My Huarache Project(s)


Here's a pic of my first Huaraches. Iused a "wet print" of my actual foot profile to make the form. They only protect the surface of my that foot that actually touches the ground. There's no flapping sound on pavement. Well, they're not as silent as real BF but close. I don't wear them on pavement anyway, so it really doesn't matter.

These are super thin, 2.5mm, and held to my feet with "shock cord", which is the same as bungee cord, 4mm. I'll post more about how Imade them soon... I have a second pair with a slightly thicker material and a little more grip, which I've been using the most since I made them. Igot the material from an orthopedic shoe maker in town (who's main business is making orthopedic shoe inserts, lol). I'd guesstimate that I've got something like 70-80 miles on them so far.

Btw,when making these things the most crucial aspect is the placement of the holes(!).

also, I've refined the lacing system since Itook that photo, made it much much simpler. Will get more photos up soon...


These are the best huaraches I've seen. I like the way they seem to conform to your foot better than the invisibleshoes seem to do.

I'm assuming you can get "shock cord" from a hardware store? I'm going to Tractor Supply to get some baler belt and a shock cord and see if I can make my own. Thanks for the inspiration willie!
I've been eyeballing some material from the booties that are worn in clean rooms. We'll see how that works.

Do you find that your foot moves forward into the thong as you walk or run?

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