Cajun Coyote 100k - In Game Thread

Awesome! God Speed!

Awesome! God Speed!
Good luck and have tons of

Good luck and have tons of fun!!!

I will be expecting a detailed race report with lots of pictures...the bloodier the better!
the tone this place has taken

the tone this place has taken since that somewhat new guy has shown up with his friends in tow has definitely taken a turn for the worse. i like it.

have fun and don't blow out otherwise those shoddies will have a reason to never bare their soles. all puns intended.
Good luck, and give me your

Good luck, and give me your race report for the home page.
100km in the bayou, sounds

100km in the bayou, sounds like a hell of a good time. Just remember if the log moves, it probably not a log. ;-)
THATS MY BOY!!!!!...taught


...taught him everything he knows!

Lol, really though man, you got this! The few pics of the course made it look like a breeze man! Next year well do the 100 mile together, barefoot, nude, and holding hands the whole way! I did say hands, so dont get too excited...

Ok, Bubba asked me to update

Ok, Bubba asked me to update this thread for him via the texts he sends me throughout the day... So update text number one reads.... and I quote... "Who do you work you?!?@! #2!! A most cruel and demanding boss..." Chasers translation... Its 17 minutes till the gun blast, and I havent gotten off the crapper in over an hour.... Its gunna be a sh!tty day! Stay tuned for future developments!!!
Reread your post, Chaser, and

Reread your post, Chaser, and check out the spelling again. ;-)

Sorry, but we gotta do it. Only vanilla cuss words allowed. The other ones have to be sugar coated. Ha!
Oops... Sowwie....I havent

Oops... Sowwie....

I havent heard from Bubba since that last text at 6:13. Hopefully he has been running for the last 8 hours! Im thinking no news is good news, right?
I would think if he has time

I would think if he has time to text, that would not be good news. Hopefully everything went well.
So that was a major bust! 20

So that was a major bust! 20 miles and a big fat DNF. A little background and or excuses, this was originally going to be my 1st 100 mile attempt but I injured my ankle at a 50k and that caused me to downgrade to the 100k. I did some test runs leading up to the race and new the ankle would be tricky come race day.

I new within the 1st 4 to 6 miles that my ankle wasn't up for 100k and with RR coming up in February I decided to call it a day at 20 miles. The trail was not barefoot friendly to say the least. There were tons of leaf covered roots and acorns and gum balls for days! I maybe could have grinded out 40 miles bf but I there is no way my feet could've taken the beaten for the full 100k. In fact, I'm actually pretty satisfied with my 20 mile effort on that surface.

I did come away with a bf trail distance PR but it fell well short of my road bf distance PR. I'll be back at this race next year but with some kind of foot protection and hopefully a healed ankle.
Bummer man. Oh well, not all

Bummer man. Oh well, not all races are good ones. Just use it as a learning experience and go from there!

Heal that ankle up, weve got 2 months till Rocky!!!! I might join you for this race next year..... Maybe...
Argh! I hate gum balls! I'm

Argh! I hate gum balls! I'm still impressed you were able to complete 20.
I try to practice running on

I try to practice running on gumballs while on pavement. Not really I just can't avoid them as they seem to fall in massive amounts all at the same time. When they are green still they really hurt and suck.

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