Mileage Reporting 43rd Week 2013

15.3km/9.5mi at reasonably slow pace today, the weather is really nice and sunny, but with a cool southerly wind.

I am still trying to find the optimal 'opening' angle for my feet. At least now it seems I have my metatarsal pain under control (touch wood !!).

But, a little strain on my left heel (just below the achilles, probably at the bone attachment) makes me think that my left foot needs some attention too !!
.5 km yesterday, and 2 km today. The ankle felt fine but man, the PF in both feet were tight. Like Mike said, use it or loose it. I think my feet were sore due to being on my feet for 2 days straight due to staff shortage. That's the one thing my doctor warned me about last week, told me to stay off my foot as much as possible and no running for 4 weeks. Oops, my bad, but I was getting restless. I will roll and stretch 3-4 times a day for the next while, and build the mileage back up slowly.
Finished the usual 9.5 mile run this evening at dusk. Was a great run as temp was 55 at the start and 45F at the finish. Winds were calm. Nice evening as it sure smelled like fall. Saw a flock of turkey in the park I ran through. Sprinted some on the last 2 miles of the run just cuz it seemed like the thing to do!

Checked my total mileage for this year. I began keeping track of it in March and looks like I'm over the 520 mile mark. Nearly all of that was BF mileage.

Love running (and walking) barefoot!
Nick, any way you may wanna sell those to me? i was looking at some mgt but $65? man.

it is true.under use injuries do exist. use it or lose it. exercise lubricates the joints. just remember too much of anything is a bad thing. it's all about balance.
Hey Mike, these are the mono's I was talking about and they are way thicker than what you would like (unless you are changing your stance on thickness of sandals). I want to send my old pacers in to get the ats laces put on them, just havent had the tine or money to do that yet. I already have the glue I need so I may just go to Michaels and pick up a couple pieces of suede and glue them down on the mono's. I think that will cost me all of $10. Oh, and are you doing the Shamrock 15k this year? I am planning on using the last of my birthday money to sign up for it.
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dude, if you do shamrock i'm there with you. road racing is so boring. it was great running with you that time. i'll even do my best to keep up with you uphill. you'll have to pick up your feet though for the downhill. :smuggrin:

Laura, dogs love me. i see your body guard has a toy gun. the orange plastic is a give away. no need to run either when one knows how to talk fast. i'm a decent salesman. :asshat:
Hey Mike, these are the mono's I was talking about and they are way thicker than what you would like (unless you are changing your stance on thickness of sandals). I want to send my old pacers in to get the ats laces put on them, just havent had the tine or money to do that yet. I already have the glue I need so I may just go to Michaels and pick up a couple pieces of suede and glue them down on the mono's. I think that will cost me all of $10. Oh, and are you doing the Shamrock 15k this year? I am planning on using the last of my birthday money to sign up for it.

Tickets for S hamrock went on sale a couple weeks ago -you really need to buy NOW cuz their prices go up every year and quickly. I don't plan on doing Shamrock again. Too crowded, too expensive -and after this December, it's time for me to start focusing on ONLY trails, for races, as I will be shifting gears toward training for ultras.
Friday afternoon.
Great Bottom ST session.
I usually start with deadlifts and then do squats, but since I'd already done deadlifts earlier in the week, while giving my squats short shrift, I decided to start with squats this time. Wow, I'll have to do that more often. I was able to push it more, and my form felt decent. Then I followed it up with trap bar deadlifts. I had been neglecting my trap bar for a while, but like Abide says, trap bar deadlifts are probably better for runners than barbell deadlifts--they use the legs more and the back less. The next day I really felt sore in my quads, hammies, and glutes.

Saturday afternoon.
Spent the day carving pumpkins and winterizing the house and yard. Then lite bench press and bicep curls. I didn't want to push it, just wanted to get some blood flow to my gimpy shoulder, which feels pretty good now, but it was on the bench presses that I tweaked it, so I thought it best to keep the weight low and the reps high.

So, almost a whole week without running--just 9.7 miles on the week. Sheesh. But six ST sessions. Will try to get in a run down by the river later this morning. I still have a bit of a cough, but the cooties seem like they're on their way out.
I just registered for a MovNat session next week, the concept attracted me after reading a blog about fascia ( I will try to give you my impressions on it ! :cool:
Look forward to hearing about it.

When I say silliness, I mean the way MovNat and other functional fitness folks slam more traditional strength training and present their methods as vastly superior. This is simply not true.

First of all, the most important thing is to find an aerobic and an anaerobic activity you enjoy, so that you keep doing it. If MovNat turns out to be your anaerobic bliss, that's great. If other people prefer weights, why would anyone try to persuade them to do something else?

