Winter running & recovery

I am very happy to be back in the swing of things after my recent treadmill misadventure. The big toe is thankfully healing quite well, despite loosing the nail recently. It may not look pretty but at least it is functional. To that end I have been running again the last few weeks mostly indoors with the occasional outdoor run when conditions permit. I have been having good luck with yoga socks on these outdoor runs.

For me the minimum temp I will run in is -10C. I also tend to avoid outdoor running when there is too much ice underfoot. Thankfully we have not had much snow this winter and we have yet to see one of our usual -40C cold snaps. This last weekend I pushed the envelops a tad by doing a 10K trail run with an absolute temp of -10C and the windchill running at about -15C. It was great to push my boundries a bit despite having to deal with the wind and significant patches of ice.

No matter the difficulties it is great to get outdoors this time of year. I can only take so much of the gym and indoor track. I evan managed to do the 10K trail run in a few seconds over 1 hour which is not all that bad for a winter run, especially as I am still trying to regain the fitness lost during the 6 week layoff while the toe was healing.

Hopefully I can continue to get in at least the occasional outdoor run for the remainder of the winter which should set me up nicely for the prime running season, future misadventures not withstanding...;)



Jenn, Good to hear that you're back in action. Treadmills are not only boring but apparently dangerous too. I hope the toe heals well. Just remember that you have 9 more, so lots of backup. 10k in an hour is a great pace. You'll be all set for any spring half marathon. Watch out for the ice ... I don't know how Invisible Shoes work on ice but Luna Sandals are down right nasty on ice. (Krazy Carpet like). Barefoot running in the spring is a true treat, as you feel the warmth of the sun increase almost on a daily basis.

Have fun and I look forward to reading about your adventures.
Dreadmills.... I love it. I have taken to giving the treadmill that was the site of my most recent misadventure dirty looks when I go past it on the way to the eliptical...;). So far I have found my Invisable Shoe huaraches pretty good in slippery conditions. There was quite a bit of icy patches on last weekends trail run and it did not cause much difficulty other than some extra focus on a smooth stride.

Thanks for the kind words on my 10K pace. As much as I am happy with where I am given my ongoing transition to minimalist running and of course my ongoing 'rehab' from the injury, it sometimes is hard to see the degredation in performance with age.

As a lifelong 'athlete' of one sort or another I recall with fondness... more now than back in the day at running sub 50 min 10K's and most of them in triathlons. Still I guess it is better to be still out there than the alternative eh?

Thanks again for the kind words.


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