Barefoot Trail Runners – EcoTrail du Massif des Brasses, 12 October 2014, Onnion, France

Barefoot Trail Runners – EcoTrail du Massif des Brasses, 12 October 2014, Onnion, France
By: Christian Harberts
The French trail running scene has exploded in the last couple of years as runners have discovered the pleasure of running across forests and mountains. Currently there are hundreds of trail races organized every year, and new events being launched to meet the demands of the running population.

The EcoTrail des Massif des Brasses was launched in 2013 with a couple hundred participants. Séverine and Sebastien Chaube, the organizers, saw an opportunity to raise funds for the Onnion ski club. They decided to propose a barefoot-specific podium to attract barefoot and minimalist runners. Smart - the very first trail event in France to give our favourite activity some welcome public attention. With recent high-profile wins of minimalist ultra runners, a barefoot podium is also a great way to stand out in the trail running event arena.

This second edition drew nearly 600 runners, equally divided between the 15 and 30k races. 16 barefoot runners started, eight for each race. For this second event, we decided to unite a maximum number of members for BRS France, with a total of eight competitors, most who had never previously met! Arriving Saturday evening, we got acquainted in a local restaurant-bar before turning in early for a good night's sleep. Nothing quite like drifting off to sleep while listening to war stories of road-hardened barefoot runners!

Barefoot running, as everyone knows, is routinely amalgamated with minimalist shoe running. Sunday morning, standing around before our respective races, quite a few participants discovered that barefoot trail running sometimes truly means "no shoes" - three BRS France runners, Frédéric, Lamda and Nixul, actually showed up shoeless ! Others, like myself (Courirpiedsnus) opted for a bit of protection - huarache sandals (me) or Vibram FiveFingers.

We each ran our own races (see our comments below) and finished the afternoon hanging out at the BRS booth, chatting with curious visitors and getting acquainted with our fellow BRS France members, most who had never met in real life before!

Following are the comments from our valorous members:

Nixul (15km – 835 D+)

I was calm as I took my place at the start of my third barefoot trail race this season. Couldn't wish for better weather. Within the first kilometer a cut on the big toe of my left foot left a faint trace of blood, but no pain. The climb is pretty technical, requiring a lot of walking and even using the hands. The grassy single-track alternate with muddy, gravel-lined trails. The hard work is rapidly compensated by a summit above the clouds after 8 kilometers and 835 vertical meters. The descent however was extremely difficult (at times I slowed to a rate of 23 minutes/km). Even worse than a certain sensitivity under the arches, there was no grip on the muddy track over 4 vertiginous kilometers, not even a friendly shoulder for relief. Even the horse ridden ahead of the runners by the commissioner of the 30K race balked - too hard. Final time 02:44, fully barefoot. The 30 kilometer race would have been complicated to finish. The massage therapist I consulted after arrival confirmed a superb flexibility of my feet, without any injuries other than the cut.

Frédéric (15km - 835 D+)

As soon as we got started we climbed straight out of the village, no time to warm up, crazy steep. Soon I settled in with Lambda. I can really feel the terrain, with a bruised little toe on the left foot and a sore Achilles tendon on the right foot. No real problems however for the feet, the ground is muddy and wet, very slippery barefoot, but we take our time, stop a couple of times for photos - the scenery is breath-taking!

We take turns waiting for each other after a pleasant passage on the plateau, then drop into the final descent, ok at first but soon extremely steep with mud and gravel, impossible to run barefoot, too dangerous. Instead we walked in an effort to find stable footing, my ankle was suffering which made me less agile, and yet overall the we progressed well. Lambda equipped himself with a druid's staff for stability, and I could have gone quicker but I'm not completely in control and already somewhat banged up, no need to add more injuries... And after all, we did the whole race together, so we made a point to arrive together !! So we arrived in tandem, driven by the applause at the finish line - satisfying! Lucky that Lambda stayed with me, I think I would have had a hard time finishing alone.

Runner Lambda (15km – 835 D+)

In the spring of 2014 I started to run barefoot on rocky trails on a regular basis, and after having successfully run two 12K trail races without shoes this summer I was pretty much confident in my ability to run this 15K barefoot. What I have found out during my (short) experience is that the key is to adjust your gait to the terrain conditions. The trickier the surface becomes (slippery or sharp or whatever it may be) the shorter your steps. And if that means you have to spend most of the time walking, then just walk and enjoy the landscape. Walking is also going forward.