Second, weights are often mischaracterized as being about muscles, not movements, and they always bring up biceps curls as the paradigmatic 'isolation' exercise. Well, it's true, a lot of machines do try to isolate muscles, and force you into unnatural movements that require little coordination or balance. But most free weights exercises are compound movements through natural planes and ranges of motion, and require a fair amount of balance and coordination. Even biceps curls, if done standing up with dumbbells, alternating arms, will bring almost all your upper body muscles into play.

Third, the whole idea of free weights is to break things down into component parts so that you can strengthen them. Sure, you can pick up a log and lift it over your head. But if you break the movement down, and do deadlifts and shoulder presses, for example, with strict form and a stable platform, you'll be able to do more weight at each corresponding phase of the log-lifting movement, and thus become stronger overall.

Likewise, a functional fitness type might suggest doing standing biceps curls one-legged, in order to train your balance at the same time. But what will happen is that you'll end up doing the curl with less weight, and thus get less benefit, while whatever you gain in developing your balance will certainly be less than performing a separate exercise that specifically targets balance or agility.

In short, breaking down technique or training into component parts or fundamentals is a tried-and-true method in sports, arts, music, etc.

Fourth, it's a false dichotomy, like Lucy asking Charlie Brown whether he loves his mom or dad best. You can do free weights and MovNat or sports or dance or martial arts or whathaveyou. Strength training with free weights is complementary/supplementary, not antagonistic, to these other activities. You don't have to chose one or the other. I've been thinking about installing a climbing rope in my yard, for example.

Finally, free weights are said to be for bodybuilders, but hypertrophy only happens with certain kinds of training protocols, a lot of hours in the gym, and more often than not, juicing.

I like free weights because of the convenience and efficiency. In 40-60 minutes I can get in a good workout in my garage. And a MovNat yard gym just wouldn't be practical in a Minnesota winter.
Got my shoes ready for today's JDRF Delaware 5K Race for a Cure

16 barefoot miles on Saturday. Woke up at 4:50am and out the door at 5am. 33 degrees , took me 2:23:0 to run it, my feet were fine but the hands got cold. I was back just in time to take my son to flag football at 8am. Got in 33 miles for the week. The next 3 weeks is taper. I am absolutely thrilled that the long runs are over with it! (Until the marathon of course)
Short and sweet is that I ran harder some than the last 5K 4 weeks ago, and was rewarded with another PR. 25:54.2, an improvement of 1:07.3. Temp was in the mid 40s and my feet warmed up nicely.
Haven't checked in for a while, sorry. Won't report last week's mileage as per Mike's rules. I will say that I had a hike go wrong and really scared the crap out of me and my son. Every now and then that happens, even to an experienced hiker. Anyway, this week:

Sunday - crosstraining on machines. Ugh, no treadmill though, no way. Then weights. Made myself sore, tmts. Then in the evening I got home and the dogs needed a run. 5 miles shod tempo run with sprints at the end.

Tuesday - 10 miles pavement in sandals. Flared up my pf again.

Saturday - 48 mile trail run/hike. West side of Zion NP to the East side. Called the Trans Zion Trek, it has been a goal of mine for quite a while. Even though I did it shod, I give BFR the credit for getting me there. I'll try to give more details in another thread.
dude, if you do shamrock i'm there with you. road racing is so boring. it was great running with you that time. i'll even do my best to keep up with you uphill. you'll have to pick up your feet though for the downhill. :smuggrin:
I haven't been running any hills lately, so I'll probably be trying to keep up with you while going up this time. Anyhow Mike, I am planning on running it and if you do it I will try to keep up with you.

Jen, the cost is $38 until January 10 when the price raises $5. Pretty cheap for a 15k.
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I ended up paying 35 for the 10k last year, but that's cuz I can't sign up for races, in advance, anymore cuz my life rarely goes as planned and if I do that, I end up giving half my races away, anyway. I will dress up like a lephrechaun and be a cheerleader, on the sidelines, for you and Mike, though! Lucky you! ;)
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Sweet 16 miles at 5:15am., 63 deg., 83 rh.. Still working on relaxing feet, calves, ankles and mort other body parts. Starting to inch up the miles training for full marathon December 8th. Saw rabbits, 2 flocks of water fowl flew overhead (still a little dark to see maybe ducks) 2 hawks.
last training run for week 10. Total miles 33.
Ireally love the cool wet grass on the bottom of my feet after a long run and a warm shower.
I love running Barefoot!

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