Note to self...

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Don't use laundry detergent in the dishwasher.
Kitchen get flooded with suds?
Sounds like you finally got some drugs for your feet that are working pretty good.......
A Brady Bunch moment - I hate those :p

edit: and of course it's at youtube:

You guys are funny. That video is hysterical.

You know, when you see suds spilling out from the bottom of the machine, it's time to run and get the towels. (or hobble.)
Oh, that's terrible. Wait a minute. What do you mean?
You didn't use fabric softener, did you? I'm not sure plates and glasses were meant to be soft and pliable. But it would get rid of that nasty static cling with the forks.
:p Although they do do a good job of making them shiny!
The first time I ever used a dishwasher (I was ~24) I used regular dish soap; who knew there was special soap?

So, I feel your pain TJ!
Our old dishwasher was about 6'2" tall and weighed close to 190. He worked damn good too! Then I caught him smoking pot in my garage and kicked him out.

^ That's my dishwasher story. I hope you enjoyed it!