Blog entries by Joy Unshod

With the shutdown of the BRS and with the events of life I haven’t blogged or done much reading here, but I’ve been running. Barefoot. I’ve accumulated another handful of stories (including the 1 cm thorn that was embedded in my husband’s foot for over a week) but those stories might never be...
The day my mocs got wet was an unpleasant day. Yuck. The feet got wet, cold, and pruny. I took off the mocs as I was finishing my errands. Last stop that day: my son works at the local DQ and I stopped by to pick up an ice cream cake I ordered for a different son's birthday. “Mom you CAN'T...
February, a fresh month. Amazing progress. Two months ago I was not able to bear my own weight on my own bare feet! BRS was one of the resources I found that helped me transition from shod-with-support to unshod. I did not join at first because I found it hard to believe I'd ever be able to run...
My feet hurt. That's why I'm going barefoot. Do my feet stop hurting when I am barefoot? Nope. But they are gradually (very gradually) hurting less and they are no longer getting worse. The roads around my home are gravel. The gravel hurts. The closest asphalt is just over a mile away. The roads...
The cold I was fighting last week sapped my strength all weekend! Finally feeling some energy,I decided to run the Lake Harrison 5k route. Three of my boys agreed to run with me, two of them barefoot. It was cool today, around 40 degrees F. This was my first barefoot run away from home...
Almost did not run today. Woke very tired and very stuffy this morning. Took a two hour nap. Then I debated over expending the energy on a run vs. fighting this cold. The run won. I really, really wanted to run on the road after yesterday's rain to see how the gravel felt in comparison to a dry...
First Blog Entry. It will be interesting to see wherethe blogginggoes. I have been tempted to start blogging so many times! Almost everyoneblogs. I remember before leaving Southern California all the blogging material I was accumulating! Finally, I decidedthis is worth blogging. Blogging through...