 5
Ab Rollouts - 3x10

Bike Commute - 35k

Tuesday, 19.01.08
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 19.01.09
Run - 5k

TBDL - 5@90, 5@100, 5@110, 5@120, 5@130, 2@140
Pull downs - 3x8@60

Bike commute 35k

Thursday, 19.01.10
Run - 5k

Press - 5@40, 5@45, 5@50,5@55, 5@60
Farmers - 5 x 80m@100
K2E - 3x10

Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 19.01.11
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 35k

Saturday, 19.01.12
Run - 5k

Just plugging away making some slow gains, bench and deadlifts are the biggest loser in the weight loss effect. I'm still taking creatine to see if that helps. Weight is still in target area, still trying to find a way to maintain vs. lose or grow. I'm keeping the same loss diet and just eating a bit more to compensate when I'm hungry. Intermittent fasting is also going ok, but still takes discipline.

Sunday, 19.01.13
Run - 5k

Bench - 8@60, 5@80, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 5@95, 3@100
Pull ups - 9, 8, 8, 8, 10, 9, 8, 8
K2E - 2x10
Rollouts - 2x10

---------------Week 3: Cycle I---------------

Monday, 19.01.14
Bike commute - 35k

Tuesday, 19.01.15
Run - 5k

TBDL - 5@100, 5@100, 5@110, 5@120, 5@130, 3@140
Press - 8@40, 5@45, 5@50, 5@55, 5@60, 13@40

Bike commute - 35k

Wednesday, 19.01.16
Run - 5k
Farmers - 5x80m@110
Press - 5x10@40
Pull ups - 3x8

Bike commute - 35k

Thursday, 19.01.17

Friday, 19.01.18

Saturday, 19.01.19

---------------Week 4: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.01.20

Monday, 19.01.21

Tuesday, 19.01.22

Wednesday, 19.01.23

Thursday, 19.01.24

Friday, 19.01.25

Saturday, 19.01.26

---------------Week 5: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.01.27

Monday, 19.01.28

Tuesday, 19.01.29

Wednesday, 19.01.30

Thursday, 19.01.31

Friday, 19.02.01

Saturday, 19.02.02

---------------Week 6: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.02.03

Monday, 19.02.04

Tuesday, 19.02.05

Wednesday, 19.02.06

Thursday, 19.02.07

Friday, 19.02.08

Saturday, 19.02.09

---------------Week 7: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.02.10

Monday, 19.02.11
Run - 5k
Squats - 5@40, 5@60, 5@80, 5@90, 5@100
Low pulls - 3x20@60
Pull downs - 14@60, 12@60
Roll outs - 4x10

Bike - 18k

Ended up getting a bike accident with a car, smashed up my legs and busted my good shoulder. Two accidents, in less than 2 cycles...

Tuesday, 19.02.12

Wednesday, 19.02.13

Thursday, 19.02.14
Run - 5k

Friday, 19.02.15
Run - 5k

Saturday, 19.02.16
Run - 5k

---------------Week 8: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.02.17
Run - 5k
Bike - 28k

Monday, 19.02.18
Squats - 5@40, 5@60, 5@70, 5@80, 5@80
Low pull - 4x10@60
Pull downs - 4x8@60

Bike Commute -35k

Still dealing with shoulder issues and serous pain in my right glute. movement seems to help relieve some of the pain.

Tuesday, 19.02.19
Run - 5k

Press - 10@20, 5@40, 5@40, 5@40, 5@40
Farmers - 80m@70, 3x80m@90

Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 19.02.20
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 19.02.21

Friday, 19.02.22

Saturday, 19.02.23
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Had some great successes last year, the primary one being a new focus on family and the second one health from a more rounded perspective. They have led to some great positive changes at home, but also in my physical and mental health.
Glad to hear you've healed up and have attained a more positive perspective. In my work I've gone through a mini revolution in my understanding and this too has led to greater peace and positivity. Now I need to implement a early morning routine similar to yours, but I will continue to leave the lifting until the end of the day, especially now that my family has become more tolerant of my lifting during the dinner hour if I get home later. I was supposed to start my morning bike ride this morning, but it's pretty cold outside, so I'll give myself a one-day pass, and just focus on getting a good session of lifting and some HIIT.
Ended up getting a bike accident with a car, smashed up my legs and busted my good shoulder. Two accidents, in less than 2 cycles...

Still dealing with shoulder issues and serous pain in my right glute. movement seems to help relieve some of the pain.
Crap Abide!

I hope it's nothing long-lasting. Looks like you're able to run and ride. Definitely give the shoulder plenty of time to heal up. It's a very tricky joint with so many moving parts.

My rib still bothers me a bit when I sleep, but during the day I seem to be fully functional. I'll test it later today or tomorrow when I start lifting again. Just finished re-arranging the home gym after finally putting down proper stall mats. I'll post pics in Cycle II's thread.

Good to see you posting again in any case!

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