So I'm buying a treadmill

I have 4 basic directions I can go out of my house, uphill, downhill, flattish uphill, or downhill again. Barefoot I seem to be terrible at downhills but in shoes I'm able to go much faster.
I am really cautious going downhill barefoot now, I injured myself once going downhill to fast barefoot. I'd rather keep a good solid form on the downhills. People in shoes blow by me on the downhills, it is so much easier actually, or it seems at least. To be honest I totally forget what it feels like to run in shoes downhill, but I do see alot of recklessness when shod runners bomb downhills, I get a bit jealous at times but then again it looks painful.
I used to bomb recklessly down hills in shoes, now while pushing a stroller it doesn't seem so smart anymore so I just keep it slow and enjoy my surroundings.