Mileage reporting 35th week of 2013

7.07 miles. The first 2.75 were barefoot at about 10'30"/mile. I ran up a big long hill that I like, and was going to turn around and run back down barefooted and put on my Fivefingers for the last mile home, but I ran into a younger, faster guy I know who was out doing a 4 hr run around town... just going up and down hills over and over, and kind of wherever he felt like going. My wife and I sometimes do that on our bikes (although not for FOUR HOURS!). We call it "toodling". I decided to add a few miles with him, some of which were on gravelly trails. So I put on the Fivefingers for the rest of the run, and ended up going faster than I normally do on my own. It was fun to have someone to talk to! We talked about trail running and ultras (neither of us have done one, but both kind of want to), and agreed to go do some trails together next month. He's new to the area, and hasn't really done any of the desert-ish trails around here... just the high mountain trails south of us.
What a nice meeting!
Tuesday I did an easy 8mi... for hitting my longest run yet on Sunday I was worried I wasnt going to be up to it but I seem to be recovering a bit better these last few long runs. Just a flat rail trail, and only ~10mm. It was very minor but I felt a slight strain under my right foot arch, like I occasionally experience, so must have been the last thing that was 100% yet from the long run. And the reason I stuck to a pretty slow pace.

Last night, Thursday, I did my speed workout. I was running really late though, and forgot my Garmin which I really wanted for that workout, so I went home and ran from my house. The road there is much rougher than the rail trails, so it was a bit harsh on the soles but they held up fine.
6 miles total
1.6mi warmup & cooldown (3.2 total)
4x 1/2 mile repeats pace #1 6:19, #2 6:18, #3 6:00, #4 6:14
.2mi jog walk in between each, plus a quick stop into the house for water between 2 of them.
Determined to break that 20 minute barrier finally on my 5k in a few weeks!
7.07 miles. The first 2.75 were barefoot at about 10'30"/mile. I ran up a big long hill that I like, and was going to turn around and run back down barefooted and put on my Fivefingers for the last mile home, but I ran into a younger, faster guy I know who was out doing a 4 hr run around town... just going up and down hills over and over, and kind of wherever he felt like going. My wife and I sometimes do that on our bikes (although not for FOUR HOURS!). We call it "toodling". I decided to add a few miles with him, some of which were on gravelly trails. So I put on the Fivefingers for the rest of the run, and ended up going faster than I normally do on my own. It was fun to have someone to talk to! We talked about trail running and ultras (neither of us have done one, but both kind of want to), and agreed to go do some trails together next month. He's new to the area, and hasn't really done any of the desert-ish trails around here... just the high mountain trails south of us.
Your new found friend is in very good hands and maybe soon you'll be reporting about his first BF run;)
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A couple of .25 mile stretches of running on the morning wakeup walk.

This past week has featured some people going the wrong direction sightings. 2 were bicyclists, going against traffic. 2 were runners, running on the side of the road with traffic, and wearing headphones. I just never know what to make of runners who do that, not only run with the direction of traffic, but wear headphones. It's always been very clear to me that if I'm walking or running, I want to see the traffic coming at me so I have my best shot of making a dive out of the way should it be necessary. If you can't see the traffic coming, and if you maybe can't hear it soon enough, you're just asking almost to get smacked, and while the driver may end up getting in trouble with the law, all depending, it seems to me that the bigger loser in any case is the runner who gets injured by not running smartly and safely.
sneezing fit from allergies, or so i thought, has turned into a chest cold so no running for a few days now. wondering if i'll do a race on monday that paraganek and i have done 2 years in a row. i'm coughing up too much mucus now. in Mexico they call the phlegm little chickens. if they were i could have a ranch by now!

jen :clown: , dama :asshat: , and other NON native english speakers. ' = minutes and feet. " = seconds and inches. you have to read and that will help you understand the context. :facepalm:
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A couple of .25 mile stretches of running on the morning wakeup walk.

This past week has featured some people going the wrong direction sightings. 2 were bicyclists, going against traffic. 2 were runners, running on the side of the road with traffic, and wearing headphones. I just never know what to make of runners who do that, not only run with the direction of traffic, but wear headphones. It's always been very clear to me that if I'm walking or running, I want to see the traffic coming at me so I have my best shot of making a dive out of the way should it be necessary. If you can't see the traffic coming, and if you maybe can't hear it soon enough, you're just asking almost to get smacked, and while the driver may end up getting in trouble with the law, all depending, it seems to me that the bigger loser in any case is the runner who gets injured by not running smartly and safely.

I see this often, atleast with pedestrians around my area. Once involved me and could have been really bad! My neighbor was walking, like she often does. I think it was just after sunset, one of the most dangerous times since its starting to get dark below the horizon but the sky is bright enough to be a distraction, and prevent night vision yet. When I go out for a run that might go past sunset I wear my reflective gear, and headlamp, tailight, etc. My roads are narrow (no painted lines) and 55mph, and often not much space between road and ditch. Some are windy and hilly. So looking like a Christmas tree is a good idea if you value your life.

So there I was jogging back home, lit up like a christmas tree. I was on the left side per the law, but I saw up ahead my neighbor walking on the right side going in the same direction. As I approached a car came from behind. With all my reflective gear and stobe, cars generally see me well in advance and give me a wide berth. Of course my neighbor, in plain clothes, was walking on the other side of the road and the driver would have a hard time seeing her, even more-so since they are probably fixated on figuring out what all I was. I debated darting to the other side but with a car approaching at 60+ mph didn't have enough time to react. I could tell the car slowed and swerved a bit right at the end back into the middle of the road, so they did see her, but only a few car lengths out.

