thorn removal operation

I got three thorns in the ball of my foot while out on a run, about 2 miles from home. I couldn't deal with it on the spot so I walked home, got my camera out and filmed getting them out. The whole thing took about 20 minutes and here is an abbreviated video of it. This doesn't happen a lot, so I made a note to myself that if I ever get a thorn I wanted to film getting it out. Maybe I'll do that for a glass shard if I ever get one again. Note that the skin is pretty thick and there was no blood involved. It did hurt a little bit but not much.

When I get more time I will make and post more barefoot running videos.


Nice video...I'm been running barefoot over 8 years and do my fair share of trail running...I'v only had thorns stuck in my feet like that maybe 5 or 6 times...your video pretty much shows it the way it is for me, its tough to dig the thorns out sometimes but eventually I can get them out. Good idea with the crazy glue...i pour some alcohol on there first though.
Thanks for the crazy glue idea. I've done a few digs that left some small holes, I'll have to try out the glue next time.

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