Anybody Know NYC?


Sep 7, 2010
Near Valley Forge, PA
I have to go into the city and stay over Saturday night. I'll be in a hotel at about 52nd and Madison Av. (the Omni)

I think an early Sunday morning run up into Central Park would be nice. Any advice? I'll be good for anywhere from 5 to 7 miles.

Yep - take the bus uptown

Yep - take the bus uptown about 7 or 9 blocks, or walk to the park, then run exactly once around central park. It's ~ 6 miles. There's a big road that goes around Central Park on the inside, and it will be full of runners. You can't get lost. There are a ton of people.
DNEChris,Heck yes! I'll be


Heck yes! I'll be leaving 2 kids in the hotel (with family in the next room) so I hoped to be out by 0700 which would have me back from a 7 miler by 0800 or 0815 at my pace...maybe a bit quicker. My last and only timed street run was a 5k Turkey Trot, in which I ran 7:45's.

I've never had a chance to run with another BF runner and I'd be honored and delighted if it could be worked out. I will probably wear my VFF's though, as I'm not acclimated to the cold yet. Yes, a sissy I am.

I won't have the computer there, but will have my phone and you can leave a note for me, maybe. I'll check here before leaving tomorrow AM.
I love it!  The main reason

I love it! The main reason we created the BRS was so we could get together, run together, support one another. When I see you guys getting together here and there and everywhere, it just warms my fuzzy little heart.
Well - that was a fun run on

Well - that was a fun run on a cool morning!

About 30F with a brisk north westerly wind so the outbound half felt distinctly chilly. Met up in the hotel lobby as discussed, but not arranged, and headed for Central Park. Managed to avoid the many thousands of runners streaming in for the last big 10k of the season and almost had the place to ourselves (Strange how few people are out and about at 7 on a Sunday morning :lol: ) Ran the back half on the Bridle Trail, which we definitely had to ourselves, and parted at the completion of the circuit. Joseph to prepare for a day in the city with his family and me to get to work writing orders for product for next Fall. Joseph got a 7ish mile run and mine was 11.5 - a fine way to start the day!
That sounds so very nice. 

That sounds so very nice. Sigh.


What a fine thing you did, trusting me to not poop out. With only the flimsiest of coordination you showed up in the hotel lobby just as I came down and stepped out of the elevator at 0659. I nearly cried, I was so happy to see you! Then you took me by the hand (figuratively) and led me through town up to the park and gave me an excellent running commentary (pun alert) You also showed me how this running in VFF's should be done. What a pleasure it was to run stride for stride with someone as quiet as I am, holding arms just so, cadence just right.

You ran me fast but kindly, not minding me asking for a little walk at 4 miles. You are a prince and have earned my deepest thanks.
Okay, now you guys got me

Okay, now you guys got me crying!