Luna Leadvilles in snow and ice 12/27/12

Temperature was 27f with an 18f windchill. We had about an inch of snow on the ground, which, in a lot of places, covered a thin sheet of ice. Decided to go with my smartwool mini crew toe socks without the cotton tabi socks over top. I was concerned that the cotton tabis could actually make my feet colder if they were wet from the snow.

Started out on a paved trail, with about 1/8 inch of snow covering ice in some places. Surprisingly, it wasn't too slick. I was a little concerned at times because my dog, Jet gets a little over-exuberant at the beginning of a run. But he did fine and didn't cause any slips.

Once we got out on a deserted dirt trail, I let Jet off leash, which is more fun for both of us. The snow was deeper on the dirt trail, which made it a little slick in some places. My feet did get a little chilled when I had been in the deeper snow, but not too bad. I did fine on both the up hills and downhills, with just a little slippage.

On the way back, we were going against the wind, which made my feet a little chilly, as well as my ears, despite my beanie. Jet made a new friend, a female yellow lab. Her owner kept apologizing for her dog coming over to us, but both dogs were very friendly and it wasn't a problem.

Our run was an out and back, so we ended up back on the paved trail. The sun was out now and parts of the path were starting to defrost.

When we got home and I took off my socks, my toes were red, but just a little cold.

Great run in the snow with Jet. He was so funny licking snow while he ran and rolling in the snow on the dirt trail. He makes running challenging sometimes, but he always makes me laugh.


Thanks for that post, I am currently using Injinji socks along with my Leadvilles, and pretty much the same results as you, so it's good to have a comparison here. I know the chilly feeling as well the read toes after a run in sub-freezing conditions, but nothing that feels uncomfortable. And even if they get wet it does not make things worse. I have been looking for tabi socks though because with every five toes sock like the Injinjis, it's more or less fumbling at first, which I think is not much of a problem with the Tabis, right?

And I am jealous of your for legged running partner, because I know how much of a joy it is to run with them:)
Good to know others are Luna fans also. My first pair is on the way. Can't wait to have a alternative on cold days.
Tofu dish: Bedrock Sandals has some promising looking socks:

I haven't tried them yet but I'd like to.

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