taking my podiatrist for her first BF Run :) :)

so . my podiatrist or ex podiatrist really - but a good friend; an ex elite runner. definite been no - no to BF

Been trying to offer a workshop for ages. But firs ti had to get her to agreet o running on rough surfaces vs grass.

Finally she caved. Well she has seen how my feet have changed shape and how i no longer get injured.

G-d i love BF Ken Bobs precise intros.

She kept pushing off from her feet.

Struggled to r-e-l-a-x

Picked up blisters in 2 minutes. Especially on the toes :):)

Struggled to go slow

Overwhelmed by the "noise" of sensation

Struggled to focus on lifting the foot

Struggled to trust her feet

Freaked out when i took her onto rough roads and loose gravel where i was LOVINGGGGGGGGGGGGthe sensations.

But ... she's asked for another go. At the end she was smiling ..

She was amazed by my upright stance. My very loose style. My smile.

Hmmm - i wonder where this road will lead to.


Yup its seriously interesting.

She phoned to cancel our next session and we had a bit of a blast up

1. comments by her:

-calves and esp tibialis poserior mm pain

- foot pain

- tib shin splints pain

she wants to run on soft bgrass and build up gradually

SHe had a chat wiht some part time BF and long distance competitive runner who told her to train once a week on grass

2. so we had a chat.

- i told her to think about my discussions with her in the past as i evolved.

- the tibialis pain as long as its not stress damage is reasonable and usual. Icould barely walk between my runs when after a slow start things warmed up and became loose

- she went too hard too fast

she needs to NOTDOa weekly BF session on grass- thats too much. i told her to do short sessions daily - like under 5 minutes. and on difficult surfaces. If your feet wont let you go faster becuase its too sore - then go sloooower and shorter .. .Like htis dude - its difficult to disocnnect from teh deisire to run normal distance sand speeds and to start again. Yes some guys here go for a mix but i like the more extreme approach. Icut back - way back. from 21km regualr runs shod to 1 or 2 kms and VERYslow for a loooong while. and my form is real good as a result.

- she needs to learn to LISTENto her feet

- Most importantly we dealt with the topic of F-E-A-R. it was interesting how i watched her run and i could see how she was loath to trust her feet hence all the PTpain as she was tip toeing after a while.

3. Anyway she seems to be in a better place after we discussed this. Its a hard long road and very challengenign as she knows TOOOOmcuh - so is likely to be more fearful, monitoring too much rather then focusing on teh basics of slow and relaxed.

4. have requested her to keep a diary.

watch this space.

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