Back to back runs: a quandary

Thanks for the idea C.Beth!

Thanks for the idea C.Beth! That may be what I wind up doing if it comes down to it. I've heard a lot of good thugs about that kind of plan (one of my teammates is planning on doing it that way).

After all your valuable input, I am planning on running 4 days/week, and taking it slow and gentle. If it ever starts feeling like work (or if things start tightening up) I'll either slow down or call it a day. If the mileage starts feeling like too much I'll immediately shift into plan B, which is to switch down to the half (there is a half as part of the event, or I can just bail when I get to my house), and adjust my mileage accordingly.

I do appreciate everyones input on this. I'm trying really hard not to be one o those people who asks everyones opinion and then promptly ignores all the advice and gets hurt. Goal #1 is to avoid injury and keep running fun so if I need to take a step back I certainly will.
No problem, Smelph.For me

No problem, Smelph.

For me it's been a matter of shifting my perspective. I've thought of walk breaks as something people do because they just can't hack "real" running. I'm realizing now that a run/walk plan is really just another strategy, and a worthwhile one to try even if you CAN run long distances without walking. And if it results in faster times and less might be a really GOOD strategy.