
  1. Tyler J L

    Barefoot TJ doing the Barefoot Autism Challenge

    @Barefoot TJ wanted me to share this You can't tell by the picture, but it's storming outside, very wet, and very cold here. I am standing on monkey grass. It feels so soft, so comfortable, so glorious. I wish everyone could feel how nice it is. Check out the Barefoot Autism Challenge...
  2. Tyler J L

    Barefoot Autism Challenge starts TOMORROW!!!

    Hey BRS friends! The barefoot autism challenge begins tomorrow! Be sure to share your pictures and videos on here and the BAC Facebook page! April 1-30
  3. Tyler J L

    Barefoot Autism Challenge interview on Local 5 news midday

    Today I was interviewed on Local 5 news midday with Sabrina Ahmed talking about the Barefoot Autism Challenge. Check it out.
  4. Tyler J L

    I'm a barefooter and proud of it

    Last night I took to Facebook and posted how I am a barefooter and the reaction from my friends couldn't have been more supportive. They all liked it and were very proud of me.
  5. Tyler J L

    Sesame Street autism character

    I posted this on the Barefoot Autism Challenge Facebook page. Check it out!
  6. Dr. Chad Woodard

    Is barefoot running safe?

    Hello rock stars! I DO believe that barefoot running is safe, I'm just trying to prove it. I need your help. I am completing my PhD and am studying incidence of injury between all types of runners. I am desperately trying to find BF runners to give me info about their experience via this...
  7. Tyler J L

    Special announcement....

    I'm officially a member of the Autism Society of Iowa board! I'm so excited! And the best part, for the April meeting, we're all going to be in bare feet!
  8. Tyler J L

    Mileage reporting

    Hey guys. Do you know any smartphone app (iPhone app) that tracks how many miles you walked or traveled on foot? I'm wanting to do it so when I do my autism challenge and even after that, I can report it in the 2017 Mileage Club. Let me know if you got any suggestions.
  9. Tyler J L

    Barefoot at Wright Elementary in Des Moines

    Hey guys. My old third grade teacher Susan Chronister wants me to speak to her kids about autism and promote my challenge. She even wants the kids to do an experiment with me and her by being barefoot and telling the parents about the challenge. Let me know if you got any ideas on how I can get...
  10. Tyler J L

    Barefoot Autism Challenge Press Release!!!

    The inaugural, international Barefoot Autism Challenge will take place from April 1, 2017, through April 30, 2017. We hope this will be a virtual, annual event where everyone is invited to take part, not just those affected by autism. Human soles contain more sweat glands and sensory nerve...
  11. Tyler J L

    Barefoot Autism Challenge

    The BAC press release will be unveiled some time later on this week. Stay tuned.
  12. Tyler J L

    Barefoot is Legal

    I recently joined the Barefoot is Legal Facebook page. Anyone else a member of that? One of them, whose name is Erica, lives right by Fort Des Moines Park in the apartments not far from there. Some coincidence. What's more we also went to Lincoln High School in Des Moines. I graduated in '11...
  13. Tyler J L

    Barefoot Autism Challenge Zazzle Store

    I have made a new product for the Barefoot Autism Challenge Zazzle store. We have T-Shirts, magnets, coffee cups, stickers, key chains, you name it. Check out the store to see what you want and the money purchased for the items will go to the Autism Society of Iowa, which is where I'm from...
  14. Tyler J L

    Thomas Mitchell Park

    Anyone who lives near Altoona should check out Thomas Mitchell Park. It's very big in nature and it was where my service provider Amanda and I walked barefoot at. If you know any good trails in Iowa, let me know.
  15. Tyler J L

    Barefoot Autism Challenge Zazzle Store

    Here is the Zazzle store for the Barefoot Autism Challenge:
  16. Tyler J L

    Check out my blog post related to my barefoot autism challenge
  17. Tyler J L

    Piggy toes

    One of my favorite childhood videos. See if you can guess why.
  18. Tyler J L

    Barefoot autism challenge

    Hey guys! I know it's still January but for April, I'm asking if you could take on the autism awareness challenge I'm working on. Message me if you have any questions.
  19. Tyler J L

    Barefoot Pokemon fun

    This is for all the Pokémon fans out there! Have you done any Pokémon Go while being barefoot or maybe for Halloween, could my costume be a barefoot Pokémon trainer? I actually have many things at my disposal to make up a costume. What do you think?
  20. Tyler J L

    Barefoot New Years Resolutions

    Hey everyone! With the new year approaching I've been thinking about ways to better myself. I'm going to work hard at not being such a perfectionist and trying to be in bare feet as much as possible. :barefoot: What about you guys?