I'd feel terrible if things had went differently, and the driver distracted with my luminescence not seen my neighbor. I've yet to really see anyone else wear reflective gear or lights around that time so I wonder if I am over doing it but with cars passing by within arms reach at 55-65 mph I'll take any precaution I can. One reason I've switched to mostly running on the trails late in the evening, unfortunately they officially close at dark so if I were to do a night run I'd legally have to do it on the road. :confused: I can understand local metro parks closing at night, but the long distance rail trails that span between towns are often open all the time, except for the one by me.:rolleyes:
[quote="migangelo, post: 138740, member: 282"
jen :clown: , dama :asshat: , and other NON native english speakers. ' = minutes and feet. " = seconds and inches. you have to read and that will help you understand the context. :facepalm:[/quote]
And I hope l your "chickens" hatch all at once:asshat:
no hutches here. tables, drawers, shelves, cabinets, but no hutches. :grumpy:
This past week has featured some people going the wrong direction sightings. 2 were bicyclists, going against traffic. 2 were runners, running on the side of the road with traffic, and wearing headphones. I just never know what to make of runners who do that, not only run with the direction of traffic, but wear headphones. It's always been very clear to me that if I'm walking or running, I want to see the traffic coming at me so I have my best shot of making a dive out of the way should it be necessary. If you can't see the traffic coming, and if you maybe can't hear it soon enough, you're just asking almost to get smacked, and while the driver may end up getting in trouble with the law, all depending, it seems to me that the bigger loser in any case is the runner who gets injured by not running smartly and safely.
You bring up an interesting topic. I have noticed a lot of runners who run on the road in the bike lanes instead of on nice wide sidewalks right next to them. Last night on my way home from school I saw power walkers doing the same thing. What gives? Anyone know why people would rather put their lives in the drivers hands (who are more and more distracted with their cell phones while driving) instead of running or walking on sidewalks? I just don't understand and I don't get why running on the road would be appealing when you have a much safer sidewalk available 5 feet away...
Only 2.5 miles today. 71 def F with 70% humidity. Man I struggle on those high humidity days. Summers to me are like winters to most runners, my low mileage time. I cannot wait for winter to get here already. Seems like it is taking it's sweet time getting here. Enough of this heat already, give me some rain and 30's to 50's.
A couple of .25 mile stretches of running on the morning wakeup walk.

This past week has featured some people going the wrong direction sightings. 2 were bicyclists, going against traffic. 2 were runners, running on the side of the road with traffic, and wearing headphones. I just never know what to make of runners who do that, not only run with the direction of traffic, but wear headphones. It's always been very clear to me that if I'm walking or running, I want to see the traffic coming at me so I have my best shot of making a dive out of the way should it be necessary. If you can't see the traffic coming, and if you maybe can't hear it soon enough, you're just asking almost to get smacked, and while the driver may end up getting in trouble with the law, all depending, it seems to me that the bigger loser in any case is the runner who gets injured by not running smartly and safely.

the only thing more confusing are the runners who run in the road, on the side with traffic, with headphones on, and within 20 feet of safe sidewalk or trail. I see it all the time on a section of road with a fantastic paved trail instead of a sidewalk and a windy fairly dangerous road. Bonus points for those wearing dark non-reflective clothing at the same time
am. had an important appointment. cancelled for a 7 mi trail run. it was fun, but i shouldn't have cancelled. (sorry, favorite lurker)

lunch: ~55 min swim. dragging. tired. long week. semester beginning. blech.

pm: was gonna bike, but then the storm came in. oh well.
Only 2.5 miles today. 71 def F with 70% humidity. Man I struggle on those high humidity days. Summers to me are like winters to most runners, my low mileage time. I cannot wait for winter to get here already. Seems like it is taking it's sweet time getting here. Enough of this heat already, give me some rain and 30's to 50's.

Although where I live, 30s to 50s is fine just fine and hardly winter at all. I can see why you prefer it to the crazy humid stuff.
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I was doing laps in the kitchen and the garden all day. I am exhausted. I think it counts as an ultra.

Then, the dog got skunked when I was closing up the chickens. Neighbors are talking about seeing them everywhere! It's an invasion! :mad:
that doesn't qualify as winter arounf here. Just sayin.
Why do you think it's my high mileage time? Especially considering I'm a displaced NW Montanan. I know what real winters are and I love OR winters. Not so cold that I can't still run in shorts and short sleeve shirts. It is funny though to see people here and how they dress during "winter", winter jackets, beanies, gloves... You'd think we were in the middle of a blizzard. :) Haven't you ever noticed how I give Mike such a hard time for how much he wears during the winter? Lol!
Yucky, yucky humid this morning. Man, just 10 degrees cooler and less humidity, it could have felt like a morning to run forever. Legs felt good, but by the last half-mile I was drenched in sweat. Had some bicyclists go by me in the same direction at one point and I could overhear them amazed that a guy was running in sandals (I used the Xeros this morning, my left foot has a small scrape right now I want to heal up fully). About a third of a mile after that, I chugged up over the top of a small hill and saw the three of them at the end of a driveway and one guy was working on something with his bike. They asked me how long I'd been running like that and how did it feel. I said about 3 months (got confused with thinking on how long I've been going barefoot which is almost 3 months and how long I've been running) and that it felt great, but even better when doing it barefoot. One of them yelled good for you as I continued by.

Anyways, covered around 4.5 miles. Now I need a shower.

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