Pride Goes Before a Fall!

First Blog Entry. It will be interesting to see wherethe blogginggoes. I have been tempted to start blogging so many times! Almost everyoneblogs. I remember before leaving Southern California all the blogging material I was accumulating! Finally, I decidedthis is worth blogging. Blogging through the pain of transitioning from chronic pain and increasingly more supportive footwear to a commitment to strengthen myfeet (and Lord willing have them healed) by a barefoot lifestyle. I wanted to run today. I have found that if I run shod it takes about two days to recover from the pain of the run; but shod I am able to run with pain on my recovery day if I decide to do so. Theoretically, when I run shod, I run and run and run and hurt and hurt and hurt until I take a two or three day break from running. Unshod, it takes one day to recover from a run, but I am NOT able to run on my recovery day! Yesterday was a recovery day and I was looking forward to my run today but life happened and my run time was squeezed away.Still uncomfortable going "to town" barefoot, I wore my mocs when I returned my daughter to school. Twice the silly mocs almost slipped out from under me on the wet pavement! Thankfully I did not fall.Question. Would it have been more embarrassing to fall in public or to go barefoot in public? I thought "For sure my bare feet would not have slipped!" Today it rained all day. I am wondering how the gravel might feel different to me as I run on the wet road tomorrow? At least I won't worry about getting my expensive running shoes muddy!


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Joy Unshod
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