Running in Orlando Florida

In my non running, non granola and soap making life, my husband and I run a business valuation company. Each year we make the trek to Orlando to exhibit at a large conference for tax professionals. What a bunch of fun people. You'd think that if you are trying to assist people with their estate planning you'd be just a little more outgoing - not so much. Don't get me wrong, there are some friendlies here, but they are in the minority.

So I sit here in my 10x10 cell behind a waist high table decored with my company offerings, just like a Bower Bird. I make eye contac twith everyone, but not too direct, that alienates. I answer the same questions over and over; these questions include: where is the coffee located, were you here last year and what time is the next break.

Yesterday a guy breezes by on his cell phone and asked me for a pen, which I dutifully offer, after all, conference attendees use the indoor water fountains, exhibitors are relegated to drink from the faucet out back. Then he grabs one of MY business cards, flips it over, makes notes, all the while yacking on the phone - not using his INDOOR VOICE. Then he tosses the pen back onto my table, the same table that is the only barrier between him and a Little Debbie snack cake upside the back of his head.

Yes, I have been reduced to luring the attendee to my booth with the cheapest (my limit is $10/item) individually wrapped hydrogenated oil and high frutose corn syrup filled treat that money can buy at a Walmart Super Center. This Super Center is conveniently located just up the road from the MARRIOTT WORLD CENTER HOTEL AND RESORT. This Marriott is, according to their promotional materials and local traffic signs, the epicenter of all.

You may feel inclined to ask me questions regarding future events: why birds are falling out of the sky, is Original Mountain Dew with REALsugar progress or just sad and when will people give up on wearing shoes. My geographic locations will allow me to channel answers to these and other important issues, all the while smiling vaguely and resisting the urge to pretend I am somewhere else.

I am here at this place.

On a brighter note, I had a chance to see about ten runners in VFV's and one in huaraches finish the Disney Marathon on Sunday and I've found time to run twice while here.


at least you got your runs in. I bet that huarache runner was Warren Dickey, of the BRS Florida Chapter. :)
I did see quite a few runners in VFFs but I was the only one I saw in huaraches. They were great. I got them from Barefoot Ted at the Luna Sandals website. I ran with the hemp laces. It was funny the comments I got as I ran by people. I ran past quite a few people with VFFs that had just gotten them. One guy was heel striking. I gave him a quick class on barefoot running style. I don't know how he made it as far as he did. I would always run up to the VFF runners and ask them how they were doing. The ones that were new to VFFs I would try to figure out if they knew what they were doing. One kid, who had gotten his VFFs for Christmas, I advised to stop immediately. He had been trainining for the marathon in his regular shoes but decided at the last minute to switch to his new VFFs. He was at mile 14 and was REALLY hurting. His form was okay but considering he never took time to transition I was worried about him destroying his calves and Achilles tendons.

Next time come up and say Hi Sara. That would have been cool! I think it's okay for all of us to be each other's camp followers.

Semper Fi,

From one Jarhead to another, I'm now wish I'd said something to you! Kuddos for taking the time to help your fellow VFF runners. I love my huaraches and can't imagine running in anything else other than bare feet. If we make it to Disney next year, I'll give a shout.

BTW, you looked much better off than MANY of the shod runners who finished the race. I'll be a better camp follower in the future.

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