Mileage Reporting 2nd Week of 2013

Do their eyes shine like many do at night? ... Anyhow I think with my quite modest headlamp I can see critters better... during the summer a certain type of spider is always out on the road and I can see those buggers 50 foot away or more when there eyes shine back at me.
The trail is government maintained and open sunrise to sunset. I'm probably violating state law if I get caught after dark. Plus, I don't want to mess with bites that "are extremely painful and can be fatal to humans".

I know that everyone is really trying to be helpful, but I'm trying to avoid, "Uh, doctor, the runners forum said I'd be fine with a headlamp. Oh, I might be able to walk again after 3 surgeries to remove necrotic tissue and 6 months of rehab?"
I'm confused. Why aren't you replying with red ink Happy now?

Good to hear from you, in any case, as always. Thanks, I was out sick there for awhile and then went on vacation but I am back!

Good luck with the 10K if you decide to enter.
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Guess we all need to move out to the Bay Area, where the weather is always nearly perfect. Chances of getting hired at Berkeley are slim though, so I'm setting my sites on Colorado . . .

Have you tried Livermore? Not exactly The Bay Area, but it's East Bay (I'm assuming that you're looking at gov't labs DOE/DOD sites, right?)

...and I know not of this perfect weather you're referring to - it's been bloody cold around here these days!
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3.2 miles in my RunAMocs on a layer of icy snow. 30 degrees with a cutting wind, but no precipitation. Was taking it easy since it's been almost 2 weeks since I ran. The first mile went fine, but after about half way, I could feel my legs tightening up, I'm guessing from constantly trying to maintain balance. It's not like I was ice skating, but I could feel a slight slip with most of my steps. Felt a twinge of ITBS for the first time in a long time. Still, overall, I am SOOO glad to have gotten out and run!!
The trail is government maintained and open sunrise to sunset. I'm probably violating state law if I get caught after dark. Plus, I don't want to mess with bites that "are extremely painful and can be fatal to humans".

I know that everyone is really trying to be helpful, but I'm trying to avoid, "Uh, doctor, the runners forum said I'd be fine with a headlamp. Oh, I might be able to walk again after 3 surgeries to remove necrotic tissue and 6 months of rehab?"

Do I dare even ask what the picture shows? I seriously can't tell.

Also, my apologies: Guess I'm jealous in some ways about your year round warm conditions, but not in others. My biggest fear on the country roads at night, after dog attacks, is stepping on already dead road kill and having that sinking feeling that rotting rodent flesh just contacted my feet. Gross, but not as dangerous.
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3.5 mi this morning, before school, in the dark. It was great. I was worried about having tight legs after my long run yesterday, but this morning I was loose and felt light and swift.

1.5 tonight! the kids were getting obnoxious after pizza dinner and arriving home after long drive. I said (idle threat after 2 beers at dinner) "you seem to have to much extra energy; do you need to go running with me right now" my boy was all "Now? I'll go running now!!!" my girl was all "NOOOOOooooooooo" but they both had fun by the end and we talked about how fun it is to be outside in the dark and by the end my daughter said "thanks for showing us your world" cool. Helped me get rid of the beer buzz, as a bonus.
3.2 miles in my RunAMocs on a layer of icy snow. 30 degrees with a cutting wind, but no precipitation. Was taking it easy since it's been almost 2 weeks since I ran. The first mile went fine, but after about half way, I could feel my legs tightening up, I'm guessing from constantly trying to maintain balance. It's not like I was ice skating, but I could feel a slight slip with most of my steps. Felt a twinge of ITBS for the first time in a long time. Still, overall, I am SOOO glad to have gotten out and run!!

Running on icy snow is a great check on form (no pushing off allowed), but is, uh, a challenge, to say the least, when goign up hill, and speed cannot be a priority at any time, even on flat icy ground. Think of it as a different type of run training. Once I got used to it, I learned to enjoy feeling like a magic elf who could run on ice (was terrified to run on ice back in regular thick shoe running years because I was a crazy heel striker and would slip all over).
I'm not doing any race unless it's going to be fun and comfortable and at a distance I've already run.

In addition to the stretch breaks and faster paces, I've started doing static stretching and mobility exercises/dynamic stretching with ankle weights before my runs, and at the end of each ST session, and I think this helps a lot too. I've also got religious about stretching and rolling several times during the day outside of workouts, to keep things limber and loose. I think this is helping my running, and I know for sure it's also making me feel better in general.

So in sum, I feel pretty confident everything will fall into place with just a wee bit more patience this year. I'm even thinking about entering a 10k in a few weeks if my toes have healed enough and temps are favorable for barefoot running. It's also a question whether my ITB issue will be completely gone by then. It's a similar route to the one we'll be running August. Just have to make sure there's no salt on the road.

I applaud your aversion to committing to things outside listening to your body and making gradual progress. Lately, I refuse to say I'm training for anything except for being a better (recreational) runner. If a fun opportunity to do a community run comes along and I"m comfortable with the distance/conditions, Ill do it.
I feel like I'll avoid strains much better with less pressure to follow a plan that is not simply "run and exercise as much as my body likes and my schedule allows"

BTW, got one of those "marathon sticks" for my husband for christmas. Had to buy it twice, since my 1 yr old grandneice ended up w/ it as a toddler toy the first time, but I"m really loving the new one. Feels like it does more than just rolling.
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Do I dare even ask what the picture shows? I seriously can't tell.
It's a person with TOFP. Actually, the caption from the website reads "Here is a photo of a person bitten on the foot by a Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. As you can see this snake can hurt you very badly and can kill you."

One problem is that if I get bit, it will probably take over an hour to get to the nearest hospital, due to the remote trail. Then, probably another few more hours to get antivenom. With a mortality rate of 10-30%, it's not worth the risk.
I don't know if there's a headlamp large enough to illuminate the trail adequately. I wouldn't want to step on my buddy, the eastern diamondback rattlesnake! I stopped just a few feet short, and that was in broad daylight. Oh yeah, no rattling, didn't move at all. Looked like it tensed up a bit, ready to react if I dared to mess with it. So much for being "highly averse to human contact".
View attachment 1454

Maybe it was feeling sluggish because it looks like it already has something in its stomach.
I haven't read this whole thread, sorry, it's so long, but I saw the word Livermore. I lived in Livermore and Dublin for about four years. My family lived in San Ramon for awhile. My mom worked in Pleasanton for many years. We call it the Bay Area, but truly, anything around Oakland is the Bay Area, as the Bay runs into it. Miss it all terribly. Especially San Diego, where I grew up.
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13.8 miles for the week!

Not the best way to start 2013 - I have to stay off my left foot for the next week or two due to a metatarsal stress fracture.

In the meantime, I am riding my trainer for 1-2 hours and putting in swim workouts.
14 degrees outside didn't keep me out of the pool in the back yard. Do I get any winter challenge credit for this?? :D 30 minutes of swimming, then the air temp started to give me a headache, but I wasn't cold in my red spider man suit.
Then, I rode 75 minutes with power intervals on the spinning bike alongside hubby. Ah, so nice! I think I'm ready to make another 6 week workout plan.
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Here's my week:
Jan. week 2.JPG

Weather's supposed to be nice tomorrow, I'll be taking my new FreeHeel running pads out to the trail for a trial. A trail trial! :cool: