Why do I run Barefoot?

Because it's a blast! It's fun! It defines freedom! It defines rebelliousness against society's many ridiculous rules!

This is a test blog entry.


I'm replying to my own blog. I've never written a blog before, so I'm learning as I go. For some reason, I thought I could just continue on my previous comment, but it appears separate blog entries are almost like talking to one's self!

Anyway, thought I would just share some thoughts. I am really excited about the barefoot running movement. Since I've been doing this for 11 years, it's about time this takes off! Ionly wish I had had a mentor when I first started. I probably would never have developed these large bone spurs that are on he backs of both of my heels. Running for 8 1/2 years barefoot up on my toes was a very bad thing! I'm a slow learner... But, at least the damage is repairable.

That repair starts 6 Apr 2010 in the morning on my right foot. If all goes well, I'll be in good shape 4-6 weeks later and ready to have the other foot repaired. Ionly wish these surgeries would have happened over the winter months so I wouldn't be missing all this beautiful warm running weather! Oh well, better late than never.

Speakig of mentoring, I've had so many people ask me about barefoot running, I've decided to put on my first running clinic at Peterson AFB, CO where I am currently stationed. It's the day before my surgery. Optimistically, I've already scheduled the next two in May as well. If my experiences can help prevent other new barefoot runners from making some of the same mistakes I've made, especially the part about NOT running up on your toes!, then it will have been worth it. At the same time, I can visually show people what happens with improper running form. I owe a debt of gratitude to Jason Robillard for his delightful book "The Barefoot Running Book" which I will have with me at my clinic. Many people who talk to me say they read "Born to Run" as well so I'll have that book with me too.

Anyway, enough rambling for now. Have fun!

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