Christian (15km – 835 D+)

First real trail, a bit nervous about running with my 1Omm huaraches. No real problems walking up even rocky portions of the course. Very tough to deal with the descents, especially in the muddy sections. Water evacuates well; mud, not at all. Best way to deal with this was to rinse both feet in puddles, thus restoring the sandal's upper surface. With such thick soles, easy to run in the rocky technical passages and jump from landing to landing, both feet together. The only incident to report was a knot that undid itself, freeing the front of the left sandal. Repaired in 2 minutes. The local trail runners had never seen such a sight, and were generous with praise, if somewhat sceptical (with good reason). I have twelve months to figure out how to use huaraches for mud and slick conditions!

Chilvao (30km - 1600d+)

Used to longer (90k) and shorter (20k) trail races in Vibram Spyridon LS, this 32K trail with 1600 vertical feet (and not 29K as announced on the site) was by far, one of the most beautiful thanks to a magnificent natural setting and above all, because of favourable weather!! Certainly a highly-technical trail for both the climbs and descents, I have the utmost respect for my barefoot friends who participated without shoes! Once again, bravo!

SpiritBear (30km - 1600d+)

Three years I've been running trail races in the mountains, but 6 years I've been a minimalist runner - from my stable of shoes I chose my inov8 TrailRoc 155 due to their excellent grip. 30k is a good distance for me, training for longer distances.

9am, start behind the commissioners' horses for a first loop around the village followed after 3K by the first climb. This is mostly in the forest with somewhat slippery terrain until kilometer 8 when we exit the forest and spy the first summit, Miribel. From here on its extremely steep, with some passages practically climbing. Arriving at the top, we discover the first aid station - I need water!

12K, everything's going well - watered up, I latch on to the second-place woman racer, and its a steep descent to 15K, the speed is too high and I lose contact at the first rise. Its a pleasant rolling single-track for a minimalist runner, no stones, with passages in the forest, but impossible to accelerate. I alternate walking and running until aid station 2 at 20K. More water, and the final ascension.

3K to summit the Pointe des Brasses, and a magnificent view over a sea of clouds. Too bad the Mont Blanc is socked in... 5k to descend to the finish line, and pretty tough at that. I catch up with Fred and Lambda, the two barefoot BRS runners on the 15K race. It was so tough that even the horses were fed up and refused to continue! Mud everywhere, treacherous footholds and even pointed stones lurking underneath!

The last kilometers were a salvation, then the finish line. In all I took 03:37 to finish. After a good shower I went to hang out at the BRS booth with the other BRS France members. Can't wait for the next edition!

Barefoot Podium


1. David H. 01:34:04
2. Maxime B, 01:47:04 New Balance NB MB101
3. Christian Harberts, President BRS France – 2:14:04, Homemade Vibram Dunas 10mm sandals


1. François L. - 02:51:41 Vibram FiveFingers KSO
2. spirit bear - 03:37:43 - Inov-8 TrailRoc 115
3. Jose C - 04:38:07
Blogger, [B]barefoot marathon runner[/B], geek, Swiss-American expat living in Paris. Blogueur, [B]marathonien pieds nus[/B], geek, suisse-américain, vivant à Paris.
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Tres bon mes amis! :)
In 2015, BRS members are going to put on a major show, with lots of activities (barefoot animations, TrailBall events) that will be planned out in advanced and promoted by the event organisers. We will also find equipment sponsors (Merrell? Vibram? Vivobarefoot?) to draw attention to the increasing presence of minimalist running in the trail scene. Trail running has huge potential for our way of running! All around me, I kept hearing runners complaining of being hurt - we know how to fix that, don't we ;-)
In 2015, BRS members are going to put on a major show, with lots of activities (barefoot animations, TrailBall events) that will be planned out in advanced and promoted by the event organisers

Are we? OK then, I'm in :)
Quite the adventures! I read about sharp rocks and steep hills and slippery mud, but no puncturing weed stickers? ;-)
No nothing. Saturday I raced on asphalt and I harvested bulbs underfoot ^^ I prefer the trail ;-)

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