Week 7 end...

Forgot to use my inhaler before heading out, but it was still a good run. The weather has really warmed up. Went from being below 70 to the high 80's pretty much over night. I'm not going to complain though. At least it seems to be mostly done raining. For a while there I wondered if the sun was ever going to shine again.

Today my goal was to concentrate on not mouth breathing while out. I did really good too and wasn't dying of thirst by the half way point, which felt really great. I did notice however that in concentrating on brething through my nose I was more tense than usual. It was really strange, I could feel it work it's way right down my body. From a tight mouth trying to keep from mouth breathing down through my shoulders and arms and then into my shins. While running that is where I always notice it, my shins. Because of it I usually smile as much as I can manage and make sure to keep my hands lose instead of balling them into a fist. This seems to keep my legs from getting tight. Strange how it all works together. So next week I will work on nose breathing while staying relaxed.

The other thing was, I went to go put on my VFF's wondering if I would even be able to wear them due to the blister issue. Then when I went to go tighten the velcro straps it dawned on me. Before the mud run I had never tightened them because my feet don't like feeling as if they're being strangled so I would always just attach the velcro at the losest possible point. During the mud run however, I tightened them in hopes that it would help to keep them from getting sucked off in the mud. I must have been tightening them earlier this week when I ended up with blisters because I left them lose today and had no issues!

I've been taking them off at the half way point and doing the second half as well as my cool down walk bare and then doing as much bare outside walking during the rest of the week as possible. So far I've not had any hot spots or blisters which is nice because that is something I dealt with last year. Hoping to be completely bare again real soon since I really hate holding them in my hands for the second half of my run.

Today I passed a guy going in the opposite direction as me. I saw him coming from a mile away with his super bright boxy shoes. With each stride he bounced so far off the ground that I swear his feet came to about the height of my knees. Of course that isn't saying much since I'm short, but still. He was spending so much energy going up instead of forward that I wanted to kick him in the head when we got face to face andI realized he wasn't even out of breath. hahaha. Damn youngsters and all their energy. lol

Ok, enough of that, Here are a couple of pictures of the street I tackled today. Pics are taken from the half way point where I stopped long enough to snap the shots and catch my breath. lol

This is looking down from where I'd just run up.

And this is what is left of where I still need to go. Whips my butt every time, but I am really doing so much better than I ever thought I would.

Bring on week 8!


I'm glad you've got that Velcro problem worked out. -TJ

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Cali Girl
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