another BFR beginner. help & suggestions welcome

I vote to run it barefoot!A

I vote to run it barefoot!

A couple of things you have to promise though, run it SLOOOOOOOW and don't ruin it all with a silly sprint finish.
Love this quick video

Love this quick video interview with Chris from Born To Run

key quote for me is hearing him say "you can't lift your foot quickly enough, the quicker you lift it the better"

that's what I'm trying to learn right now, as I think my forefoot/toe blisters will slowly go away if i can get my feet up fast enough
so...the race I signed up for

so...the race I signed up for was this past weekend. I opted to run the 5K instead of the 10K and went completely barefoot. There were approx 4K runners, and I only saw one other barefoot runner, and about a half dozen in Vibrams

I had run up to 2 miles BF in my training, but only once. Most of my runs were 1 to 1.5 miles. I think jumping into this 3.1 miles was a little too much too soon, but not dratsic, so I went for it

I ran slow, a 12 minute pace, tried really hard to focus on form and not worry about "racing" all the people flying past me. I did ok, but there were sprinklers going all throughout the course so the roads were wet off and on. I think that did me in a bit, as it def softened my soles I ended up pretty blistered on my big toes and forefoot. Not sure how much of it is my bad form, which I'm still trying to correct, or the water. All a guessing game to me at this point

Read Ken Bob's "Ste By Step" book last week and loved it, but I think my head is even more messed up now. Wish I could have someone video and examine my form.
gisanders, it sounds like

gisanders, it sounds like you're making great progress, just that your head's ambitions are a little ahead of your body's rate of adaptation.

you're probably not doing anything terribly "wrong," you just need a bit more time before you can do a wet 5k.

my impulse is that you should take a week or two off from worrying about your form. Don't stop running, but just do the distances you know you can do. And at night, watch some really good/awful movies to deaden your intellect. Anything with Keanu Reeves should do (Point Break!!).
Ha, Stomper!  Good advice.

Ha, Stomper! Good advice.
Congrats on the 5K, Gis!

Congrats on the 5K, Gis!
After you're done with your 2

After you're done with your 2 weeks of not thinking about form like suggested by Stomper, you could watch Barefoot Ken Bob slow-motion on treadmill (

Sprinklers were bothering me last Fall but now running in the rain or alternating wet and dry is not an issue anymore. In a few month you will be at the same point. In the meantime enjoy your runs, go slow, and don't overanalyse.

And congratulations for your 5k !
thanks to everyone for the

thanks to everyone for the tips. i am def taking 1-2 wks off to let my soles completely recover.

and i have indeed been studying Ken Bob videos. i am even dreaming about it now...ways to "fix" my form. only time will tell. excited to keep progressing
"Listen to your feet", was

"Listen to your feet", was the best advise people on here gave me! I annalyzed the hell out of my form, and that got me just so far. When I listened to my feet, things just made more sense.

I do love to watch Ken Bob on that speed tread mill thing! Besides Balad of the Barefoot Runner on Youtube, are there any clips of him running marathons or what not, back in the day?
