100th Bay To Breakers, San Francisco


Oct 13, 2010
All I can say is WOW! What a great race to run. I got one small blister on my right foot, but I attribute that to a few miles of bad form until my feet defrosted and a lot of wet roads. It rained most of the night and a little towards the end of the race. It wasn't as crazy as I thought it was going to be, but then again, I was close to the front. I think the real craziness started towards the end with the walkers. There were a lot of people running in costumes and a few running almost completely. I say almost because they had shoes and hats on......Amateurs!

It was a 12k race and I finished in 1:12:24. Not too bad considering I haven't run since Christmas. I'm happy with it.
Very nice.  Congrats, Jeep!

Very nice. Congrats, Jeep!
Shrink 'em first, please, let

Shrink 'em first, please, let visit the Site Help forum for all kinds of tips on getting your pictures posted. Looking forward to them!
You ran that race Barefoot? 

You ran that race Barefoot? Nice job. I went with the Vibram's because the weather reports had it at like a 60% chance of Thunderstorms. I felt like there were too many people though. But the scenery was pretty nice to look at most of the time :)
I would like to do it again,

I would like to do it again, but I'm going to walk back when I'm done next time. I missed a lot of the scenery. I never even saw the windmill at the end until the news later that night.