
The Ramzev

Chapter Presidents
Jun 14, 2010
Milford, DE
It is such an important, though overlooked, word.

Welcome back!
So great to have this place

So great to have this place back!

Great thinking, TJ, to put something on FB. That's how I learned of the change.

I was thinking this hosting change was taking too long.

Glad we're back online!

Welcome home, all.Yea, I saw

Welcome home, all.

Yea, I saw you "over there," PR! You traitor. Oh wait! I was over there. ;-)

Spying on you all. Hee!

One reason of a few why we left our previous hosting company was because we had a middle man who was preventing Matt from being able to make changes to some of the server's files. Matt needs to be able to adjust certain files when we have trouble on this site, and he will need that access when we "change" to a new site software platform. Turns out we weren't on a true VPS, although that's what we were told AND that's what our invoices from the company stated. No wonder they wouldn't let us make changes to the server's files; their were others on the same server space/resources.

Ram, can you please do me a favor and post a note over at "that other place?" Just use this:
"Due to a domain name issue, we had to change our domain name to (PLEASE NOTE THE "the" added to the front of the domain name), so please update your bookmarks/shortcuts. The new home is ready, and most DNS servers have been propagated. If you cannot get in, please continue to check back. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience and will be thrilled to see you all back home. I don't want Mark to think I'm stealing his peeps, when they're really ours anyway. Hee.
Okay, thanks.  I'm all over

Okay, thanks. I'm all over the place. Multi-tasking has met its match.

BTW, Ram, this is a funny thread topic and title. Thanks for that, friend.
Okay, thanks.  I'm all over

Okay, thanks. I'm all over the place. Multi-tasking has met its match. BTW, I sent you a PM. Did you get it? Do you see a highlighted message indicator at the top of the site, and did you get an email notifying you of a PM? I want to make sure that function is working properly.

BTW, Ram, this is a funny thread topic and title. Thanks for that, friend.
You know, Facebook used to be

You know, Facebook used to be THE Facebook until Napster dude suggested Zuckerburg to drop it (at least that's what the movie said). Hope people don't find the "The" on this URL as sounding odd.

Was or not available?
Maybe, maybe not.  We knew

Maybe, maybe not. We knew what was available and what was not. We may even own them. We knew the easiest thing for people to remember would be to simply add "the" to the front of the domain name. It was the only one that made the most sense for our situation.

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