A Grateful New Member


Oct 7, 2010
Hey everyone,

Jeremiah from Arkansas

I just wanted to say thank you for having and sharing all the information and your experiences!

I grew up running in the heaviest of heavy shoes training for basketball or training with the Air Force. I was never opposed to running - but never ran for the sake of running. Last summer I spent 10 weeks training with the Air Force and we were logging somewhere around 20 miles a week. I had completed a marathon w/ 50 lbs gear a year before but this is when I really discovered I liked running. Every Tuesday we did an 8.5 mile run. After the turn around point it felt so good to fly home. However, by the end of the summer I was spending the first half of the run in pain.When I returned home, I started looking for ways to get rid of the pain and stumbled on barefooting...

It seemed like something I would be down with and then I read Born to Run and decided to give barefoot running a try. I started off short distances, grass, playin soccer and that sort of thing. I grew up in and out of rivers and creeks with no shoes, so my feet didn't really seem overly sensitive. My problem was all these little muscles that were used for balance (that I had never used before- relying only on cushy shoes) and my achilles! I had never felt these parts of my legs get worked before!

Anyway, my first real barefoot jog/hike was a 4 miler trail with lots of nasty gravel sections. The looks of madness I received were so much fun, not to mention being free of cumbersome foot gear! We were stopped by a couple with their dogs, as we had ours, to discuss how they were holding up.... The couple had to spend the next 10 minutes explaining how glad they were to put hiking shoes on their dog's feet, as the gravel and rocks were just too much for them to handle.... I don't guess they ever looked down to see what I was wearing!

Anyway, back to being grateful- this summer I have tried on and off to run only barefoot. My runs feel amazing and its a fun game to see if I can make my loop without waking any of the neighborhood dogs. The only problem is I've been getting frustrated at how long a recovery time I have- waiting for my calves to heal. I thought my form was off, but after research I seem to have good form. The forums here have made me stop feeling like a wuss, with everyone's warnings of TMTS... I'm trying to be patient as my body adjusts to barefoot running so I can up mileage!

Thanks again for the support, and for sharing your knowledge. I look forward to gaining from the forum in the future!
Welcome Jeremiah!Ya, many of

Welcome Jeremiah!

Ya, many of us have done TMTS- so have fun and be patient with yourself. Shoes masked our true limits in so many ways and for me, that is one of the hardest things about BF at first, learning to respect my body's limitations. Just when my legs are warmed up and ready to really go, the pads of my feet tell me to go home immediately.
Hiking shoes for dogs? Haha,

Hiking shoes for dogs? Haha, that very ironic considering the circumstance. And as far as TMTS, you sound like your doing pretty good about listening to your body and not running too often, but maybe your still trying to go too far? Its good to try to do several short runs a week instead of one long one. And also, just because your form sounds about right from descriptions on the internet, don't be afraid to change things up to fix whatever problems your having. My guess with the calves is that you maybe need to try landing more mid-foot. You see the bump along the outside of your foot? Try putting that on the ground first, it'll probably help with your calves. And trying not to wake up the dogs is a good goal, it really fun to be all sneaky and silent when your barefoot.
Welcome!  Glad we could be of

Welcome! Glad we could be of help.
Welcome aboard Jeremiah!

Welcome aboard Jeremiah!
 Thanks everyone- Danjo

Thanks everyone-

Danjo thanks for the advice, I'm going to try shorter distances this week and more of em. I'll let yall know how it goes.